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CS271 assignment02.asm
TITLE Assignment 02 (huddya_assignment02.asm)
; Author: Addison Huddy
; Course / Project ID CS271 / Assignment 2 Date: Oct 19, 2014
; Description: 1. Getting the user's name
; 2. Displaying the user's name
; 3. User enters the number of Fibonacci numbers they want
; 4. Validates the input from the user
; 5. Loops through to calculate Fibonacci numbers
; 6. Displays Fibonacci numbers in groups of 5 per line
; 7. Says goodbye to the user
; (insert constant definitions here)
MAXFIB EQU 46 ;the maxinum number of fibanacci numbers the program can generate
splash BYTE "Lets count some fibonacci numbers by Addison Huddy", 0
namePrompt BYTE "Please enter your name: ", 0
welcomeMessage BYTE "Welcome, ", 0
numberPrompt BYTE "Enter the number of fibonacci numbers to display (1 to 46): ", 0
numberError BYTE "Please make sure to enter a number 1 to 46, inclusive. Try again: ", 0
goodByeMessage BYTE "Thanks for hanging out. Goodbye ", 0
spacing BYTE " ", 0 ;this variable will provide easy access to spacing between numbers
; .data? ; some reason this was throughing a weird error
userName DWORD 32 DUP(0) ; for storing the user's name
userNum DWORD ? ; how many fib numbers they want to display
oldSum DWORD ? ; this is needed to store the last sum
column DWORD ? ; needed for incrementing through 5 columns
main PROC
; ********************* Greet the user and get her name **********************
; splash message
mov edx, OFFSET splash
call WriteString
call CrLf
; prompt user to enter in name and read it into userName
mov edx, OFFSET namePrompt
call WriteString
mov edx, OFFSET userName
mov ecx, SIZEOF userName
call ReadString
; welcome the user
mov edx, OFFSET welcomeMessage
call WriteString
mov edx, OFFSET userName
call WriteString
call CrLf
; ********************* Get fib numbers and check **********************
; set of the user instructions
mov edx, OFFSET numberPrompt
call WriteString
call ReadInt
cmp eax, 1
jl userError
cmp eax, MAXFIB
jg userError
jmp goodUserNum
; prompting the user to enter in a good fib number
mov edx, OFFSET numberError
call WriteString
jmp getUserNum
; setting the fib number
mov userNum, eax
call CrLf
; ********************* Get fib numbers and check **********************
; first need to set everything up for the for loop
mov ecx, userNum
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 1
mov oldSum, 0 ; starting a 0. It ensures that we get a proper fib sequence. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
mov column, 1
; main loop for iterating through fib numbers
mov oldSum, eax ; storing off the old sum
add eax, ebx ; adding the old sum to the new
mov ebx, oldSum ; getting the old sum to be ready for the next round
call WriteDec ; print what was recently added ans stored in eax
mov edx, OFFSET spacing
call WriteString
cmp column, 5 ; checking if a new line should be returned after 5 numbers to display
je yesReturn
jnz noReturn
call CrLf ; new line after five numbers (e.g. columns)
mov column, 0
mov edx, column
inc edx
mov column, edx
loop forLoop
; ********************* Say goodbye to the user **********************
call CrLf
mov edx, OFFSET goodByeMessage
call WriteString
mov edx, OFFSET userName
call WriteString
call CrLf
exit ; exit to operating system
main ENDP
; (insert additional procedures here)
END main
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