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Created October 18, 2020 16:12
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full code example for implied volatility surface
#load packages
#get underlying stock info and last trade date
symbol <- "AAPL"
priceInfo <- getQuote(symbol)
lastPrice <- priceInfo$Last
divYield <- getQuote(symbol, what = yahooQF("Dividend Yield"))$`Dividend Yield`
if({divYield <- 0}
date <- as.Date(priceInfo$`Trade Time`)
#settings for moneyness and time to maturity
moneynessBoundaries <- c(0.85,1.15)
ttmBoundaries <- c(7, 180)
#scrape full site
baseUrl <- paste0("",symbol,"/options")
baseHTML <- read_html(baseUrl)
#get available expiries and convert to time to maturity
expiriesUNIX <- baseHTML %>% html_nodes("option") %>% html_attr("value")
expiries <- as.Date((baseHTML %>% html_nodes("option") %>% html_text()), format = "%b %d, %Y")
timeToMats <- as.numeric(expiries - date)
#select applicable expiries
sel <- timeToMats >= ttmBoundaries[1] & timeToMats <= ttmBoundaries[2]
expiriesUNIX <- expiriesUNIX[sel]
expiries <- expiries[sel]
timeToMats <- timeToMats[sel]
#loop over expiries to get calls and puts
calls <- NULL
puts <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(expiriesUNIX)){
expiryUrl <- paste0(baseUrl,"?date=",expiriesUNIX[i])
expiryHTML <- read_html(expiryUrl)
tmpCalls <- expiryHTML %>% html_nodes(".calls") %>% html_table()
if(length(tmpCalls) > 0){
tmpCalls <- tmpCalls[[1]]
#sometimes column names are in uppercase, sometimes not
colnames(tmpCalls) <- tolower(colnames(tmpCalls))
#remove thousand separator and convert to numeric if applicable
tmpCalls$strike <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",tmpCalls$strike))
#add time to maturity
tmpCalls$ttm <- timeToMats[i]
#calculate moneyness
tmpCalls$moneyness <- lastPrice/tmpCalls$strike
#convert yahoo finance IV to numeric
tmpCalls$ivOrig <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",gsub(",","",tmpCalls$`implied volatility`)))/100
calls <- rbind(calls, tmpCalls)
tmpPuts <- expiryHTML %>% html_nodes(".puts") %>% html_table()
if(length(tmpPuts) > 0){
tmpPuts <- tmpPuts[[1]]
#sometimes column names are in uppercase, sometimes not
colnames(tmpPuts) <- tolower(colnames(tmpPuts))
#remove thousand separator and convert to numeric if applicable
tmpPuts$strike <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",tmpPuts$strike))
#add time to maturity
tmpPuts$ttm <- timeToMats[i]
#calculate moneyness
tmpPuts$moneyness <- tmpPuts$strike/lastPrice
#convert yahoo finance IV to numeric
tmpPuts$ivOrig <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",gsub(",","",tmpPuts$`implied volatility`)))/100
puts <- rbind(puts, tmpPuts)
#select only calls within the applicable moneyness boundaries
calls <- calls[calls$moneyness >= moneynessBoundaries[1] & calls$moneyness <= moneynessBoundaries[2],]
#select only calls that have traded during the last 5 minutes of the stocks last trading day
calls <- calls[strptime(calls$`last trade date`,format = "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M%p") >= strptime(paste0(date," 3:55PM EDT"), format = "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M%p"),]
#select only puts within the applicable moneyness boundaries
puts <- puts[puts$moneyness >= moneynessBoundaries[1] & puts$moneyness <= moneynessBoundaries[2],]
#select only puts that have traded during the last 5 minutes of the stocks last trading day
puts <- puts[strptime(puts$`last trade date`,format = "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M%p") >= strptime(paste0(date," 3:55PM EDT"), format = "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M%p"),]
#generalized black scholes merton model
gBSM <- function(S, X, sigma, r, q, ttm, type){
#S = stock price
#X = strike price
#sigma = volatility
#r = risk free interest rate
#q = dividend yield
#ttm = time to maturity in days
#type = option type
b <- r - q
t <- ttm/365.25
d1 <- (log(S / X) + (b + sigma^2 / 2) * t) / (sigma * sqrt(t))
d2 <- d1 - sigma * sqrt(t)
if(type == "call"){
price <- S * exp((b - r) * t) * pnorm(d1) - X * exp(-r * t) * pnorm(d2)
}else if (type == "put"){
price <- (X * exp(-r * t) * pnorm(-d2) - S * exp((b - r) * t) * pnorm(-d1))
#objective function
volOptimFun <- function(sigma, price, S, K, r, q, ttm, type){
abs(price - gBSM(S, K, sigma, r, q, ttm, type))
#wrapper for the optimization function so it can be used with apply
getIV <- function(x, S, r, q, type){
res <- optimize(volOptimFun, interval = c(0, 2), price = as.numeric(x["ask"]), S = S, K = as.numeric(x["strike"]), r = r, q = q, ttm = as.numeric(x["ttm"]), type = type)
#calculating IV
calls$iv <- apply(calls, 1, getIV, S = lastPrice, r = 0.0011, q = divYield, type = "call")
puts$iv <- apply(puts, 1, getIV, S = lastPrice, r = 0.0011, q = divYield, type = "put")
#create grids
ivGridCalls <- acast(calls, ttm ~ moneyness, value.var = "iv")
ivGridPuts <- acast(puts, ttm ~ moneyness, value.var = "iv")
#get coordinates of NAs in grid
toInterpolate <- which(
coords <- cbind(toInterpolate%%dim(ivGridCalls)[1], toInterpolate%/%dim(ivGridCalls)[1] + 1)
coords[coords[,1] == 0, 2] <- coords[coords[,1] == 0, 2] - 1
coords[coords[,1] == 0, 1] <- dim(ivGridCalls)[1]
#loop through NAs and interpolate
for(i in 1:nrow(coords)){
#get the coordinates of a 10x10 area around the missing value
x1 <- max(coords[i,1] - 10, 1)
x2 <- min(coords[i,1] + 10, dim(ivGridCalls)[1])
y1 <- max(coords[i,2] - 10, 1)
y2 <- min(coords[i,2] + 10, dim(ivGridCalls)[2])
#get the moneyness/time to mat combination of the missing value
x0 <- as.numeric(rownames(ivGridCalls)[coords[i,1]])
y0 <- as.numeric(colnames(ivGridCalls)[coords[i,2]])
#get the part of the grid that is used to interpolate and remove all missing values that are present
interpGrid <- ivGridCalls[x1:x2,y1:y2]
interpGrid <- melt(interpGrid)
interpGrid <- na.omit(interpGrid)
#interpolate linearly
interpVal <- interp(x = interpGrid$Var1, y = interpGrid$Var2, z = interpGrid$value,
xo = x0, yo = y0,
linear = TRUE, extrap = TRUE)$z[1,1]
#if linear interpolation doesnt yield a result, use spline interpolation
interpVal <- interp(x = interpGrid$Var1, y = interpGrid$Var2, z = interpGrid$value,
xo = x0, yo = y0,
linear = FALSE, extrap = TRUE)$z[1,1]
#if the resulting value is clearly wrong, e.g. negative or way outside the values that are used to interpolate,
#leave it as NA
if(interpVal < 0 | interpVal > max(interpGrid$value * 1.5)){
interpVal <- NA
#replace the value with the result of the interpolation
ivGridCalls[coords[i,1],coords[i,2]] <- interpVal
#plot the resulting implied volatility surface
xaxx <- list(
gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
zerolinecolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
backgroundcolor='rgb(230, 230,230)',
title = "Moneyness"
yaxx <- list(
gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
zerolinecolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
backgroundcolor='rgb(230, 230,230)',
title = "Time To Maturity"
zaxx <- list(
gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
zerolinecolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
backgroundcolor='rgb(230, 230,230)',
tickformat = "%",
title = "Implied Volatility"
fig <- plot_ly(x = colnames(ivGridCalls), y = rownames(ivGridCalls), z = ivGridCalls)
fig <- fig %>% add_surface()
fig <- fig %>% layout(scene = list(xaxis=xaxx, yaxis=yaxx, zaxis = zaxx))
fig <- fig %>% plotly::colorbar(title = "", x = 0.9, y = 0.75, tickformat = "%")
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