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Last active January 3, 2018 15:36
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Image conversion and resize with constraints
import os # , sys, io
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image
xfp_vmax = 225 # Do not change
xfp_hmax = 384 # Do not change
sfp_vmax = 0
sfp_hmax = 0
clamshell_vmax = 475 # Do not change
clamshell_hmax = 700 # Do not change
shipping_vmax = 0
shipping_hmax = 0
def left(s, amount):
return s[:amount]
def right(s, amount):
return s[-amount:]
def mid(s, offset, amount):
return s[offset:offset+amount]
def resizeimage(imgv, imgh, maxv, maxh):
Next, I want to proportionally resize the image to fit
the max dimensions provided.
print('Image horizontal max: ', str(img_hmax))
print('Image vertical max: ', str(img_vmax))
print('Image dimensions before conversion: ', str(imgh) + '*' + str(imgv))
# determine horizontal correction factor
hfactor = maxh / imgh
# determine vertical correction factor
vfactor = maxv / imgv
# select the lowest factor to prevent oversizing the image
factor = min(vfactor, hfactor)
# print(factor)
# determine new size
newh = imgh * factor
newv = imgv * factor
# set and return tuple
newsize = (newh, newv)
return newsize
def saveimage(path, infile):
ext = right(infile, 4)
if ext.lower() != '.bmp':
f, e = infile.split('.')
outfile = path + '/' + f + '.bmp'
outfile = path + '/' + infile
print('Error converting image to bitmap')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Parse the arguments passed into the software
then set environment variables
THISCODEFILEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))).replace('\\', '/')
THISCODEFILE = __file__ # or sys.argv[0]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This software will convert the image file entered into a usable'
'format and size (proportionally) for the Label Printers. A file'
'name is required to run. If no path is entered, it is assumed'
'that the file is located in the same directory this script is ran from.')
parser.add_argument('--path', type=str, help='The full path of the file.', required=False)
parser.add_argument('--filename', type=str, help='The full file name.', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--printer', type=int, help='1 = XFP, 2 = SFP, 3 = Clamshell, 4 = Shipping', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.path:
path = args.path
filename = args.filename
filetype = right(filename, 3)
printer = args.printer
fullpath = path + '/' + filename
file = Path(fullpath)
if file.is_file():
if printer == 1:
img_hmax = xfp_hmax
img_vmax = xfp_vmax
elif printer == 2:
img_hmax = sfp_hmax
img_vmax = sfp_vmax
elif printer == 3:
img_hmax = clamshell_hmax
img_vmax = clamshell_vmax
elif printer == 4:
img_hmax = shipping_hmax
img_vmax = shipping_vmax
print('Opening: ', fullpath)
# Open the image
img ='1')
# load dimensions into readable variables
loaded_hdim = img.size[0]
loaded_vdim = img.size[1]
# Check that the image dimensions are within the specified limits
if loaded_hdim >= img_hmax or loaded_hdim < img_hmax or loaded_vdim >= img_vmax or loaded_vdim < img_vmax:
print(resizeimage(loaded_hdim, loaded_vdim, img_hmax, img_vmax)) # img.resize(resizeimage(loaded_hdim, loaded_vdim, img_hmax, img_vmax))
# remove color from the image, greyscale. Use '1' for pure B/W
# img.convert('L')
# save new image
saveimage(path, filename)
print('File does not exist or file name is not correct at the following location: ', fullpath)
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