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Created March 17, 2021 09:14
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fn lint(env: Env, input: String) -> Result<Term, Error> {
let parse_errors = lint_html::lint(input);
return convert_errors(env, parse_errors);
fn convert_errors(env: Env, parse_errors: Vec<(u64, String)>) -> Result<Term, Error> {
if parse_errors.len() == 0 {
return Ok(ok().to_term(env));
} else {
let e = error().encode(env);
let msgs: Vec<Term> = parse_errors.iter().map(|x| x.encode(env)).collect();
let msgs_term: Term = msgs.encode(env);
let tuple_elems = vec![e, msgs_term];
return Ok(make_tuple(env, &tuple_elems));
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