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Created August 3, 2011 12:44
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Save addyosmani/1122546 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cross-browser Page Visibility API polyfill
* isVis - v0.5.5 Aug 2011 - Page Visibility API Polyfill
* Copyright (c) 2011 Addy Osmani
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
(function () {
window.visibly = {
b: null,
q: document,
p: undefined,
prefixes: ['webkit', 'ms'],
props: ['VisibilityState', 'visibilitychange', 'Hidden'],
m: ['focus', 'blur'],
visibleCallbacks: [],
hiddenCallbacks: [],
_callbacks: [],
onVisible: function ( _callback ) {
onHidden: function ( _callback ) {
isSupported: function () {
return (this._supports(0) || this._supports(1));
_supports: function ( index ) {
return ((this.prefixes[index] + this.props[2]) in this.q);
runCallbacks: function ( index ) {
if ( index ) {
this._callbacks = (index == 1) ? this.visibleCallbacks : this.hiddenCallbacks;
for (var i = 0; i < this._callbacks.length; i++) {
_visible: function () {
_hidden: function () {
_nativeSwitch: function () {
((this.q[this.b + this.props[2]]) === true) ? this._hidden() : this._visible();
listen: function () {
try { /*if no native page visibility support found..*/
if (!(this.isSupported())) {
if (document.addEventListener) { /*for browsers without focusin/out support eg. firefox, opera use focus/blur*/
/*window used instead of doc as Opera complains otherwise*/
window.addEventListener(this.m[0], this._visible, 1);
window.addEventListener(this.m[1], this._hidden, 1);
} else { /*IE <10s most reliable focus events are onfocusin/onfocusout*/
this.q.attachEvent('onfocusin', this._visible);
this.q.attachEvent('onfocusout', this._hidden);
} else { /*switch support based on prefix*/
this.b = (this._supports(0) == this.p) ? this.prefixes[1] : this.prefixes[0];
this.q.addEventListener(this.b + this.props[1], function () {
window.visibly._nativeSwitch.apply(window.visibly, arguments);
}, 1);
} catch (e) {}
init: function () {
visibly.onVisible(function () {
document.title = 'visible'
visibly.onVisible(function () {
visibly.onHidden(function () {
document.title = 'hidden';
visibly.onHidden(function () {
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Ah turns out you can:

window.addEventListener("pagehide", function(evt){
}, false);

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It's working on my Safari 6.0.5, has anyone tried on Safari 5?

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Swaagie commented Aug 13, 2013

Note that firefox also has a native API, so this polyfill is only partial correct. Changed one can be found as fork

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First of all i forked from the @Swaagie fork because it supports natively firefox. After that i added two methods: isVisible and isHidden. Usage example:

setInterval( function (){

  // some jquery effects on elements here
  // if the page isn't on focus, the effects accumulate on themselves and run once the page gets back to focus

}, 1000);

So, it's better if you can check the visibility into the lambda func, wrapping the jquery effects into an isVisible test!

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hexalys commented Jun 20, 2014

Honestly, IMO it can hardly be called a polyfill, as it doesn't fully reproduce the native Visibility behavior.

onblur and onfocus check the document's active state, which is still relevant and has its use today, separately from the Page Visibility API.

It is only relevant and a true polyfill in (non snapmode/split screen) mobile environments. Elsewhere, I am afraid it gives the wrong signal.

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Works fine on Nexus5 with Chrome but fails on iPad3 iOS7 with Safari and Chrome ...

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AlbertoFdzM commented Oct 10, 2017

If someone gets here for some reason like myself trying to find a good polyfill of document.hidden and the Page Visibility API, mind that this API is now well supported by browsers.

You could use this cool library too.

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