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Last active December 20, 2015 01:19
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Aura homepage
<!-- Define a DOM-element with a data-aura-component attribute and Aura will bring it to life on start -->
<div data-aura-component="hello"></div>
<!-- Define as many of these component instances as you wish -->
<div data-aura-component="hello"></div>
<div data-aura-component="goodbye"></div>
<!-- You can also pass options to your component via data-attributes. -->
<div data-aura-component="hello" data-aura-foo="bar" data-aura-other-option="hello again"></div>
<!-- These will then be available in your component instance as: --> // -> bar
this.options.otherOption // -> hello again
<!-- Aura also comes with the awesome ability to load components on demand from different sources -->
sources: { default: '' }
<!-- The Aura Mediator then allows components to communicate with each other by subscribing,
unsubscribing and emitting sandboxed event notifications. e.g: -->
sandbox.on(name, listener, context)
sandbox.once(name, listener, context), listener)
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