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Last active March 24, 2017 20:45
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React HN audit

Web Page Test

Service Worker Application Shell caching + SSR for shell + real-time data (no content cached)

URL: (build from May 21st, 2016 based on this point)

Manually checking, this build at best gets first-paint at 800ms, FMP and FMI ~ 2300ms. We're switching to async loading bundles shortly and will check the impact of this shortly. Also looking at SSR for content.

Service Worker App-Shell caching + SSR for shell + content caching ('Offline Mode' switched on by default)


Note: Offline Mode enables content caching by switching Firebase's realtime API over to the REST API. Note: SW Toolbox fastest mode used for Firebase content.

Lighthouse (build from 22nd May, 2016)

Tested URL: Score: 99/100 overall. Perf section pasted below:

Fast first paint of content (target value: 1,000ms) 100 (396.47ms)
Speed Index Metric (target value: 1,000ms) 99 (1288)
Input Readiness (target value: 100) 78 (0.2213)
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