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Exploring ES2016 Decorators

Original gist for the article I published to Medium at

Iterators, generators and array comprehensions; The similarities between JavaScript and Python continue to increase over time and I for one could not be more excited. Today we're going to talk about the next Pythonic proposal for ES2016 (aka ES7) - Decorators, by Yehuda Katz.

The Decorator Pattern

What the heck are decorators anyway? Well, in Python, decorators provide a very simple syntax for calling higher-order functions. A Python decorator is a function that takes another function, extending the behavior of the latter function without explicitly modifying it. The simplest decorator in Python could look like this:

def myfunc():

That thing at the very top (@mydecorator) is a decorator and isn't going to look that different in ES2016 (ES7), so pay attention! :). @ indicates to the parser that we're using a decorator while mydecorator references a function by that name. Our decorator takes an argument (the function being decorated) and returns the same function with added functionality.

Decorators are helpful for anything you want to transparently wrap with extra functionality. These include memoization, enforcing access control and authentication, instrumentation and timing functions, logging, rate-limiting, and the list goes on.

Decorators in ES5 and ES2015 (aka ES6)

In ES5, implementating imperative decorators (as pure functions) is quite trivial. In ES2015 (previously named ES6), while classes support extension, we need something better when we have multiple classes that need to share a single piece of functionality; something with a better method of distribution. Yehuda's decorators proposal seeks to enable annotating and modifying JavaScript classes, properties and object literals at design time while keeping a syntax that's declarative.

Let's look at some ES2016 decorators in action!

ES2016 Decorators in action

So remember what we learned from Python. An ES2016 decorator is an expression which returns function and can take a target, name and property descriptor as arguments. You apply it by prefixing the decorator with an @ character and placing this at the very top of what you are trying to decorate. Decorators can be defined for either a class or property.

Decorating a property

Let's take a look at a basic Cat class:

class Cat {
  meow() { return `${} says Meow!`; }

Evaluating this class results in installing the meow function onto Cat.prototype, roughly like this:

Object.defineProperty(Cat.prototype, 'meow', {
  value: specifiedFunction,
  enumerable: false,
  configurable: true,
  writable: true

Imagine we want to mark a property or method name as not being writable. A decorator precedes the syntax that defines a property. We could thus define a @readonly decorator for it as follows:

function readonly(target, key, descriptor) {   
  descriptor.writable = false; 
  return descriptor; 

and add it to our meow property as follows:

class Cat {
  meow() { return `${} says Meow!`; }

A decorator is just an expression that will be evaluated and has to return a function. This is why @readonly and @something(parameter) can both work.

Now, before installing the descriptor onto Cat.prototype, the engine first invokes the decorator:

let descriptor = {
  value: specifiedFunction,
  enumerable: false,
  configurable: true,
  writable: true

// The decorator has the same signature as `Object.defineProperty`, 
// and has an opportunity to intercede before the relevant 
// `defineProperty ` actually occurs
descriptor = readonly(Cat.prototype, 'meow', descriptor) || descriptor;
Object.defineProperty(Cat.prototype, 'meow', descriptor);

Effectively, this results in meow now being read only. We can verify this behaviour as follows:

var garfield = new Cat();
garfield.meow = function() {
  console.log('I want lasagne!');

// Exception: Attempted to assign to readonly property

Bees-knees, right? We're going to look at decorating classes (rather than just properties) in just a minute, but let's talk about libraries for a sec. Despite it's youth, libraries of ES2016 decorators are already beginning to appear including by Jay Phelps. Similar to our attempt at readonly props above, it includes its own implementation of @readonly, just an import away:

import { readonly } from 'core-decorators';

class Meal {
  entree = 'steak';

var dinner = new Meal();
dinner.entree = 'salmon';
// Cannot assign to read only property 'entree' of [object Object]

It also includes other decorator utilities such as @deprecate, for those times when an API requires hints that methods are likely to change:

Calls console.warn() with a deprecation message. Provide a custom message to override the default one. You can also provide an options hash with a url, for further reading.

import { deprecate } from 'core-decorators';

class Person {
  facepalm() {}

  @deprecate('We stopped facepalming')
  facepalmHard() {}

  @deprecate('We stopped facepalming', { url: '' })
  facepalmHarder() {}

let person = new Person();

// DEPRECATION Person#facepalm: This function will be removed in future versions.

// DEPRECATION Person#facepalmHard: We stopped facepalming

// DEPRECATION Person#facepalmHarder: We stopped facepalming
//     See for more details.

Decorating a class

Next let's look at decorating classes. In this case, per the proposed specification, a decorator takes the target constructor. For a fictional MySuperHero class, we can define a simple decorator for it as follows using a @superhero decoration:

function superhero(target) {
 target.isSuperhero = true;
 target.power = 'flight';

class MySuperHero() {}

console.log(MySuperHero.isSuperhero); // true

This can be expanded further, enabling us to supply arguments for defining our decorator function as a factory:

function superhero(isSuperhero) {
  return function(target) {
    target.isSuperhero = isSuperhero

class MySuperheroClass() { }
console.log(MySuperheroClass.isSuperhero) // true

class MySuperheroClass() { }
console.log(MySuperheroClass.isSuperhero) // false

ES2016 Decorators work on property descriptors and classes. They automatically get passed property names and the target object, as we'll soon cover. Having access to the descriptor allows a decorator to do things like changing a property to use a getter, enabling behaviour that would otherwise be cumbersome such as automatically binding methods to the current instance on first access of a property.

ES2016 Decorators and Mixins

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading Reg Braithwaite's recent article on ES2016 Decorators as mixins and the precursor Functional Mixins. Reg proposed a helper that mixes behaviour into any target (class prototype or standalone) and went on to describe a version that was class specific. The functional mixin that mixes instance behaviour into a class's prototype looked like this:

function mixin(behaviour, sharedBehaviour = {}) {
  const instanceKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(behaviour);
  const sharedKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(sharedBehaviour);
  const typeTag = Symbol('isa');

  function _mixin(clazz) {
    for (let property of instanceKeys) {
      Object.defineProperty(clazz.prototype, property, { value: behaviour[property] });
    Object.defineProperty(clazz.prototype, typeTag, { value: true });
    return clazz;
  for (let property of sharedKeys) {
    Object.defineProperty(_mixin, property, {
      value: sharedBehaviour[property],
      enumerable: sharedBehaviour.propertyIsEnumerable(property)
  Object.defineProperty(_mixin, Symbol.hasInstance, {
    value: (i) => !!i[typeTag]
  return _mixin;

Great. We can now define some mixins and attempt to decorate a class using them. Let's imagine we have a simple ComicBookCharacter class:

class ComicBookCharacter {
  constructor(first, last) {
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;
  realName() {
    return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;

This may well be the world's most boring character, but we can define some mixins which would provide behaviours granting SuperPowers and a UtilityBelt. Let's do this using Reg's mixin helper:

const SuperPowers = mixin({
  addPower(name) {
    return this;
  powers() {
    return this._powers_pocessed || (this._powers_pocessed = []);

const UtilityBelt = mixin({
  addToBelt(name) {
    return this;
  utilities() {
    return this._utility_items || (this._utility_items = []);

With this behind us, we can now use the @ syntax with the names of our mixin functions to decorate the ComicBookCharacter with our desired behaviour. Note how we're prefixing the class with multiple decorator statements:

class ComicBookCharacter {
  constructor(first, last) {
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;
  realName() {
    return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;

Now, let's use what we've defined to craft a Batman character.

const batman = new ComicBookCharacter('Bruce', 'Wayne');


// ['batarang','cape']

  .addPower('voice sounds like Gollum has asthma');

// ['detective', 'voice sounds like Gollum has asthma']

These decorators for classes are relatively compact and I could see myself using them as an alternative to function invocation or as helpers for higher-order components.

Enabling Decorators via Babel

Decorators (at the time of writing) are still but a proposal. They haven't yet been approved. That said, thankfully Babel supports transpilation of the syntax in an experimental mode, so most of the samples from this post can be tried out with it directly.

If using the Babel CLI, you can opt-in to Decorators as follows:

$ babel --optional es7.decorators

or alternatively, you can switch on support using a transformer:

babel.transform("code", { optional: ["es7.decorators"] });

There's even an online Babel REPL; enable decorators by hitting the "Experimental" checkbox.

Try it out!

Interesting experiments

Paul Lewis, who luckily enough I sit next to, has been experimenting with decorators as a means for rescheduling code that reads and writes to the DOM. It borrows ideas from Wilson Page's FastDOM, but provides an otherwise small API surface. Paul's read/write decorators can also warn you via the console if you're calling methods or properties during a @write (or change the DOM during @read) that trigger layout.

Below is a sample from Paul's experiment, where attempting to mutate the DOM inside a @read causes a warning to be thrown to the console:

class MyComponent {
  readSomeStuff () {

    // Throws a warning.
    document.querySelector('.button') = '100px';

  writeSomeStuff () {

    // Throws a warning.

Go try Decorators now!

In the short term, ES2016 decorators are useful for declarative decoration and annotations, type checking and working around the challenges of applying decorators to ES2015 classes. In the long term, they could prove very useful for static analysis (which could give way to tools for compile-time type checking or autocompletion).

They aren't that different from decorators in classic OOP, where the pattern allows an object to be decorated with behaviour, either statically or dynamically without impacting objects from the same class. I think they're a neat addition. The semantics for decorators on class properties are still in flux, however keep an eye on Yehuda's repo for updates.

Library authors are currently discussing where Decorators may replace mixins and there are certainly ways in which they could be used for higher-order components in React.

I'm personally excited to see an increase in experimentation around their use and hope you'll give them a try using Babel, identify repurposeable decorators and maybe you'll even share your work like Paul did :)

Further reading and references

With thanks to Sebastian McKenzie, Paul Lewis and Alexander Surma for their reviews.

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the discussed mixin has been created, improved and tested as official utility

(in reply to the mixin used which Reg wrote over in

poor choice for the mixin function for various reasons I'll try to explain via code:

// getters and setters are valid part
// of any ES2015 class definition ... 
function mixin(behaviour, sharedBehaviour = {}) {
  // Reflect.ownKeys: Symbols, enumerable and non enumerable properties
  const instanceKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(behaviour);
  const sharedKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(sharedBehaviour);
  const typeTag = Symbol('isa');

  function _mixin(clazz) {
    for (let property of instanceKeys) {
      // accordingly, this destroy any getter/setter intent
      Object.defineProperty(clazz.prototype, property, { value: behaviour[property] });
    Object.defineProperty(clazz.prototype, typeTag, { value: true });
    return clazz;
  for (let property of sharedKeys) {
    // this will also destroy any getter/setter intent
    // on the public constructor
    Object.defineProperty(_mixin, property, {
      value: sharedBehaviour[property],
      enumerable: sharedBehaviour.propertyIsEnumerable(property)
  Object.defineProperty(_mixin, Symbol.hasInstance, {
    value: (i) => !!i[typeTag]
  return _mixin;

A better alternative for a modern JS approach where getters and setters are not ignored as Object.assign does, is the following one:

function mixin(behaviour, sharedBehaviour = {}) {
  const instanceKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(behaviour);
  const sharedKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(sharedBehaviour);
  const typeTag = Symbol('isa');

  function _mixin(clazz) {
    for (let property of instanceKeys) {
      // grab the  descriptor, it could have getters and setters too
      let d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(behaviour, property);
      // classes prototypes should have **not** enumerable properties
      d.enumerable = false;
      // assign them
    Object.defineProperty(clazz.prototype, typeTag, { value: true });
    return clazz;
  for (let property of sharedKeys) {
    // grab the  descriptor, it could have getters and setters too
    let d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(behaviour, property);
    // set it enumerable if necessary
    d.enumerable = sharedBehaviour.propertyIsEnumerable(property);
    // set it as public static
    Object.defineProperty(_mixin, property, d);
  Object.defineProperty(_mixin, Symbol.hasInstance, {
    value: (i) => !!i[typeTag]
  return _mixin;

But the fact you had to check the initialization of each property within mixins methods this way:

const SuperPowers = mixin({
  addPower(name) {
    // invoking jujst to initialize ... each time
    return this;
  powers() {
    // initialization check ... each time
    return this._powers_pocessed || (this._powers_pocessed = []);

didn't feel right neither, so if it's about having utilities, instead of core functions, to create and initialize mixins, how about we use something a bit smarter and updated like the following version?

// same logic ... but ... 
var mixin = (function (initSymbol) {
  // there is a mechanism to initialize mixins
  function invoke(init) {;
  // the rest works as explained before, compatible
  // with getters and setters
  return function mixin(behaviour, sharedBehaviour = {}) {
    const instanceKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(behaviour);
    const sharedKeys = Reflect.ownKeys(sharedBehaviour);
    const typeTag = Symbol('isa');

    function _mixin(clazz) {
      for (let property of instanceKeys) {
        // in case the mixin has an init property
        if (property === 'init') {
          // and the prototype hasn't a method already
          if (!clazz.prototype.hasOwnProperty(initSymbol)) {
            // set the prototype array of methods to invoke
              // two options ...
              // 1. if the inherited non-own object has initializers
              //    use them too to not miss a single one
              // {value: (clazz.prototype[initSymbol] || Array.prototype).slice(0)}
              // 2. however, you can  use super() for that .. so
              {value: []}
            // and set an initializer shared per each instance
              {value: function init() {
                // and invoke all of them at once!
                this[initSymbol].forEach(invoke, this);
          // in every other case just add the initializer
        } else {
          // here the regular stuff done before too
          let d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(behaviour, property);
          d.enumerable = false;
          Object.defineProperty(clazz.prototype, property, d);
      Object.defineProperty(clazz.prototype, typeTag, { value: true });
      return clazz;
    for (let property of sharedKeys) {
      let d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(behaviour, property);
      d.enumerable = sharedBehaviour.propertyIsEnumerable(property);
      Object.defineProperty(_mixin, property, d);
    Object.defineProperty(_mixin, Symbol.hasInstance, {
      value: (i) => !!i[typeTag]
    return _mixin;

Above alternative gives us the ability to optionally define mixins as such:

const SuperPowers = mixin({
  // invokable at any time
  init() {
    // good practice to set property data
    // with a name-spaced like names
    // bonus: not enumerable in this case "just because"
    Object.defineProperty(this, '_superPowers', {value: []});
  // method
  addPower(name) {
    return this;
  // getter or another method
  get powers() {
    // do not expose it directly (maybe)
    return this._superPowers.slice(0);

const UtilityBelt = mixin({
  init() {
    Object.defineProperty(this, '_utilityBelt', {value: []});
  addToBelt(name) {
    return this;
  get utilities() {
    return this._utilityBelt.slice(0);

so that we can use them like:

class ComicBookCharacter {
  constructor(first, last) {
    this.firstName = first;
    this.lastName = last;
    // whenever we want/need
  realName() {
    return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;

and do everything else we need ...

const batman = new ComicBookCharacter('Bruce', 'Wayne');



  .addPower('voice sounds like Gollum has asthma');


getters and setters included.

How do you like that?

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@WebReflection +1 nice mixin utility

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I do like this mixin, but wish to point out that if you are explaining what a mixin is and how to write a mixin decorator from first principles, this function has way too much complexity. If I wanted to explain this function, I’d start with a much simpler mixin function, then gradually add parts as I explained the failure cases of the simple approach.

But as far as production use is concerned, a complete function that handles all the cases is superior.

So... 👍

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thanks for pointing that out @raganwald, thing is that your book-crafted example landed on Addy page, so it got promoted from a book thing to a "production ready and must use thing 'cause Addy showed it" one, as usually happens for anything proposed by Addy: he's that popular :D

At least there is a record here that explains why it's not ideal and how to improve it.
So thank you both for approving or updating the post like Addy did before.


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I just consider myself lucky that there is no chorus of frogs from the swamps croaking per-for-MANCE! per-for-MANCE!. Things like for(let x of y) loops usually trigger their mating calls.

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It seems like u have mistake here: class MySuperHero() {}
Did you mean class MySuperHero {} ?

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