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Last active February 26, 2020 17:11
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ancient ising model modernized a bit
# original:
# modified for python 3 and cleaning up some (but not all) style sins
# and updating the python version with functionality from the C++ version
# and adding a numba JIT-compiled version for speed
Monte Carlo simulation of the 2D Ising model
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numba # just to have a compiled version, not necessary at all
Nitt = 1000000 # total number of Monte Carlo steps
N = 10 # linear dimension of the lattice, lattice-size= N x N
warm = 1000 # Number of warmup steps
measure=100 # How often to take a measurement
def CEnergy(latt):
"""Energy of a 2D Ising lattice at particular configuration"""
Ene = 0
for i in range(len(latt)):
for j in range(len(latt)):
S = latt[i,j]
WF = latt[(i+1)%N, j] + latt[i,(j+1)%N] + latt[(i-1)%N,j] + latt[i,(j-1)%N]
Ene += -WF*S # Each neighbor gives energy 1.0
return Ene/2. # Each par counted twice
# also compile a version for use in the jitted simulator
CEnergy_jitted = numba.njit(CEnergy)
def RandomL(N):
"""Radom lattice, corresponding to infinite temerature"""
latt = np.zeros((N,N), dtype=int)
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
latt[i,j] = np.sign(2*np.random.rand()-1)
return latt
# update the python implementation with heat capacity and whatnot
def SamplePython(Nitt, latt, PW, T):
"""Monte Carlo sampling for the Ising model in Pythons"""
Ene = CEnergy(latt) # Starting energy
Mn=sum(latt) # Starting magnetization
Naver=0 # Measurements
E2aver = M2aver = 0.0
N2 = N*N
for itt in range(Nitt):
t = int(np.random.rand()*N2)
(i,j) = (t % N, t//N)
S = latt[i,j]
WF = latt[(i+1)%N, j] + latt[i,(j+1)%N] + latt[(i-1)%N,j] + latt[i,(j-1)%N]
P = PW[4+S*WF]
if P>np.random.rand(): # flip the spin
latt[i,j] = -S
Ene += 2*S*WF
Mn -= 2*S
if itt>warm and itt%measure==0:
Naver += 1
Eaver += Ene
Maver += Mn
E2aver += Ene ** 2
M2aver += Mn ** 2
aM = Maver/Naver
aE = Eaver/Naver
cv = (E2aver/Naver - aE**2) / T**2
chi = (M2aver/Naver - aM**2) / T
return aM, aE, cv, chi
# let's just skip this for now: update the python implementation instead
# def SampleCPP(Nitt, latt, PW, T):
# """The same Monte Carlo sampling in C++"""
# Ene = float(CEnergy(latt)) # Starting energy
# Mn = float(sum(latt)) # Starting magnetization
# # Measurements
# aver = np.zeros(5,dtype=float) # contains: [Naver, Eaver, Maver]
# code="""
# using namespace std;
# int N2 = N*N;
# for (int itt=0; itt<Nitt; itt++){
# int t = static_cast<int>(drand48()*N2);
# int i = t % N;
# int j = t / N;
# int S = latt(i,j);
# int WF = latt((i+1)%N, j) + latt(i,(j+1)%N) + latt((i-1+N)%N,j) + latt(i,(j-1+N)%N);
# double P = PW(4+S*WF);
# if (P > drand48()){ // flip the spin
# latt(i,j) = -S;
# Ene += 2*S*WF;
# Mn -= 2*S;
# }
# if (itt>warm && itt%measure==0){
# aver(0) += 1;
# aver(1) += Ene;
# aver(2) += Mn;
# aver(3) += Ene*Ene;
# aver(4) += Mn*Mn;
# }
# }
# """
# weave.inline(code, ['Nitt','latt','N','PW','Ene','Mn','warm', 'measure', 'aver'],
# type_converters=weave.converters.blitz, compiler = 'gcc')
# aE = aver[1]/aver[0]
# aM = aver[2]/aver[0]
# cv = (aver[3]/aver[0]-(aver[1]/aver[0])**2)/T**2
# chi = (aver[4]/aver[0]-(aver[2]/aver[0])**2)/T
# return (aM, aE, cv, chi)
def SamplePython_jitted(Nitt, latt, PW, T):
"""Monte Carlo sampling for the Ising model in Pythons"""
Ene = CEnergy_jitted(latt) # Starting energy
Mn=latt.sum() # Starting magnetization
Naver=0 # Measurements
E2aver = M2aver = 0.0
N2 = N*N
for itt in range(Nitt):
t = int(np.random.rand()*N2)
(i,j) = (t % N, t//N)
S = latt[i,j]
WF = latt[(i+1)%N, j] + latt[i,(j+1)%N] + latt[(i-1)%N,j] + latt[i,(j-1)%N]
P = PW[4+S*WF]
if P>np.random.rand(): # flip the spin
latt[i,j] = -S
Ene += 2*S*WF
Mn -= 2*S
if itt>warm and itt%measure==0:
Naver += 1
Eaver += Ene
Maver += Mn
E2aver += Ene ** 2
M2aver += Mn ** 2
aM = Maver/Naver
aE = Eaver/Naver
cv = (E2aver/Naver - aE**2) / T**2
chi = (M2aver/Naver - aM**2) / T
return aM, aE, cv, chi
if __name__ == '__main__':
latt = RandomL(N)
PW = np.zeros(9, dtype=float)
wT = np.linspace(4,0.5,100)
for T in wT:
# Precomputed exponents
PW[4+4] = np.exp(-4.*2/T)
PW[4+2] = np.exp(-2.*2/T)
PW[4+0] = np.exp(0.*2/T)
PW[4-2] = np.exp( 2.*2/T)
PW[4-4] = np.exp( 4.*2/T)
#(aM, aE, cv, chi) = SamplePython(Nitt, latt, PW, T) # <-- native python version
#(aM, aE, cv, chi) = SampleCPP(Nitt, latt, PW, T) # <-- removed C++ version using archaic weave module
(aM, aE, cv, chi) = SamplePython_jitted(Nitt, latt, PW, T) # <-- jit-compiled python version (compiled by numba)
wMag.append( aM/(N*N) )
wEne.append( aE/(N*N) )
wCv.append( cv/(N*N) )
wChi.append( chi/(N*N) )
print(T, aM/(N*N), aE/(N*N), cv/(N*N), chi/(N*N))
plt.plot(wT, wEne, label='E(T)')
plt.plot(wT, wCv, label='cv(T)')
plt.plot(wT, wMag, label='M(T)')
plt.plot(wT, wChi, label='chi(T)')
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