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Created May 5, 2015 02:31
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Simple website monitoring script in Mathematica to monitor and visualize any given website performance over time.
(* Monitors given website load time and plots it *)
dataLength = 400;
timeTakenUrlReq :=
timeTakenTime := {DateList[], timeTakenUrlReq};
data = {timeTakenTime};
Dynamic[Last[AppendTo[data, timeTakenTime]], UpdateInterval -> 10,
TrackedSymbols -> {}]
Dynamic[If[Length[data] < dataLength, Length[data = data],
Length[data = data[[-dataLength ;;]]]]]
Dynamic[DateListPlot[data, Joined -> True, ImageSize -> Full,
ClippingStyle -> Automatic, Filling -> Bottom, PlotTheme -> "Web",
PlotRange -> Full], SynchronousUpdating -> False]
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