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Last active July 11, 2019 11:37
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create-react-app --use-script


How to provide file paths

There are multiple ways, but all of them start from here react-scripts

By default when you do

npx create-react-app my-app

It look for a --script-version flag & if it doesn't have that flag uses react-scripts by defaults. If you want to override this behavior you have to;

npx create-react-app my-app --script-version <path-to-your-custom-react-scripts>

Now <path-to-your-custom-react-scripts> can be a local path or npm/github link

  • Local path npx create-react-app my-app --script-version file:///absolute-path-to-where-react-scripts-is-cloned
  • Github path npx create-react-app my-app --script-version git+ssh://<user-name>/<package-name>.git

What can you change (Hint everything)

One you have react-scripts anything & everything it offers can be modified.

1- template.dependencies.json

In your root folder add a file called template.dependencies.json & add content like

  "dependencies": {
    "moment": "latest"

Save changes & hit the command;

npx create-react-app my-app --script-version <path-react-scripts> By the time it finishes setting up your project, you will have moment installed in the dependencies in your package.json file.

2- Setting up a template

If you want to ship with a different template when you init a new project, maybe the team that you are working with wants a project template setup in a certain way initially whether JS to Typescript.

  • Go to the appropriate folder for .js ./template
  • Go to the appropriate folder for .ts './template-typescript

For this example I want to change my .js file template.

So I'll go in ./template/src/index.jsx & add the following content

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom`;

    <header>My Header</header>
    <main>My main content here</main>

Once the changes are made, simply hit save & npx create-react-app my-app --script-version <path-react-scripts> By the time it finishes setting up your project, you will have new template to begin with.

The example above is very simple (and probably has no practical usage) but you can see the power of changing the entire template to your own taste.

3- Update all of your projects from one central configuration

Before you read on here, check out Dan Abramov's talk on Melting pot of Javascript

<-- Content to be added here -->


It's a one way road, once you decide to move this way, it is going to be hard to get official support on it & it is going to be your own responsibility to maintain the forked version.

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