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Development Framework to guide our engineering processes and outcomes

Framework Coverage

General Concepts

  • Endpoint URL Definition
  • Postman API Documentation
  • Issue tracking via Github Issues
  • Git Methodologies
    • Frequent small commits
    • Push task to branch whether complete or incomplete at end of day
    • Single issue per Gitflow feature branch
  • Request Inputs
    • snake_case for object keys
    • clear and descriptive names
  • Response Structure


  • Clear and readable names
    • Variables uses camelCase naming convention
    • Classes uses PascalCase naming convention
    • snake_cased variables from request input are destructured to their camelCase alternative
    • camelCase variable names from implementation are mapped to snake_cased key-value pairs for consumption by client
  • Helper Functions
    • Higher level grouping by folder
    • Function name must follow camelCase naming convention
    • If you have 2 or more inputs into a function, define the function parameters as an object, not as individual parameters.
    • Function name must match function file name
    • Single function per file
    • Function must have single responsibility
  • Abstract Packages and Library to consistent internal API interface
  • Abstract 3rd party infrastructure to Providers
  • Utilize MVCS methodology
    • Route -> Controller -> Service + Helper Functions
  • Address any issue raised by the linters

Development Tools

  • VSCode Extensions
    • Add new line to files
    • Atom Keymap
    • AdonisJS Extension
    • Todo Tree
    • Code Spell Checker
    • Document This
    • Edge template support
    • ESlint
    • Git History
    • Git Lens
    • Gitflow
    • GitLive
    • indent-rainbow
    • Paste and Indent
    • Project Manager
    • Sonarlint
    • Turbo Console Log
    • Typescript Importer


MVCS (Model View Controller Service Pattern)

This is a variant of the popular MVC Pattern, the difference is instead of the business logic living inside the controller, certain aspects of the implementation is passed off to a Service class, the Service class is usually aimed at a specific Model contextually.

We have identified certain actions that can be performed against a Model which we have outlined as a guide for creating the Service Class. The details of this can be found here - Service Class Method Structure & Guide

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adegbengaagoro commented Oct 11, 2022

The RCMS (SCRM) Pattern in use internally aligns with the SOLID principles and 3 Design Patterns

SOLID Principles

  • Single Responsibility Principle (Model Service Classes dealing with just one thing)
  • Open/Closed Principle (Service Offerings are open for extension but closed for modification via a consistent provider class API)
  • Liskov Substitution Principle (changing the provider doesn't change what the code does)
  • Interface Segregation Principle (Providers implement only the interface needed)
  • Dependency Inversion (Service Hub + Providers)

Design Patterns

  • Facade - Abstract functionality behind a facade (provider), makes change seamless [Internal Providers & Service Providers]
  • Factory - build and instantiate a new provider
  • Strategy - use different providers for a given service without changing the existing code base

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