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Last active December 18, 2020 16:27
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  • Save adeleinr/f2e7185e3d4ca8569df1630088180d07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Git - What I use every day
Flow 1 - Get ready to work on a repo
- Clone the repo you want to work on, you can get the repo name from the "Clone or download" green button in github
git clone
- Checkout a shared branch from the repo, in this case "develop" is the branch. You can get the branch name from "branch" dropdown menu in github
git checkout develop
- Create a private branch to work on. You will merge this branch to develop when you are done with your work and it is reviewed.
git checkout -b feauture/your-branch-name
Flow 2 - By mistake you made some edits and committed in the shared branch instead of your private branch. Need to uncomit and yet save changes but apply them to your private branch instead.
- Reflog is used to look at the committs made and find the reference to the commit you want to undo. The latest commit will have a ref of HEAD@{0}. So you will want to move to HEAD@{1}
git reflog
- Reset to before this commit was made. This will uncomit the files so that if you do git status you will see them as added but not commited.
git reset HEAD@{1}
- Check the changes are not uncomitted and save aka stash these changes so that you can apply them to your private branch later
git status
git stash
- Checkout or create your private branch
git checkout -b feature/my-new-private-branch
- Apply latest changes saves in the stash (the stash works like a stack, so LIFO)
git stash apply
git add .
git commit -a -m "My changes"
Flow 3 - Merge your work into a shared branch. This usually means pulling the latest changes people have made into the copy of shared branch you have and then merging your changes.
- Get latest changes into the copy of the shared branch (in this case the develop branch)
git checkout develop
git pull
- Change into your private branch with changes
git checkout feature/my-new-private-branch
- Rebase, merge and squash (squash means that you squash all the different commits you made in your private branch into one commit, meaning that the history of commits of the shared branch will show only one commit message. This makes the history look cleaner. Rebase also merges.
This command will do an interactive merge screen in vim (hence the -i) where you will choose which commit message to pick and put "f" in front of all others so they wont show up in history. When you are done editing then save with :w
git rebase -i develop
Flow 4 - Push your changes up in the github cloud.
- Push your changes and then go to github and it will prompt you to open a PR (Pull request), open the pull request and have someone review it, then you can merge in github.
git push
Flow 5 - Understand what the hell is going on in your branch visually
git log --oneline --decorate --graph
Flow 6 - Keep a file but do not track
git rm --cached index.html
Flow 7 - Update the commit message of the last commit'Commit to most recent commit:
git commit --amend -m "Message"
Flow 8 - Go back to a commit
git revert 073791e7dd71b90daa853b2c5acc2c925f02dbc6
Flow 9 - Change bases
git rebase --onto newBase oldBase feature/branch
Flow 10 - Backing up changes
Save the state of your current branch in another branch, named my-backup,in case something goes wrong:
git commit -a -m "Backup."
git branch my-backup
Fetch the remote branch and set your branch to match it:
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master
Flow 11 - Show commited changes
git diff --name-only --word-diff SHA1 SHA2
or git show -n 2 --name-only (Where n is the number of commits to include)
Flow 12 - Copying changes from one branch's commit to this one
git checkout -p sha (Will show each change interactively so you can choose to keep or not)
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