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Created January 9, 2017 13:52
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namespace App\Domain\Courses;
use App\Domain\Courses\Exam\ExamQuestion;
use App\Domain\Courses\Exam\ExamVersion;
use App\Exceptions\Courses\CourseCannotBeOpened;
class CourseOpener
public function open(Course $course)
throw new CourseCannotBeOpened('Course is open');
throw new CourseCannotBeOpened('Course should have video');
if($course->questions->count() < 3)
throw new CourseCannotBeOpened('Create at least 3 questions for the course exam before open it');
if($course->checklistItems->count() < 2)
throw new CourseCannotBeOpened('Create at least 2 checklist items for the course video exam before open it');
if($course->raters()->count() <= 0)
throw new CourseCannotBeOpened('Assign at least 1 rater for this course');
$course->exam_version_id = $this->createNewExamVersion($course)->id;
$course->open = true;
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