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Last active April 22, 2023 11:57
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* Example of useless Repository abstraction for Eloquent.
* From "Architecture of complex web applications" book.
interface PollRepository
//... some other actions
public function save(Poll $poll);
public function saveOption(PollOption $pollOption);
class EloquentPollRepository implements PollRepository
//... some other actions
public function save(Poll $poll)
public function saveOption(PollOption $pollOption)
class PollService
/** @var \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface */
private $connection;
/** @var PollRepository */
private $repository;
/** @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher */
private $dispatcher;
public function __construct(
ConnectionInterface $connection,
PollRepository $repository,
Dispatcher $dispatcher)
$this->connection = $connection;
$this->repository = $repository;
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
public function create(PollCreateDto $dto)
if(count($dto->options) < 2) {
throw new BusinessException(
"Please provide at least 2 options");
$poll = new Poll();
$this->connection->transaction(function() use ($dto, $poll) {
$poll->title = $dto->title;
foreach ($dto->options as $optionText) {
$pollOption = new PollOption();
$pollOption->poll_id = $poll->id;
$pollOption->text = $optionText;
$this->dispatcher->dispatch(new PollCreated($poll->id));
class PollServiceTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
public function testCreatePoll()
$eventFake = new EventFake(
$repositoryMock = $this->createMock(PollRepository::class);
->with($this->callback(function(Poll $poll) {
return $poll->title == 'test title';
$postService = new PollService(
new FakeConnection(), $repositoryMock, $eventFake);
$postService->create(new PollCreateDto(
'test title',
['option1', 'option2']));
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Hi Adelf,

Thank you for your article, it's very helpful.
Btw can you please show up some example about Useful Eloquent Repositories?

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mikield commented Aug 13, 2021

Hi Adelf,

Thank you for your article, it's very helpful.
Btw can you please show up some example about Useful Eloquent Repositories?

Eloquent Models already provide you benefits of a Repository Pattern.
Working with an Eloquent Model - you should not think where the data is stored.
Using Eloquent Query Builder - you should not thing what database driver is used under hood.

So why you need a additional abstraction level?
If you want to call methods in more "object" style instead of static one - just import your Eloquent Model as a dependency.
Laravel will create an empty instance of that Eloquent Model and you will have access to all Query Builder methods using that object.

So technically saying - Eloquent Model is an Entity and Repository at the same time.
It stores a representation of a row, and allows you to work with that row or collection of rows in programatic style.

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