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Created October 21, 2018 16:27
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Extração de dados dos vídeos do canal do Pirula
isNull <- function(x){
if (is.null(x)) { y <- NA }
else { y <- x }
key <- "<api_key>"
channel <- "UCdGpd0gNn38UKwoncZd9rmA"
url <- paste0("",
"channelId=", channel,
x <- fromJSON(url, simplify = FALSE)
videos_n <- x$pageInfo$totalResults
# Primeiro Vídeo Request ----
video_id <- x$items[[1]]$id$videoId
video_time <- substr(x$items[[1]]$snippet$publishedAt, start = 1, stop = 10)
video_title <- x$items[[1]]$snippet$title
url_video <- paste0("",
"id=", video_id,
y <- fromJSON(url_video, simplify = FALSE)
video_duration_raw <- y$items[[1]]$contentDetails$duration
viewCount <- isNull(y$items[[1]]$statistics$viewCount)
likeCount <- isNull(y$items[[1]]$statistics$likeCount)
dislikeCount <- isNull(y$items[[1]]$statistics$dislikeCount)
favoriteCount <- isNull(y$items[[1]]$statistics$favoriteCount)
commentCount <- isNull(y$items[[1]]$statistics$commentCount)
# video_duration <- duration(video_duration_raw)
# Geração da tabela de registro dos resultados ----
dados <- data.frame(title = video_title,
time = video_time,
duration = video_duration_raw,
viewCount = viewCount,
likeCount = likeCount,
dislikeCount = dislikeCount,
favoriteCount = favoriteCount,
commentCount = commentCount,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Acesso aos demais vídeos ----
for (i in 1:(videos_n-2)) {
url <- paste0("",
"channelId=", channel,
x <- fromJSON(url, simplify = FALSE)
video_id <- x$items[[1]]$id$videoId
video_time <- substr(x$items[[1]]$snippet$publishedAt, start = 1, stop = 10)
video_title <- x$items[[1]]$snippet$title
url_video <- paste0("",
"id=", video_id,
y <- fromJSON(url_video, simplify = FALSE)
video_duration_raw <- y$items[[1]]$contentDetails$duration
viewCount <- isNull(y$items[[1]]$statistics$viewCount)
likeCount <- isNull(y$items[[1]]$statistics$likeCount)
dislikeCount <- isNull(y$items[[1]]$statistics$dislikeCount)
favoriteCount <- isNull(y$items[[1]]$statistics$favoriteCount)
commentCount <- isNull(y$items[[1]]$statistics$commentCount)
# video_duration <- duration(video_duration_raw)
input <- data.frame(title = video_title,
time = video_time,
duration = video_duration_raw,
viewCount = viewCount,
likeCount = likeCount,
dislikeCount = dislikeCount,
favoriteCount = favoriteCount,
commentCount = commentCount,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dados %<>% bind_rows(input)
dados %<>% as_tibble()
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