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Created April 9, 2011 14:39
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How to write a financial contract
//Implements the theory from 'How to write a financial contract' by S.L Peyton Jones and J-M Eber
type RandomVariable<'a> = seq<'a>
type Process<'a> = Process of (seq<RandomVariable<'a>>)
let liftP f (Process(p)) = Process( ( f) p)
let liftP2 f (Process(p1)) (Process(p2)) =
Process(Seq.map2 (Seq.map2 f) p1 p2)
let seq_map3 f xs1 xs2 xs3 =
Seq.zip3 xs1 xs2 xs3 |> (fun (a,b,c) -> f a b c)
let liftP3 f (Process(p1)) (Process(p2)) (Process(p3))=
Process(seq_map3 (seq_map3 f) p1 p2 p3)
type Obs<'a when 'a :comparison> = Obs of (float -> Process<'a>)
type Currency =
type Contract =
| Zero
| One of Currency
| Give of Contract
| And of Contract * Contract
| Or of Contract * Contract
| Scale of float Obs * Contract
| Anytime of bool Obs * Contract
| Cond of bool Obs * Contract * Contract
| When of bool Obs * Contract //<--
| Until of bool Obs * Contract
let when' o c = When(o,c)
let anytime o c = Anytime(o,c)
let rec always x = seq { yield x; yield! always x}
let K x = Process (always (always x))
let konst a = Obs (fun t -> K a)
let scaleK x c = Scale ((konst x), c)
let TempInParis = konst 9.7
let rec generate_time t = seq{ yield always t ; yield! generate_time (t + 1.) }
let date = Obs (fun t -> Process(generate_time 0.) )
let lift f (Obs (o)) = Obs (fun t -> liftP f (o t))
let lift2 f (Obs(o1)) (Obs(o2)) = Obs(fun t -> liftP2 f (o1 t) (o2 t) )
let eq_obs a b = a = b
let at (t:float) = lift2 (fun x y -> eq_obs x y) date (konst t)
let zcb t x k = when' (at t) (scaleK x (One k)) //Zero Coupon Bond
let european t u = when' (at t) (Or(u,Zero))
let (%>=) a b = lift2 (>=) a b
let (%<=) a b = lift2 (<=) a b
let between t1 t2 = lift2 (&&) (date %>= t1) (date %<= t2)
let american (t1, t2) u = anytime (between t1 t2) u
let oneBuck = One USD;;
let hundredBucks = Scale((konst 100.),oneBuck);;
let add_obs = liftP2 (+)
let (%+) = liftP2 (+)
let minus_obs = liftP2 (-)
let (%-) = liftP2 (-)
let mult_obs = liftP2 (*)
let (%*) = liftP2 (*)
let div_obs = liftP2 (/)
let (%/) = liftP2 (/)
let (~-) = liftP (~-)
let max = liftP2 max
let cond = liftP3 (fun b tru fal -> if b then tru else fal)
type Model =
abstract exch : (Currency -> Currency -> Process<float>)
abstract disc : (Currency -> Process<bool>*Process<float> -> Process<float>)
abstract snell : (Currency -> Process<bool>*Process<float> -> Process<float>)
abstract absorb: (Currency -> Process<bool>*Process<float> -> Process<float>)
let evalO (Obs(o)) = o 0.
let ff = evalO TempInParis
let rec evalC (m:Model) (cur:Currency) (c:Contract) =
let evalC' = evalC m cur
match c with
| Zero -> K 0.
| One(cur2) -> m.exch cur cur2
| Give(c1) -> -(evalC' c1)
| Scale(o,c1) -> mult_obs (evalO o) (evalC' c1)
| And(c2,c1) -> add_obs (evalC' c1) (evalC' c2)
| Or(c2,c1) -> max (evalC' c1) (evalC' c2)
| Cond(o,c1,c2) -> cond (evalO o) (evalC' c1) (evalC' c2)
| When(o,c1) -> m.disc cur ((evalO o), (evalC' c1))
| Anytime(o,c1) -> m.snell cur ((evalO o), (evalC' c1))
| Until(o,c1) -> m.absorb cur ((evalO o), (evalC' c1))
let rates (rateNow:float) (delta:float) =
let rec generateSlice minRate n = seq { yield minRate + 2.*delta*float(n); yield! generateSlice minRate (n+1) }
let rateSlice minRate n = Seq.take n (generateSlice minRate 0)
let rec makeRateSlices rateNow n =
seq { yield (rateSlice rateNow n) ; yield! (makeRateSlices (rateNow-delta) (n+1))}
Process(makeRateSlices rateNow 1)
open System.Collections.Generic
let rateModels = new Dictionary<Currency,Process<float>>()
Seq.iter (fun x -> rateModels.Add x) [
USD, rates 7. 1.;
EUR, rates 6. 1.;
JPY, rates 8. 1.;
GBP, rates 5. 1.;
let rateModel k =
match rateModels.TryGetValue(k) with
| true, p -> p
| _ , _ -> failwith "invalid currency"
let unProc (Process(s)) = s
let rec prevSlice (r:seq<float>) =
seq {
if not (Seq.isEmpty r) then
let rest = Seq.skip 1 r
if not (Seq.isEmpty rest) then
let a = Seq.head r
let b = Seq.head rest
yield ((a + b)/2.)
yield! prevSlice rest
let rec discCalc (pb:seq<RandomVariable<bool>>) (pf:seq<RandomVariable<float>>) (rates:seq<RandomVariable<float>>) =
if not(Seq.isEmpty pb || Seq.isEmpty pf || Seq.isEmpty rates) then
let bRv = Seq.head pb
let pRv = Seq.head pf
if Seq.forall (fun x -> x) (Seq.truncate 10 bRv) //-- we need a termination condition or as much as it is needed to ensure a level of certainty
yield pRv
let rateRv = Seq.head rates
let bs = Seq.skip 1 pb
let ps = Seq.skip 1 pf
let rs = Seq.skip 1 rates
let rest = discCalc bs ps rs;
if not(Seq.isEmpty rest) then
let nextSlice = Seq.head rest
let discSlice = Seq.map2 (fun x r -> x / (1. + (r/100.))) (prevSlice nextSlice) rateRv
let thisSlice = seq_map3 (fun b p q -> if b then p else q) bRv pRv discSlice
yield thisSlice; yield! rest
let disc k (Process(pb),Process(pf)) =
Process(discCalc pb pf (unProc(rateModel k)))
let model = {
new Model with
member m.exch = fun cur1 cur2 -> K 1.
member m.disc = disc
member m.snell = fun cur1 (pb,pf) -> K 0.5//--
member m.absorb = fun k (Process(bO),Process(rvs)) -> Process(Seq.map2 (Seq.map2 (fun o p -> if o then 0. else p)) bO rvs)
let GiltStrip = zcb 3.0 10. GBP
let q = evalC model GBP GiltStrip
printf "%A\n" q
printf "%A\n" (evalO (at 3.0))
printf "%A\n" (evalO (date))
printf "%A\n" (rateModel GBP)
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