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Last active March 5, 2024 10:53
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Levenshtein Distance algorithm implementation using Kotlin
import kotlin.math.min
fun levenshtein(lhs : CharSequence, rhs : CharSequence) : Int {
if(lhs == rhs) { return 0 }
if(lhs.isEmpty()) { return rhs.length }
if(rhs.isEmpty()) { return lhs.length }
val lhsLength = lhs.length + 1
val rhsLength = rhs.length + 1
var cost = Array(lhsLength) { it }
var newCost = Array(lhsLength) { 0 }
for (i in 1..rhsLength-1) {
newCost[0] = i
for (j in 1..lhsLength-1) {
val match = if(lhs[j - 1] == rhs[i - 1]) 0 else 1
val costReplace = cost[j - 1] + match
val costInsert = cost[j] + 1
val costDelete = newCost[j - 1] + 1
newCost[j] = min(min(costInsert, costDelete), costReplace)
val swap = cost
cost = newCost
newCost = swap
return cost[lhsLength - 1]
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@dankovision hahaha nice, good to know :)

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If anyone is interested in some quick and dirty tests so you don't lower your test coverage when you copy paste this sum-bich in:

class LevenshteinDistanceTest {
	fun `Distance Test`() {
		testDistance("", "", 0)
		testDistance("1", "1", 0)
		testDistance("1", "2", 1)
		testDistance("12", "12", 0)
		testDistance("123", "12", 1)
		testDistance("1234", "1", 3)
		testDistance("1234", "1233", 1)
		testDistance("", "12345", 5)
		testDistance("kitten", "mittens", 2)
		testDistance("canada", "canad", 1)
		testDistance("canad", "canada", 1)

	private fun testDistance(a: String, b: String, expectedDistance: Int) {
		val d = levenshteinDistance(a, b)
		assertEquals(expectedDistance, d, "Distance did not match for `$a` and `$b`")

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Den-Rimus commented Feb 16, 2024

I used the code for Levenshtein distance method from above but also asked ChatGPT to write me one. Now I'm thinking which one should I pick 🤔 😅

fun levenshteinDistanceByGpt(s1: String, s2: String): Int {
    val m = s1.length
    val n = s2.length

    // Create a 2D array to store the distances
    val dp = Array(m + 1) { IntArray(n + 1) }

    // Initialize the first row and column
    for (i in 0..m) {
        dp[i][0] = i
    for (j in 0..n) {
        dp[0][j] = j

    // Fill in the rest of the array
    for (i in 1..m) {
        for (j in 1..n) {
            val cost = if (s1[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]) 0 else 1
            dp[i][j] = minOf(dp[i - 1][j] + 1, dp[i][j - 1] + 1, dp[i - 1][j - 1] + cost)

    // Return the Levenshtein distance
    return dp[m][n]

The human-written one is (more) readable.

And both pass the test from @Wavesonics (thanks for that one! 👍 ).

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glureau commented Feb 19, 2024

Use the GPT one so then you can include "AI" in your app name and win $$$

Seriously you can benchmark them if you want 😊 I presume the human one is better for RAM as it's only 2 arrays instead of a 2d arrays, but yours should be better for cpu I guess?

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