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Last active February 6, 2022 19:08
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Simulated Annealing Python Implementation, thanks to S. Kirkpatrick, C. D. Gelatt, M. P. Vecchi, Vlado Cerny and Antonio Carlos de Lima Júnior.
__author__ = "Ademar Alves de Oliveira"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, Ademar"
__credits__ = ["S. Kirkpatrick", "C. D. Gelatt", "M. P. Vecchi", "A. C. L. Junior", "Diego Queiroz"]
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "1.1"
__maintainer__ = "Ademar Alves"
__email__ = ""
from random import random
from random import uniform
from random import randrange
from math import exp
from time import time
# constante de boltzman
boltzman = 1.3806488e-23
# Function that performs a disturbance in the s solution
# s the array with current solution
# min the min value to new array item value, default -100
# max the max value to new array item value, default 100
def disturb(s, min=-100, max=100):
sDisturbed = list(s)
index = randrange(0, len(sDisturbed))
sDisturbed[index] = uniform(min, max)
return sDisturbed
# only a print
def printIfneed(param, verbose):
print param
# function the function to calcule the sI, send it as pointer to function
# s0 initial setup, send it as array
# max maximum number of iterations, default is 100
# dis maximum number of disorders per iteration, default is 100
# disMin the min value to disorders item value, default -100
# disMax the max value to disorders item value, default 100
# hits maximum number of hits per iteration, default is 100
# t0 initial temperature, default is 100
# a temperature reduction rate, default is 1
# verbose show log, default is False
def simulatedAnnealing(function, s0, max=100, dis=100, disMax=100, disMin=-100, hits=100, t0=100, a=1, verbose=False):
init = time()
printIfneed("init as " + str(init) + " s0=" + str(s0), verbose)
s = s0
iterations = 0
t = t0
while True:
disorders = 0
successCount = 0
while True:
si = disturb(s, min=disMin, max=disMax)
deltaFunction = function(*s) - function(*si)
if(deltaFunction <= 0.0 or (exp(-deltaFunction / boltzman * t) > random())):
printIfneed("change: " + str(s) + " to: " + str(si), verbose)
s = si
successCount = successCount + 1
disorders = disorders + 1
printIfneed("disorders: " + str(disorders) + ", success: " + str(successCount) + " temperature: " + str(t) , verbose)
if(successCount >= hits or disorders > dis):
t = t - a
iterations = iterations + 1
if (successCount == 0 or iterations > max or t <= 0.0):
printIfneed(str(iterations) + " iterations in " + str(time() - init) + " milisseconds", verbose)
return s
# examples to implement:
def goodexample(x):
return -(x**2)
def goodExample2(x, y):
return x - y
print simulatedAnnealing(goodexample, [5.0], verbose=True)
print "second example:"
print simulatedAnnealing(goodExample2, [33.0, 4.0], max=200, dis=200, disMax=300, disMin=-300, hits=200, t0=200, a=1)
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