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Created March 11, 2020 13:02
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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "StripeBridge.h"
#import <Stripe/Stripe.h>
#import "CheckoutViewController.h"
@implementation StripeBridge
// createPaymentIntent
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(createPayment:(NSString*)clientSecret whitCc:(NSString*)cc withMo:(NSString*)month withYe:(NSString*)year withCvc:(NSString*)cvc callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback ){
NSNumber *num1 = @([month intValue]);
NSNumber *num2 = @([year intValue]);
STPPaymentMethodCardParams *cardParams = [STPPaymentMethodCardParams new];
cardParams.number = cc;
cardParams.expMonth = num1;
cardParams.expYear = num2;
cardParams.cvc = cvc;
STPPaymentMethodParams *paymentMethodParams = [STPPaymentMethodParams paramsWithCard:cardParams billingDetails:nil metadata:nil];
STPPaymentIntentParams *paymentIntentParams = [[STPPaymentIntentParams alloc] initWithClientSecret:clientSecret ];
paymentIntentParams.paymentMethodParams = paymentMethodParams;
CheckoutViewController *authContext = [[CheckoutViewController alloc] init];
[[STPPaymentHandler sharedHandler] confirmPayment:paymentIntentParams withAuthenticationContext:authContext completion:^(STPPaymentHandlerActionStatus status, STPPaymentIntent * paymentIntent, NSError * error) {
switch (status) {
case STPPaymentHandlerActionStatusSucceeded:
NSLog(@"PAYMENTINTENT: %@", paymentIntent.stripeId);
callback(@[[NSNull null], @"SUCCESS", paymentIntent.stripeId]);
// Payment succeeded
case STPPaymentHandlerActionStatusCanceled:
callback(@[[NSNull null], @"CANCEL" ]);
// Handle cancel
case STPPaymentHandlerActionStatusFailed:
NSLog(@"ERROR: %@", error);
callback(@[[NSNull null], @"ERROR", @"NULL" ]);
// Handle error
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Hey ademcan,

Thanks so much for this, they were quite useful for the iOS stripe implementation on the app I'm working on.

Small question, do you happen to have a Java version of these (StripeBridge.m/StripeBridge.h) or any pointers on how to migrate them to Java?, I'm pretty new to these integrations so I'm a little bit lost.

Thanks in advance!

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ademcan commented Feb 16, 2021

I haven't work on the Android version but you can check the following repo to get some idea: And be aware that Stripe is working on an official RN lib so if you are not in a hurry I would rather wait for it!

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