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Created December 4, 2020 21:24
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Austrian quant code snippet
def execute_trade(context,data):
Execute orders according to our schedule_function() timing.
Part of the Austrian Quant blog post:
Control + F "wordpress" to find the relevant part in the blog post.
prices = data.history(assets = context.stocks, bar_count = context.historical_bars, frequency='1d', fields='price')
for stock in context.stocks:
price_hist = data.history(stock, 'price', 50, '1d')
ma1 = price_hist.mean()
price_hist = data.history(stock, 'price', 200, '1d')
ma2 = price_hist.mean()
start_bar = context.feature_window
price_list = prices[stock].tolist()
X = [] # list of feature sets
y = [] # list of labels, one for each feature set
bar = start_bar
# feature creation
while bar < len(price_list)-1:
end_price = price_list[bar+1] # "tomorrow"'s price'
begin_price = price_list[bar] # today's price
pricing_list = []
xx = 0
for _ in range(context.feature_window):
price = price_list[bar-(context.feature_window-xx)]
xx += 1
# get the % change in daily prices of last 10 days
features = np.around(np.diff(pricing_list) / pricing_list[:-1] * 100.0, 1)
# if tomorrow's price is more than today's price
# label the feature set (% change in last 10 days)
# a 1 (strong outlook, buy) else -1 (weak outlook, sell)
if end_price > begin_price:
label = 1
label = -1
bar += 1
# print(features)
except Exception as e:
bar += 1
print(('feature creation',str(e)))
clf1 = RandomForestClassifier()
clf2 = LinearSVC()
clf3 = NuSVC()
clf4 = LogisticRegression()
# now we get the prices and features for the last 10 days
last_prices = price_list[-context.feature_window:]
current_features = np.around(np.diff(last_prices) / last_prices[:-1] * 100.0, 1)
# append the last 10 days feature set
# scale the data (mean becomes zero, SD = 0), necessary for ML algo to work
X = preprocessing.scale(X)
# the current feature will be the last SCALED feature set
# X will be all the feature sets, excluding the most recent one,
# this is the feature set which we will be using to predict
current_features = X[-1]
X = X[:-1]
# this is where the magic happens:
# we will be training our algorithm here to see the correlation between
# the features and the labels (this feature set, was a buy etc.)
# the Most CPU intensive part of the program
# sklearn documentation says it time complexity is quadratic to number of samples
# this means it is difficult to scale to a large dataset > a couple 10,000 samples
# Bonus: How the documentation describes this function: Build a forest of trees from the training set (X, y).
# we can also provide a sample_weight, if some samples are more important than others,y),y),y),y)
# then based on the RandomForestClassifier we predict what our current
# feature set should be labelled: (1 (buy) or 0 (sell), [0] is the index of the actual predection
# returns an array of labels based on the n samples
p1 = clf1.predict(current_features)[0]
p2 = clf2.predict(current_features)[0]
p3 = clf3.predict(current_features)[0]
p4 = clf4.predict(current_features)[0]
# Counter('abracadabra').most_common(3)
# >>[('a', 5), ('r', 2), ('b', 2)]
# if all the classifiers agree on the same prediction we will either buy or sell the stock
#if there is no consensus, we do nothing
if Counter([p1,p2,p3,p4]).most_common(1)[0][1] >= 4:
p = Counter([p1,p2,p3,p4]).most_common(1)[0][0]
p = 0
print(('ma1_d: ',ma1))
print(('ma2_d :',ma2))
print(('p1 :',p1))
print(('p2 :',p2))
print(('p3 :',p3))
print(('p4 :',p4))
# Based on the voted prediction and the momentum of the moving averages
if p == 1 and ma1 > ma2:
elif p == -1 and ma1 < ma2:
# alternatively we could just do:
# order_target_percent(stock,(p*0.11))
except Exception as e:
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