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Created September 13, 2020 11:32
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type square =
| Blank
| O
| X;
let stringOfSquare = square =>
switch (square) {
| Blank => "b"
| O => "o"
| X => "x"
type turn =
| O
| X;
let stringOfTurn = turn =>
switch (turn) {
| O => "O"
| X => "X"
let otherTurn = turn =>
switch (turn) {
| O => X
| X => O
let squareOfTurn = (turn: turn): square =>
switch turn {
| X => X
| O => O
type grid = array(array(square));
let initialGrid: grid = Array.make_matrix(3, 3, Blank);
let squareOfIndex = (grid: array(array(square)), index) => {
let (row, col) = (index / 3, index mod 3);
Array.get(Array.get(grid, row), col)
let nextGrid = (grid, index, newValue) =>
|> Array.mapi((rowi, rows) => {
|> Array.mapi((coli, square) => {
let (ri, ci) = (index / 3, index mod 3);
(rowi == ri && coli == ci) ? newValue : square;
let checkWon = (grid: grid): bool => {
let check = (x, y, z) =>
if (x == Blank) {
} else {
x == y && x == z
switch grid {
| [|[|x, y, z|], _, _|] when check(x, y, z) => true
| [|_, [|x, y, z|], _|] when check(x, y, z) => true
| [|_, _, [|x, y, z|]|] when check(x, y, z) => true
| [|[|x, _, _|], [|y, _, _|], [|z, _, _|]|] when check(x, y, z) => true
| [|[|_, x, _|], [|_, y, _|], [|_, z, _|]|] when check(x, y, z) => true
| [|[|_, _, x|], [|_, _, y|], [|_, _, z|]|] when check(x, y, z) => true
| [|[|x, _, _|], [|_, y, _|], [|_, _, z|]|] when check(x, y, z) => true
| [|[|_, _, x|], [|_, y, _|], [|z, _, _|]|] when check(x, y, z) => true
| _ => false
let make = () => {
let (grid, setGrid) = React.useState(() => initialGrid);
let (turn, setTurn) = React.useState(() => X);
let (message, setMessage) = React.useState(() => "");
() => {
setMessage(_ => stringOfTurn(turn) ++ "'s turn")
let changeSquare = (position, turn) => {
let square = squareOfIndex(grid, position);
if (square == Blank) {
setGrid(_ => nextGrid(grid, position, squareOfTurn(turn)));
if (checkWon(grid)) {
setMessage(_ => stringOfTurn(turn) ++ " WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
} else {
setTurn(_ => otherTurn(turn));
} else {
Js.log("cannot put there");
Js.log(("this square is", square));
Js.log(("current turn is", turn));
Js.log(("position is", position));
let setupSquare = (square, position: int) => {
onClick={_ => changeSquare(position, turn)}>
let showGrid = grid => {
|> Array.mapi((rowi, rows) =>
|> Array.mapi((coli, square) =>
setupSquare(square, rowi * 3 + coli)
|> React.array}
|> React.array;
<p> {React.string(message)} </p>
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