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Last active September 23, 2015 16:03
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id member_id loan_amnt funded_amnt funded_amnt_inv term int_rate installment grade sub_grade emp_title emp_length home_ownership annual_inc verification_status issue_d loan_status pymnt_plan url desc purpose title zip_code addr_state dti delinq_2yrs earliest_cr_line inq_last_6mths mths_since_last_delinq mths_since_last_record open_acc pub_rec revol_bal revol_util total_acc initial_list_status out_prncp out_prncp_inv total_pymnt total_pymnt_inv total_rec_prncp total_rec_int total_rec_late_fee recoveries collection_recovery_fee last_pymnt_d last_pymnt_amnt next_pymnt_d last_credit_pull_d collections_12_mths_ex_med mths_since_last_major_derog policy_code
1077501 1296599 5000 5000 4975 36 months 10.65% 162.87 B B2 10+ years RENT 24000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/22/11 > I need to upgrade my business technologies.<br> credit_card Computer 860xx AZ 27.65 0 Jan-1985 1 3 0 13648 83.7% 9 f 0.00 0.00 5861.071414249 5831.78 5000.00 861.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 171.62 Jan-2015 0 1
1077430 1314167 2500 2500 2500 60 months 15.27% 59.83 C C4 Ryder < 1 year RENT 30000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Charged Off n Borrower added on 12/22/11 > I plan to use this money to finance the motorcycle i am looking at. I plan to have it paid off as soon as possible/when i sell my old bike. I only need this money because the deal im looking at is to good to pass up.<br><br> Borrower added on 12/22/11 > I plan to use this money to finance the motorcycle i am looking at. I plan to have it paid off as soon as possible/when i sell my old bike.I only need this money because the deal im looking at is to good to pass up. I have finished college with an associates degree in business and its takingmeplaces<br> car bike 309xx GA 1 0 Apr-1999 5 3 0 1687 9.4% 4 f 0.00 0.00 1008.71 1008.71 456.46 435.17 0.0 117.08 1.11 Apr-2013 119.66 Sep-2013 0 1
1077175 1313524 2400 2400 2400 36 months 15.96% 84.33 C C5 10+ years RENT 12252 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n small_business real estate business 606xx IL 8.72 0 Nov-2001 2 2 0 2956 98.5% 10 f 0.00 0.00 3003.6536444505 3003.65 2400.00 603.65 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jun-2014 649.91 Aug-2015 0 1
1076863 1277178 10000 10000 10000 36 months 13.49% 339.31 C C1 AIR RESOURCES BOARD 10+ years RENT 49200 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/21/11 > to pay for property tax (borrow from friend, need to pay back) & central A/C need to be replace. I'm very sorry to let my loan expired last time.<br> other personel 917xx CA 20 0 Feb-1996 1 35 10 0 5598 21% 37 f 0.00 0.00 12226.302212309201 12226.30 10000.00 2209.33 16.97 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 357.48 Jan-2015 0 1
1075358 1311748 3000 3000 3000 60 months 12.69% 67.79 B B5 University Medical Group 1 year RENT 80000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Current n Borrower added on 12/21/11 > I plan on combining three large interest bills together and freeing up some extra each month to pay toward other bills. I've always been a good payor but have found myself needing to make adjustments to my budget due to a medical scare. My job is very stable, I love it.<br> other Personal 972xx OR 17.94 0 Jan-1996 0 38 15 0 27783 53.9% 38 f 1056.42 1056.42 2903.22 2903.22 1943.58 959.64 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aug-2015 67.79 Sep-2015 Aug-2015 0 1
1075269 1311441 5000 5000 5000 36 months 7.90% 156.46 A A4 Veolia Transportaton 3 years RENT 36000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n wedding My wedding loan I promise to pay back 852xx AZ 11.2 0 Nov-2004 3 9 0 7963 28.3% 12 f 0.00 0.00 5631.377753182701 5631.38 5000.00 631.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 161.03 Aug-2015 0 1
1069639 1304742 7000 7000 7000 60 months 15.96% 170.08 C C5 Southern Star Photography 8 years RENT 47004 not verified Dec-2011 Current n Borrower added on 12/18/11 > I am planning on using the funds to pay off two retail credit cards with 24.99% interest rates, as well as a major bank credit card with a 18.99% rate. I pay all my bills on time, looking for a lower combined payment and lower monthly payment.<br> debt_consolidation Loan 280xx NC 23.51 0 Jul-2005 1 7 0 17726 85.6% 11 f 2586.80 2586.80 7286.440000000006 7286.44 4413.20 2873.24 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aug-2015 170.08 Oct-2015 Aug-2015 0 1
1072053 1288686 3000 3000 3000 36 months 18.64% 109.43 E E1 MKC Accounting 9 years RENT 48000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/16/11 > Downpayment for a car.<br> car Car Downpayment 900xx CA 5.35 0 Jan-2007 2 4 0 8221 87.5% 4 f 0.00 0.00 3938.144333755098 3938.14 3000.00 938.14 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 111.34 Dec-2014 0 1
1071795 1306957 5600 5600 5600 60 months 21.28% 152.39 F F2 4 years OWN 40000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Charged Off n Borrower added on 12/21/11 > I own a small home-based judgment collection business. I have 5 years experience collecting debts. I am now going from a home office to a small office. I also plan to buy a small debt portfolio (eg. $10K for $1M of debt) <br>My score is not A+ because I own my home and have no mortgage.<br> small_business Expand Business & Buy Debt Portfolio 958xx CA 5.55 0 Apr-2004 2 11 0 5210 32.6% 13 f 0.00 0.00 646.02 646.02 162.02 294.94 0.0 189.06 2.09 Apr-2012 152.39 Aug-2012 0 1
1071570 1306721 5375 5375 5350 60 months 12.69% 121.45 B B5 Starbucks < 1 year RENT 15000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Charged Off n Borrower added on 12/16/11 > I'm trying to build up my credit history. I live with my brother and have no car payment or credit cards. I am in community college and work full time. Im going to use the money to make some repairs around the house and get some maintenance done on my car.<br><br> Borrower added on 12/20/11 > $1000 down only $4375 to go. Thanks to everyone that invested so far, looking forward to surprising my brother with the fixes around the house.<br> other Building my credit history. 774xx TX 18.08 0 Sep-2004 0 2 0 9279 36.5% 3 f 0.00 0.00 1476.19 1469.34 673.48 533.42 0.0 269.29 2.52 Nov-2012 121.45 Mar-2013 0 1
1070078 1305201 6500 6500 6500 60 months 14.65% 153.45 C C3 Southwest Rural metro 5 years OWN 72000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > I had recived a loan from Citi Financial about a year ago, I was paying 29.99 intrest, so the refinance is to cut that rate since cleaning up my credit I have been paying everything on time as shown on my credit report<br> debt_consolidation High intrest Consolidation 853xx AZ 16.12 0 Jan-1998 2 14 0 4032 20.6% 23 f 0.00 0.00 7677.52 7677.52 6500.00 1177.52 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jun-2013 1655.54 Jul-2013 0 1
1069908 1305008 12000 12000 12000 36 months 12.69% 402.54 B B5 UCLA 10+ years OWN 75000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n debt_consolidation Consolidation 913xx CA 10.78 0 Oct-1989 0 12 0 23336 67.1% 34 f 0.00 0.00 13943.079999999998 13943.08 12000.00 1943.08 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sep-2013 6315.3 Aug-2013 0 1
1064687 1298717 9000 9000 9000 36 months 13.49% 305.38 C C1 Va. Dept of Conservation/Recreation < 1 year RENT 30000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Charged Off n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > Plan to pay off 2 charge accounts. I will close one of them and ask for a credit line decrease from the other. Also borrowed money from a friend and would like to pay that off.......<br><br> Borrower added on 12/17/11 > The credit card that I am asking to be decreased will be ONLY for emergency purposes.....<br> debt_consolidation freedom 245xx VA 10.08 0 Apr-2004 1 4 0 10452 91.7% 9 f 0.00 0.00 2270.7 2270.70 1256.14 570.26 0.0 444.3 4.16 Jul-2012 305.38 Nov-2012 0 1
1069866 1304956 3000 3000 3000 36 months 9.91% 96.68 B B1 Target 3 years RENT 15000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/19/11 > I intend to pay this debt off within half the time allotted.Home-brewer investing in equipment, hopefully someday a brewpub owner with delicious beers to sell and locally grown produced meat and vegetables.So, this is my start, and thank you for lending! One day I will repay the favor and lend back<br> credit_card citicard fund 606xx IL 12.56 0 Jul-2003 2 11 0 7323 43.1% 11 f 0.00 0.00 3478.9819153844 3478.98 3000.00 478.98 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 102.43 Aug-2015 0 1
1069057 1303503 10000 10000 10000 36 months 10.65% 325.74 B B2 SFMTA 3 years RENT 100000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Charged Off n other Other Loan 951xx CA 7.06 0 May-1991 2 14 0 11997 55.5% 29 f 0.00 0.00 7471.99 7471.99 5433.47 1393.42 0.0 645.1 6.3145 Oct-2013 325.74 Mar-2014 0 1
1069759 1304871 1000 1000 1000 36 months 16.29% 35.31 D D1 Internal revenue Service < 1 year RENT 28000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n debt_consolidation Debt Consolidation Loan 641xx MO 20.31 0 Sep-2007 1 11 0 6524 81.5% 23 f 0.00 0.00 1270.1711062043 1270.17 1000.00 270.17 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 36.32 Dec-2014 0 1
1065775 1299699 10000 10000 10000 36 months 15.27% 347.98 C C4 Chin's Restaurant 4 years RENT 42000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n home_improvement Home 921xx CA 18.6 0 Oct-1998 2 61 14 0 24043 70.2% 28 f 0.00 0.00 12519.2604496063 12519.26 10000.00 2519.26 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 370.46 Apr-2015 0 1
1069971 1304884 3600 3600 3600 36 months 6.03% 109.57 A A1 Duracell 10+ years MORTGAGE 110000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > Payoff other lending club acct and pull out money for purchase<br><br> Borrower added on 12/15/11 > payoff current lending club account and take money for purchase<br> major_purchase Holiday 067xx CT 10.52 0 Aug-1993 0 20 0 22836 16% 42 f 0.00 0.00 3785.02 3785.02 3600.00 185.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 May-2013 583.45 May-2014 0 1
1062474 1294539 6000 6000 6000 36 months 11.71% 198.46 B B3 Connection Inspection 1 year MORTGAGE 84000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/16/11 > This is a loan i am really looking forward to it will help me and my whole family. thank you<br><br> Borrower added on 12/18/11 > This loan is for a medical procedure I've been waiting 3 years for hope to get it!! Thanks.<br> medical Medical 890xx UT 18.44 2 Oct-2003 0 8 4 0 0 37.73% 14 f 0.00 0.00 7164.4998522006 7164.50 6000.00 1149.50 15.0 0.0 0.0 Feb-2015 16.98 Jul-2015 0 1
1069742 1304855 9200 9200 9200 36 months 6.03% 280.01 A A1 Network Interpreting Service 6 years RENT 77385.19 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n debt_consolidation lowerratemeanseasiertogetoutofdebt! 921xx CA 9.86 0 Jan-2001 0 8 0 7314 23.1% 28 f 0.00 0.00 9459.960000000001 9459.96 9200.00 259.96 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jul-2012 8061.1 Jul-2012 0 1
1069740 1284848 20250 20250 19142.161077147413 60 months 15.27% 484.63 C C4 Archdiocese of Galveston Houston 3 years RENT 43370 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Fully Paid n After amassing credit card debt through several years of college, I now have spending under control and a stable job. With this loan I plan to pay off all the credit cards and close them down immediately. I have a good balance between living expenses and debt repayment.<br> Over several years in college I amassed a large debt in credit cards. Now that I have a stable job and spending under control I will use this loan to consolidate credit card debt and to close them immediately. I never miss payments and I follow a strict monthly budget of $1,350 in living expenses and a $339 car note. I have enough in savings to cover 6 months of all expenses, including this loan payment. Absolutely every other dollar is dedicated to debt repayment. Please let me know if you have any other questions.<br> Borrower added on 12/15/11 > Over several years in college I amassed a large debt in credit cards. Now that I have a stable job and spending under control I will use this loan to consolidate credit card debt and to close them immediately. I never miss payments and I follow a strict monthly budget of $1,350 in living expenses and a $339 car note. I have enough in savings to cover 6 months of all expenses, including this loan payment. Absolutely every other dollar is dedicated to debt repayment.<br><br>Please let me know if you have any other questions.<br><br> Borrower added on 12/16/11 > After amassing credit card debt from years in college I have put spending under control. With my stable job, I hope to use this loan to pay off all the credit cards and close them down immediately. My monthly income is balanced between living expenses and loan repayment. Thank you!<br><br> Borrower added on 12/16/11 > After amassing credit card debt through several years of college, I now have spending under control and a stable job. With this loan I plan to pay off all the credit cards and close them down immediately. I have a good balance between living expenses and debt repayment.<br> debt_consolidation Freedom From Credit Cards 770xx TX 26.53 0 Nov-1997 3 8 0 17813 85.6% 22 f 0.00 0.00 27663.042671031573 25417.68 20250.00 7413.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aug-2015 6024.09 Aug-2015 0 1
1039153 1269083 21000 21000 21000 36 months 12.42% 701.73 B B4 Osram Sylvania 10+ years RENT 105000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Charged Off n Borrower added on 12/16/11 > Decided to clean up the debt and get my finances together. Thank you for your consideration.<br> debt_consolidation Debt Cleanup 335xx FL 13.22 0 Feb-1983 0 7 0 32135 90.3% 38 f 0.00 0.00 14025.400000000001 14025.40 10694.96 3330.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sep-2013 701.73 Dec-2013 0 1
1069710 1304821 10000 10000 10000 36 months 11.71% 330.76 B B3 Value Air 10+ years OWN 50000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/17/11 > Have a stable job, will be absolutely no problem making monthly payments. Loan will be used to close high interest credit card accounts on which I've never had a late payment.<br> credit_card Credit Card Loan 799xx TX 11.18 0 Jul-1985 0 8 0 10056 82.4% 21 f 0.00 0.00 11902.5615746839 11902.56 10000.00 1902.56 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 349.21 Aug-2015 0 1
1069700 1304810 10000 10000 10000 36 months 11.71% 330.76 B B3 Wells Fargo Bank 5 years RENT 50000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n debt_consolidation Debt Consolidation 917xx CA 16.01 0 Apr-2003 0 6 0 17800 91.8% 17 f 0.00 0.00 11536.31 11536.31 10000.00 1536.31 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oct-2013 4942.63 Mar-2014 0 1
1069559 1304634 6000 6000 6000 36 months 11.71% 198.46 B B3 bmg-educational 1 year RENT 76000 not verified Dec-2011 Charged Off n major_purchase cash 900xx CA 2.4 0 Jun-2001 1 7 0 5963 29.7% 7 f 0.00 0.00 2050.14 2050.14 1305.58 475.25 0.0 269.31 2.57 Oct-2012 198.46 Mar-2013 0 1
1069697 1273773 15000 15000 15000 36 months 9.91% 483.38 B B1 Winfield Pathology Consultants 2 years MORTGAGE 92000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Fully Paid n credit_card No more credit card debt! 605xx IL 29.44 0 Feb-2002 0 8 0 13707 93.9% 31 f 0.00 0.00 15823.48 15823.48 15000.00 823.48 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sep-2012 2447.05 Sep-2012 0 1
1069800 1304679 15000 15000 8725 36 months 14.27% 514.64 C C2 nyc transit 9 years RENT 60000 not verified Dec-2011 Charged Off n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > looking to consolidate into just one monthly payment<br> debt_consolidation consolidation 103xx NY 15.22 0 Oct-2003 1 7 0 5872 57.6% 11 f 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 May-2012 0 1
1069657 1304764 5000 5000 5000 60 months 16.77% 123.65 D D2 Frito Lay 2 years RENT 50004 not verified Dec-2011 Charged Off n Borrower added on 12/16/11 > I have a stable job where I will never get laid off.<br><br> Borrower added on 12/16/11 > I need the loan to pay for some recent medical expenses and I need to get my car fixed.<br> other Other 150xx PA 13.97 3 Oct-2003 0 20 14 0 4345 59.5% 22 f 0.00 0.00 1609.12 1609.12 629.05 719.11 0.0 260.96 2.3 Dec-2012 123.65 May-2013 0 1
1069799 1304678 4000 4000 4000 36 months 11.71% 132.31 B B3 Shands Hospital at the University of Fl 10+ years MORTGAGE 106000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n debt_consolidation Debt Consolidation 326xx FL 5.63 1 Aug-1984 0 18 12 0 6110 37.7% 44 f 0.00 0.00 4484.79 4484.79 4000.00 484.79 0.0 0.0 0.0 Apr-2013 2638.77 Aug-2015 0 1
1047704 1278806 8500 8500 8500 36 months 11.71% 281.15 B B3 Oakridge homes < 1 year RENT 25000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > My loan is for paying off my credit cards and being able to get a place to live since I live with my uncle at the moment and he needs me to leave. <br><br> Borrower added on 12/17/11 > Im responsible and i pay my bills on time if not early. i have a great payment history. having this loan would really help me out. thank you<br> credit_card Credit card repayment loan 564xx MN 12.19 0 Nov-2006 0 8 0 6441 59.1% 12 f 0.00 0.00 10122.208613843 10122.21 8500.00 1622.21 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dec-2014 581.59 Jan-2015 0 1
1032111 1261745 4375 4375 4375 36 months 7.51% 136.11 A A3 7 years MORTGAGE 17108 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/17/11 > This loan is a great opportunity and will help me gain better control over my finances. The convenience of one payment and one rate will help me save money and create better opportunities for myself for future planning. My career and income are secure and I believe in financial responsibility.<br> debt_consolidation Debt Consolidation 141xx NY 20.34 0 Dec-1987 0 6 0 11210 86.9% 12 f 0.00 0.00 4898.5435583773 4898.54 4375.00 523.54 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 144.94 Dec-2014 0 1
1069539 1304608 31825 31825 31825 36 months 7.90% 995.82 A A4 Audubon Mutual Housing Corporation 5 years MORTGAGE 75000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > Hello<br>I plan to use my funds to pay off my credit cards 100%. <br>I pay more in minimum payments now than my loan payment will be and you can see by my credit report that I always repay my debts.<br>I have a very secure job in property management. I have been with the company for close to 6 years.<br><br> Borrower added on 12/16/11 > In addition to the other info provided I would like to add that a majority of our credit card debt was from overruns when we added an addition to our home. Unfortunately to finish the job we needed to use credit cards as our home equity line was cut during after the real estate bubble burst.<br><br> Borrower added on 12/17/11 > One more note regarding my credit card payments. Currently I have close to $2000.00 dollars a month budgeted. The less than $1,000.00 loan payment monthly will allow me to save a generous portion of my monthly budget, something I am looking forward to greatly.<br> debt_consolidation Debt Consolidation Loan 080xx NJ 14.03 0 Nov-1981 0 12 0 23151 27.4% 26 f 0.00 0.00 34886.08 34886.08 31825.00 3061.08 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aug-2013 16966.7 Mar-2015 0 1
1065420 1299514 10000 10000 9975 60 months 15.96% 242.97 C C5 US Legal Support 2 years RENT 29120 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Current n debt_consolidation Brown Eyes Loan 330xx FL 22.83 0 Feb-1997 1 68 11 0 16158 63.6% 31 f 3692.09 3682.82 10407.51 10381.59 6307.90 4099.61 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aug-2015 242.97 Sep-2015 Aug-2015 0 1
1069591 1304289 5000 5000 5000 36 months 8.90% 158.77 A A5 Good Samaritan Society 2 years RENT 24044 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/16/11 > The purpose of this loan is to pay off a couple of high interest credicards and holidays expenses so I can start the new year having only one creditor. Thank you for making this possible.Merry Christmas e a Prosperous New Year to all. Thank you<br> debt_consolidation Consolidation 974xx OR 11.93 0 Apr-2005 0 45 8 0 2224 29.3% 16 f 0.00 0.00 5714.592128784601 5714.59 5000.00 714.59 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 163.64 Aug-2015 0 1
1069530 1291365 7000 7000 7000 36 months 15.96% 245.97 C C5 GREG BARRETT DRYWALL 7 years RENT 34000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n credit_card Credit Card Loan 934xx CA 6.35 0 Oct-2007 1 6 0 6113 60.5% 6 f 0.00 0.00 8848.9404302718 8848.94 7000.00 1848.94 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 260.74 Dec-2014 0 1
1069522 1304589 12400 12400 12400 36 months 10.65% 403.91 B B2 Sharp Lawn Inc. 10+ years RENT 41000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/16/11 > I plan to use the funding from this loan to pay off my credit cards in order to obtain lower interest rates and to have only one payment per month. I will be saving around $80 per month on interest including loan fees. I plan on using extra money to start an IRA. Worked at same business for 10 years<br> credit_card December 2011 Credit Card Loan 405xx KY 11.8 0 Jul-2005 2 9 0 11095 57.2% 12 f 0.00 0.00 14537.4595273124 14537.46 12400.00 2137.46 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 417.61 Dec-2014 0 1
1069361 1304255 10800 10800 10800 36 months 9.91% 348.03 B B1 Department of Justice 2 years RENT 55596 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/19/11 > I have a very stable job &amp; am moving to get a better position. Thanks for your help!<br><br> Borrower added on 12/22/11 > Almost there, am ready to take care of business, Merry Christmas! ^_^<br> moving Moving to better job; help a veteran! 946xx CA 5.5 0 Dec-2000 0 7 0 2535 13.3% 18 f 0.00 0.00 12157.2 12157.20 10800.00 1357.20 0.0 0.0 0.0 Nov-2013 3483.79 Mar-2015 0 1
1069357 1304251 15000 15000 15000 36 months 7.90% 469.36 A A4 Gateway Hospice 1 year RENT 45000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > I am looking to pay off all my credit cards and have one lump sum to pay each month. I graduated with my masters 2 years ago. It took me a year to find a good job and I have been with them for a year now. The next thing for me to fix in my life is my credit situation. If I can pay one lump sum I will be saving money each month. I would really appreciate the consideration of being approved.<br> debt_consolidation Debt Consolidation Loan 445xx OH 8.48 0 Nov-2004 0 7 0 6704 50.4% 27 f 0.00 0.00 16662.6 16662.60 15000.00 1662.60 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2014 5872.8 Aug-2015 0 1
1069356 1304250 6000 6000 6000 36 months 12.42% 200.5 B B4 Cox Communications 1 year RENT 36852 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > This loan will be used to clear out my current credit cards to $0 balances and close them. I have really high interest rates on them and chasing multiple minimum payments around is not working out so well.<br><br> Borrower added on 12/15/11 > I currently pay about $480 per month in minimums and have the lower interest rate is going to lower the payments so much, that i will actualy be paying this loan off in about half the time as ihave already learned to live with the 480 per month. <br><br> Borrower added on 12/16/11 > For te consolidation of credit cards and to clear all revolving debt.<br> debt_consolidation Credit Card Consolidation 850xx AZ 10.62 0 Apr-2007 1 7 0 7310 66.5% 12 f 0.00 0.00 7125.283165103301 7125.28 6000.00 1125.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 Apr-2014 1923.53 Aug-2015 0 1
1069346 1304237 12500 12500 12475 60 months 12.69% 282.44 B B5 United States Infrastructure Corporation 1 year RENT 27000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Current n Borrower added on 12/20/11 > The purpose of this loan is to pay off my credit card debt. The remaining will go towards my student loan.<br> debt_consolidation Credit card debt 604xx IL 16.04 0 Dec-2001 3 6 0 10143 50% 24 f 4399.35 4390.52 12094.34 12070.20 8100.65 3993.69 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aug-2015 282.44 Sep-2015 Aug-2015 0 1
1067573 1301955 9600 9600 9600 36 months 7.51% 298.67 A A3 Nucor Building Systems 4 years RENT 68004 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > Funds will be used for an upcoming wedding.<br>I have a very stable job and will have no problems paying back the funds.<br> other Other Loan 292xx SC 6.63 0 Jan-2003 0 6 0 2896 18.1% 11 f 0.00 0.00 10749.7626453893 10749.76 9600.00 1149.76 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 311.56 Dec-2014 0 1
1069506 1304567 12000 12000 12000 36 months 7.90% 375.49 A A4 John Wiley Jr. 10+ years RENT 62300 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > To be used to payoff high interest loans.<br> debt_consolidation Debt Consolidation 088xx NJ 16.7 0 Mar-1994 0 38 15 0 8601 21% 25 f 0.00 0.00 13516.3829572606 13516.38 12000.00 1516.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 380.98 Aug-2015 0 1
1069314 1304202 3000 3000 3000 36 months 18.25% 108.84 D D5 9 years MORTGAGE 65000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > Combination of things, including a higher-then expected school tax bill, short term year-end cashflow pinch. <br><br>I intend to pay this off ASAP, once one of my client projects wraps up. <br><br>My business is increasing steadily - recovering nicely from the credit crunch, which affected many of my clientele in 2009 &amp; 2010.<br><br>PS: I've never been late with a payment. Ever. ;-)<br><br>Thank you ... and happy holidays!<br> other Year End Cleanup 180xx PA 17.39 0 Sep-1998 0 8 0 43936 98.1% 22 f 0.00 0.00 3915.027595362902 3915.03 3000.00 915.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 115.38 Aug-2015 0 1
1060578 1292332 4400 4400 4400 36 months 16.77% 156.37 D D2 citizens bank 10+ years RENT 55000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n debt_consolidation debt 029xx RI 20.01 0 Jun-2004 0 7 0 25237 99% 11 f 0.00 0.00 5626.8926550544 5626.89 4400.00 1226.89 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 162.44 Aug-2015 0 1
1069469 1304526 6000 6000 6000 36 months 6.03% 182.62 A A1 Stewart Enterprises, Inc. 10+ years MORTGAGE 45600 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/16/11 > Debt Consolidation Loan - Student Loan/Credit Card<br> debt_consolidation Debt-Consolidation 700xx LA 5.34 0 Nov-1995 1 6 0 3378 32.5% 28 f 0.00 0.00 6065.86 6065.86 6000.00 65.86 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jul-2012 15.01 Jun-2012 0 1
1051117 1282787 14000 14000 14000 36 months 9.91% 451.15 B B1 golfers warehouse 6 years RENT 80000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > i am opening a small business and need a small amount to finalize the process<br><br> Borrower added on 12/17/11 > i have over 8 years of profesional experience in this low cost/high return market. my employee has over 12 years experience as well.<br> small_business Small Business Loan 010xx MA 10 0 Jul-1999 1 45 7 0 2219 13.4% 40 f 0.00 0.00 16239.914127646201 16239.91 14000.00 2239.91 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 457.91 May-2015 0 1
1069465 1304521 5000 5000 5000 36 months 8.90% 158.77 A A5 STERIS Corporation 10+ years MORTGAGE 100000 VERIFIED - income source Dec-2011 Charged Off n debt_consolidation Debt Consolidation for a better life 441xx OH 16.33 0 Jun-1995 0 17 0 74351 62.1% 35 f 0.00 0.00 5021.370000000001 5021.37 4217.38 696.99 0.0 107.0 1.07 Aug-2014 158.77 Dec-2014 0 1
1069283 1304166 10000 10000 10000 36 months 10.65% 325.74 B B2 Costco Wholesale Corp. 6 years RENT 27000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Fully Paid n other Other Loan 104xx NY 11.47 0 Nov-2006 0 7 0 7814 52.3% 10 f 0.00 0.00 11724.5677368091 11724.57 10000.00 1724.57 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 332.92 Aug-2015 0 1
1069287 1304171 10000 10000 10000 36 months 6.03% 304.36 A A1 Helicoil 10+ years RENT 60000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n credit_card Credit Card Loan 067xx CT 12.74 0 Sep-1992 1 11 0 14019 19.5% 18 f 0.00 0.00 10282.67 10282.67 10000.00 282.67 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jul-2012 8762.05 Aug-2015 0 1
1069453 1303701 11000 11000 11000 36 months 6.62% 337.75 A A2 cognizant technology solutions 5 years RENT 70000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n debt_consolidation Debt Consolitation 061xx CT 10.85 0 Jan-2002 0 5 0 11638 36.4% 7 f 0.00 0.00 12157.3800467833 12157.38 11000.00 1157.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 346.13 Aug-2015 0 1
1069248 1304123 15000 15000 15000 36 months 9.91% 483.38 B B1 Caterpillar Inc. 8 years MORTGAGE 80000 not verified Dec-2011 Charged Off n Borrower added on 12/15/11 > Using to pay off existing loans and credit card debt<br><br> Borrower added on 12/16/11 > All are of a higher interest rate so this interest rate is substantionaly lower giving me peace of mind..<br><br> Borrower added on 12/18/11 > My job is very stable and I have seniority over more than 80% of the workforce which makes it highly unlikely for me to get laid off..I made it through the 2008 economic downturn without a beat and I still have unlimited overtime oppurtunity<br> debt_consolidation Debt Consolidation Loan 616xx IL 9.12 0 Apr-1992 2 9 0 11845 63.7% 28 f 0.00 0.00 16177.770000000002 16177.77 13556.45 2374.34 24.17 222.81 36.3708 Oct-2014 483.38 Mar-2015 0 1
1068120 1302485 25600 25600 25350 36 months 9.91% 824.96 B B1 City of Santa Monica 9 years RENT 110000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/14/11 > I would like to clear my credit card balances and consolidate as single payment, I am in good standing on all my credits and never missed a payment.<br> credit_card Credit card refinance loan 913xx CA 15.71 0 Jul-1999 0 11 0 26088 62% 27 f 0.00 0.00 29695.622675667113 29405.63 25600.00 4095.62 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 838.27 Aug-2015 0 1
1069244 1304117 7000 7000 7000 36 months 10.65% 228.02 B B2 Aerotek Scientific < 1 year RENT 40000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n debt_consolidation Loan 12142011 947xx CA 7.38 0 Apr-2004 0 7 0 12168 92.9% 12 f 0.00 0.00 8205.4738164632 8205.47 7000.00 1205.47 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jan-2015 240.27 Dec-2014 0 1
1069243 1304116 12000 12000 12000 36 months 15.96% 421.65 C C5 Chemat Technology Inc 4 years RENT 50000 not verified Dec-2011 Charged Off n car Car Loan 914xx CA 20.88 0 Oct-2006 2 11 0 15793 90.8% 11 f 0.00 0.00 3521.95 3521.95 1903.66 1039.35 0.0 578.94 5.49 Aug-2012 421.65 Dec-2012 0 1
1069238 1303909 12000 12000 12000 36 months 9.91% 386.7 B B1 Scott & White 1 year RENT 46000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/19/11 > I got crazy with my credit cards in college and now its time to finally pay it all down. I just want a one stop shop to consolidate all my debt so I can feel like I actually am paying my cards down, and also so I can start saving.<br><br> Borrower added on 12/19/11 > Please help me to get rid of my credit card debt in 3 years or less. I've made the mistake of spending too much in college and now it's time to finally pay it all down! One monthly payment and a lower interest rate will definitely help me to reach my goal, and to really start saving for my future.<br> credit_card Credit Cards 765xx TX 8.11 0 May-2000 1 11 0 12143 52.1% 12 f 0.00 0.00 13748.2131095106 13748.21 12000.00 1748.21 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jul-2014 964.73 Jul-2014 0 1
1069410 1303652 21000 21000 20975 60 months 19.91% 555.33 E E4 Costco 7 years RENT 50000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Charged Off n Borrower added on 12/20/11 > consolidation of credit cards.<br> debt_consolidation Bill pay of 980xx WA 21.58 0 Sep-1998 1 7 0 19448 97.6% 14 f 0.00 0.00 18319.14 18297.35 8990.81 9328.33 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oct-2014 555.33 Feb-2015 0 1
1068409 1302790 16000 16000 15950 60 months 19.91% 423.11 E E4 CA Technologies 7 years RENT 81000 VERIFIED - income Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/16/11 > Will use this opportunity to consolidate my high interest debt obligations, a mojority of which were accrued during school years (undergraduate and graduate degree programs). <br><br>My credit history from the past 10+ years is testament to the fact that i have never missed a payment.<br> credit_card refinance debt 017xx MA 20.52 0 Dec-1998 3 12 0 27884 75.1% 21 f 0.00 0.00 20876.100000000002 20810.87 16000.00 4876.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 Oct-2013 9931.02 Aug-2015 0 1
1068487 1302882 10000 10000 10000 36 months 12.42% 334.16 B B4 Netflix < 1 year OWN 39000 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n debt_consolidation Debt Consolidation Loan 972xx OR 18.58 0 Dec-2004 0 5 0 12874 72.7% 10 f 0.00 0.00 11474.76 11474.76 10000.00 1474.76 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jul-2013 5803.94 Mar-2015 0 1
1043961 1274517 10000 10000 10000 36 months 10.65% 325.74 B B2 DCAA 2 years RENT 51400 not verified Dec-2011 Fully Paid n Borrower added on 12/21/11 > I plan to use the funds to pay off all of my credit card debt. I have always been a responsible individual, paid my bills on time, and have never been unemployed. I have a stable job in an in-demand industry. I keep a monthly budget of my income and expenses.<br> credit_card My End to Bad Spending Habits Plan 752xx TX 19.14 0 Oct-2000 3 10 0 10160 59.1% 24 f 0.00 0.00 10575.94 10575.94 10000.00 575.94 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aug-2012 8627.74 Sep-2014 0 1
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