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Created February 22, 2024 23:50
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copy files with a 'pv' progress bar and rate info
# Ensure that at least two arguments are provided (source(s) and destination)
if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <source1> [<source2> ...] <destination>"
exit 1
# The last argument is the destination
destination="${@: -1}"
# All arguments except the last one are considered sources
echo "Destination directory: $destination"
echo "Source item(s): ${sources[*]}"
# Create the destination directory if it does not exist
echo "Ensuring that the destination directory exists..."
mkdir -p "$destination"
# Calculate total size for pv
echo "Calculating total size of source item(s) for progress estimation..."
local total_size=0
if [[ ${#sources[@]} -eq 1 && -d ${sources[0]} ]]; then
total_size=$(du -sb "${sources[0]}" | cut -f1)
# Handling for multiple files or a glob pattern
# This calculation assumes all sources are in the same directory or the shell has expanded them correctly
total_size=$(du -cb "${sources[@]}" 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | cut -f1)
echo "Total size to copy: $total_size bytes"
# Copy process
if [[ ${#sources[@]} -eq 1 && -d ${sources[0]} ]]; then
echo "Copying directory..."
tar -cf - -C "${sources[0]}" . | pv -s "$total_size" | tar -xf - -C "$destination"
echo "Copying multiple files/glob..."
sourcedir="$(dirname "${sources[0]}")"
tar -cf - -C "$sourcedir" "${sources[@]/#$sourcedir\//}" | pv -s "$total_size" | tar -xf - -C "$destination"
echo "Copy operation completed successfully."
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