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Last active March 11, 2022 01:38
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Python script mimics (install all fonts) feature on Windows for Linux
import os
import re
from shutil import copyfile
import getpass
# Supported font formats. Feel free to customize them!
fontFormats = ('otf', 'ttf', 'eot', 'woff', 'woff2')
# Source directory where the fonts are
choice = 0
while not choice in (1,2):
choice = int(input("""[1]: Install from current directory
[2]: Specify another directory
fonts-installer: """))
sourceDir = ""
if choice == 1:
sourceDir = os.getcwd()
sourceDir = input("/> ")
# Fonts are installed ONLY for the user who ran the script.
# You can change this for the fonts to be installed globally
distDir = "/home/%s/.local/share/fonts" % getpass.getuser()
dirFiles = tuple(os.listdir(sourceDir)) # All files in the directory
fontFiles = [] # Only files with a font extension
# Getting all font files in directory
for file in dirFiles:
for format in fontFormats:
font ="." + format, file)
if font:
# Copying each font file to distDir
for fontFile in fontFiles:
copyfile("%s/%s" % (sourceDir, fontFile),
"%s/%s" % (distDir, fontFile))
print("\n%s font/s has been installed in: %s" % (len(fontFiles), distDir))
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