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Created June 17, 2015 19:06
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* Copyright (C) 2011-2013 STMicroelectronics Limited.
* Sean McGoogan <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
#include <config.h>
#include <stm/boot_method.h>
#include "armv7reg.h"
.syntax unified
.arch armv7
.cpu cortex-a9
.section .data.init
.global boot_method
boot_method: .word BOOT_METHOD_FLASH /* Booting from JTAG */
.section .text.init, "ax"
.global lowlevel_init
.type lowlevel_init, %function
.globl prepare_hpen_for_linux
.type prepare_hpen_for_linux, %function
.globl reset_timer /* QQQ - DELETE ? */
.type reset_timer, %function
.globl reset_cpu /* QQQ - DELETE ? */
.type reset_cpu, %function
* Some macros for defining the Holding-Pen area in SRAM.
#define SLAVE_STARTED_VALUE 0xdeadbeef
#define HPEN_JUMP_POINTER 0x00 /* "First" Holding-Pen to SRAM Holding-Pen */
#define HPEN_JUMP_POINTER2 0x04 /* SRAM Holding-Pen to linux */
#define HPEN_ENTRY_POINT 0x20
.balign 4
reset_timer: /* QQQ - TO IMPLEMENT PROPERLY */
bx lr /* return immediately! */
#if 0
reset_cpu: /* QQQ - TO IMPLEMENT PROPERLY */
bx lr /* return immediately! */
* extern void prepare_hpen_for_linux( void (**stm_secondary_startup)(void) );
* We prepare to pass all the slave cores to linux.
* We are given a pointer into which the function pointer will be written.
* We ensure that pointer is initialized with HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE.
* We update jump pointer #2, to point to that pointer.
ldr r1, =HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE /* sentinel value to keep looping */
str r1, [r0] /* write sentinel to function pointer */
dsb /* Data Synchronization Barrier */
ldr r2, hpen_base /* r2 = CONFIG_STM_SRAM_HOLDING_PEN */
str r0, [r2, #HPEN_JUMP_POINTER2] /* write indirect pointer to jump pointer #2 */
dsb /* Data Synchronization Barrier */
bx lr /* return to my caller */
* Main entry point, jumped to by start.S code.
* The master core, and all the slave cores will eventually enter
* here, via this STMicroelectronics-specific main entry point.
* If we are booted directly from FLASH, then, to a first order of
* approximation, we would typically expect *all* the cores to get here
* at roughly the same time (i.e. plesiosynchronously), and hence, our
* relative timing assumptions should be readily met in full.
* However, if we are "chained" from a primary boot-loader (e.g. the PBL),
* then the onus is on that primary boot-loader to ensure that our
* timing assumptions are satisfied. Failure to satisfy these timing
* constraints may result in the system appearing to boot correctly,
* but subsequent boots of (say) SMP-linux might not start any (or all)
* of the slave cores. The timing assumptions are summarised as follows:
* "The slave cores should all start U-Boot *before*
* (or plesiosynchronously with) the master core."
* Failure to comply with this critical constraint can introduce
* a "race-condition" with the management of the Holding-Pens,
* resulting in undefined behaviour. Caveat Emptor!
.balign 4
* First, we need to invalidate the D-caches. This must be done
* *before* we enable the D-caches. Even if we are not enabling the
* D-caches in U-Boot, this still needs to be done before we pass
* control to a linux kernel - so we may as well do it here anyway.
* We want to do this on all ARM cores (master+slaves), and irrespective
* if we are booting from FLASH, via GDB, or some other boot-loader.
* Although, interestingly, GDB will (by default) invalidate all
* the caches when attaching to a target board via JTAG. However,
* performing this unconditionally here is still a "good thing" to do.
* Failure to do this, resulted in a U-Boot which could boot from
* FLASH successfully, but could not subsequently boot linux reliably.
* So, doing this, really is important!
* The following (cache-invalidating) code was based on code taken
* from the file "pbl/src/arch/armv7/mmucache.S", in the OBSP package
* (stm-obsp.20131.1-2013.1.1-noarch.tar.gz) from STMicroelectronics.
* Many thanks to the original author, for this procedural sequence!
read_cp15 r0, CP15_CLIDR /* Cache Level ID Register */
ands r3, r0, #CLIDR_LOC_MASK /* Extract Level of Coherency */
mov r3, r3, LSR #(CLIDR_LOC_SHIFT - 1) /* Cache level value (naturally aligned; 1 in field means level 2) */
beq cacheInvalidateDataDone
ldr r10, =0 /* R10 = Current cache level minus 1 from bit 1 upwards (ready for use in CSSELR) */
1: add r2, r10, r10, LSR #1 /* R2 = 3 * cache level */
mov r1, r0, LSR r2 /* Shift cache type to LSBs */
and r1, r1, #(CLIDR_CTYPE_MASK(1))
cmp r1, #CLIDR_CTYPE_DCACHE /* Has a D-cache? */
blt 4f /* Skip this level if no D-cache */
write_cp15 r10, CP15_CSSELR /* Cache Size Selection Register */
isb /* ISB to sync the change to the CSSELR */
read_cp15 r1, CP15_CSIDR /* Cache Size ID Register */
add r2, r2, #4 /* Add 4 for the line length offset (log2 16 bytes) */
ldr r4, =0x3FF
ands r4, r4, r1, LSR #CSIDR_NUM_WAYS_SHIFT /* R4 is the max number of the way size (right aligned) */
clz r8, r4 /* R8 is the bit position of the way size increment */
ldr r7, =0x00007FFF
ands r7, r7, r1, LSR #CSIDR_NUM_SETS_SHIFT /* R7 is the max number of the index size (right aligned) */
2: mov r9, r4 /* R9 working copy of the max way size (right aligned) */
3: orr r11, r10, r9, LSL r8 /* Factor in the way number and cache number into R11 */
orr r11, r11, r7, LSL r2 /* Factor in the index number */
CACHE_INVALIDATE_DCACHE_SET_WAY(r11) /* Invalidate by set/way */
subs r9, r9, #1 /* Decrement the way number */
bge 3b
subs r7, r7, #1 /* Decrement the index */
bge 2b
4: add r10, r10, #2 /* Increment the cache level number (CSSELR usage) */
cmp r3, r10
bgt 1b
dsb /* Ensure everything is complete */
* Next, we need to determine if we are already running in the
* correct location, or not; and if we are a master or a slave core.
* The 4 main possibilities are:
* Core Location
* ---- --------
* 1) SLAVE-core FLASH (in the WRONG location)
* 2) SLAVE-core SDRAM (in the correct location)
* 3) MASTER-core FLASH (in the WRONG location)
* 4) MASTER-core SDRAM (in the correct location)
* By "correct location", we mean the current PC agrees with
* the (virtual) address the program was originally linked against.
* So, we assume:
* a) some "other" loader has executed the "poke-table"
* b) some "other" loader has already initialized SDRAM
* c) some "other" loader has loaded us into SDRAM
* d) we are already running in SDRAM (not FLASH)
* e) most of the low-level initialization has already been done.
* f) we do not need to re-locate ourself at all.
* g) we do not need to execute the "poke-table"
* Note: by "other" loader, we mean "GDB", or some other boot-loader
* (such as the "PBL") which is "chaining" us, such that we are in
* effect a secondary "boot-loader".
* By "wrong location", we mean the current PC does NOT agree with
* the (virtual) address the program was originally linked against.
* So, we assume:
* a) nothing has executed the "poke-table" yet
* b) nothing has initialized SDRAM yet
* c) we are still running from FLASH (not SDRAM)
* d) we do need to perform the low-level initialization
* e) we do need to initialize SDRAM, before we use it
* f) we do need to execute the "poke-table"
* g) we do need to re-locate ourself to SDRAM
* By "master-core", we mean we are the "boot-master" (CPU #0),
* and we will:
* a) exclusively run the "main" U-Boot program
* b) initialize SDRAM - IF required
* c) execute the "poke-table" - IF required
* d) re-locate ourself to SDRAM - IF required
* e) create the SRAM Holding-Pens (for the slaves)
* f) "herd" (or marshal) the slaves through their Holding-Pens
* By "slave-core", we mean we are NOT the "boot-master", we will
* not run the U-Boot program, except the absolute minimum of code.
* Slaves will typically perform the following:
* a) enter the "First" Holding-Pen ASAP
* b) transition from the "First" Holding-Pen to the SRAM
* Holding-Pen, under control of the master-core.
* c) transition from the "SRAM" Holding-Pen to the "payload"
* application (e.g. linux), under control of the master-core.
* d) spend most time in a low-power mode ("WFE", or "WFI")
* e) do not initialize SDRAM, or execute the "poke-table"
* f) do not re-locate ourself to SDRAM
* g) do not create the SRAM Holding-Pens
* All the slaves are treated the same, so there are only
* really 3 main "use-case" scenarios we need to consider:
* ------------------------------------
* 1) SLAVE-core FLASH *or* SDRAM
* A slave-core is being booted, so we:
* enter the "First" Holding-Pen
* wait, and transition to the SRAM Holding-Pen
* wait, and transition to "payload" application
* This is equally applicable if we were booted directly
* from FLASH, or if we are loaded via "GDB", or if we
* were "chained" by some other boot-loader.
* ------------------------------------
* 2) MASTER-core FLASH (in the WRONG location)
* The master is being booted from FLASH, so we:
* create the SRAM Holding-Pens (for the slaves)
* "kick" slaves into SRAM Holding-Pen
* execute the "poke-table".
* This is typical, if we are booted directly from
* FLASH, and we are a primary boot-loader.
* ------------------------------------
* 3) MASTER-core SDRAM (in the correct location)
* The master is being booted from SDRAM, so we:
* create the SRAM Holding-Pens (for the slaves)
* "kick" slaves into SRAM Holding-Pen
* must NOT execute the "poke-table".
* This is typical, if we are loaded via "GDB", or if we
* are "chained" by some other boot-loader.
* ------------------------------------
* First, we figure out whether we are the boot-master or a slave…
read_cp15 r1, CP15_MPIDR
tst r1, #(1 << 31) /* Register has MPCore format? 0 means no */
beq masterCore
tst r1, #(1 << 30) /* 1 means this is a uni-processor ARM */
bne masterCore
ands r1, #0xFF /* Is ARM core 0 (in affinity level 0)? */
beq masterCore
read_cp15 r1, CP15_PERIPHBASE
cmp r1, #0 /* 0 means this is a uni-processor ARM */
beq masterCore
* So we are presumably a SLAVE core, if we get here.
* At this point, we may be running from either FLASH or SDRAM.
* We do not care, and (please note) the code does *not* differentiate
* if the SLAVE core was booted from either SDRAM or FLASH.
* All slaves will unconditionally now be put in the "First" Holding-Pen.
* If we are booting from FLASH, we need the I-caches to be activated, to
* ensure the entirety of this holding pen resides in I-caches as, in
* parallel the boot-master core should be executing the "pokeloop" interpreter,
* and our EMI (FLASH) and LMI (RAM) may "disappear" from under our feet!
* We capture all the slaves in our "First" Holding-Pen.
* The slaves will write the sentinel value HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE
* into the "jump pointer", and then will use Wait-For-Event to wait.
* When woken, they will read the "jump pointer", and see if its value
* has changed from HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE. If not, they go back to waiting.
* If the "jump pointer" has changed, then the slave will jump to
* the address pointed to by the "jump pointer" - which should be in SRAM.
* Note: The "jump pointer" itself should also be located in SRAM,
* so we do not need any SDRAM available, in order to to transition
* from the "First" Holding-Pen, into the (second) SRAM Holding-Pen.
* Each (and every) slave should initialize the "sentinel" value for
* the (global) "jump pointer", to indicate we have *not* been kicked yet.
* There is only one "jump pointer", and all slaves will use it.
* All slaves will initialize it with the exact *same* value, so
* the execution order of the slaves is unimportant. However, each
* slave must write to it, before it reads from it … just in case!
ldr r5, hpen_base /* r5 = CONFIG_STM_SRAM_HOLDING_PEN */
ldr r1, =HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE /* sentinel value to keep looping */
str r1, [r5, #HPEN_JUMP_POINTER] /* write sentinel to the jump pointer */
dsb /* Data Synchronization Barrier */
ldr r1, =SLAVE_STARTED_VALUE /* slave started indicator */
str r1, [r5, #SLAVE_STARTED_POINTER] /* let the master know the slave has run */
1: wfe /* Wait for an Event */
ldr r1, [r5, #HPEN_JUMP_POINTER] /* read the "jump pointer" */
cmp r1, #HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE /* Have we been "kicked" yet ? */
beq 1b /* No, so wait some more… */
* Yes, if we get here, we have been "kicked", and the value in the
* "jump pointer" has been changed (presumably by the master core).
* Invalidate caches as master core may have copied into addresses
* this core has performed speculative reads from.
//QQQ Do we really need to do anything here - probably not!
* Okay, we have now been "kicked" by the master core, and
* we should now transition from the "First" Holding-Pen,
* to the SRAM Holding-Pen (i.e. jump to sramSlaveHoldingPen).
* Simply, jump to the address we just read from "jump pointer".
* We execute some memory synchronization barriers first.
bx r1 /* Off we go! */
* ARM core 0 (the boot-master) continues here.
mov r10, lr /* Stash the LR somewhere safe */
* Delay the startup of the master core until the slave
* indicates it has started correctly
ldr r5, hpen_base /* r5 = CONFIG_STM_SRAM_HOLDING_PEN */
ldr r2, =3333333
subs r2, #1
beq masterWaitTimeout
ldr r1, [r5, #SLAVE_STARTED_POINTER] /* read the "slave started" */
cmp r1, r4 /* Has the slave started yet ? */
bne masterWait /* No, so wait some more… */
* Initialize a few "convenience" variables.
ldr r5, hpen_base /* r5 = CONFIG_STM_SRAM_HOLDING_PEN */
ldr r1, =HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE /* sentinel value to keep looping */
str r1, [r5, #HPEN_JUMP_POINTER2] /* write sentinel to jump pointer #2 */
* Re-locate the SRAM Holding-Pen code, to reside in SRAM/ERAM.
ldr r0, hpen_start_pic
adr r1, hpen_start_pic
add r0, r1, r0 /* r0 = sramSlaveHoldingPen */
ldr r2, hpen_size
add r2, r2, r0 /* r2 = sramSlaveHoldingPenEnd */
* Copy 16 bytes at a time, from PIC ".TEXT" to SRAM.
ldmia r0!, {r6 - r9} /* copy from source address [r0] */
stmia r1!, {r6 - r9} /* copy to target address [r1] */
cmp r0, r2 /* until source end address [r2] */
ble copyHoldingPenLoop
* The master is now ready to "kick" each slave, and transition them
* all from the "First" Holding-Pen, into the SRAM Holding-Pen.
* We need to write the address of sramSlaveHoldingPen to the jump
* pointer, over-writing the initial HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE sentinel.
* We make an important, and fundamental assumption here!
* We assume that *all* the slaves have *already* written to the
* jump pointer (with HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE), and that no
* slaves (or anything else for that matter) will subsequently
* write to the location of the "jump pointer" in SRAM.
* Simply put - we expect all the slaves to be waiting in "WFE".
* QQQ - Do we need to add a delay to mitigate this risk???
* NOTE: Using a debugger may violate this assumption.
str r4, [r5, #HPEN_JUMP_POINTER]
* Synchronisation Barriers … before we call the relocated code!
* Finally, we can now "kick" all the slaves by explicitly sending
* them all an event, from which they should all wake up, at which
* point, they should all re-read the "jump pointer", and notice
* that is is no longer yielding the sentinel HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE!
sev /* Wakey! Wakey! */
* ARM core 0 (the boot-master) continues here.
* If we were booted from FLASH, then we now need to perform
* the initialization of the SDRAM, and execute the "poke-table".
* Otherwise, we assume this was done for us by the "other" loader.
* We can simply return, if our environment is already set up for us,
* and we do not need to perform any other low-level initialization.
adr r0, here /* r0 = current position of code */
ldr r1, here /* r1 = &here; (link-time) */
cmp r0, r1 /* test if we in the correct place? */
it ne /* Z != (r1 == r0); */
bne do_init_ram
* We need to setup an flag if we are booting from correct address (JTAG)
* or from flash. This is required to properly read u-boot saved enviromental
* variable. As serial flash read fails via Boot Flash Interface (JTAG Boot).
* FIXME: This need to be resolved, Why read via Boot Flash Interface fails
* in case of JTAG boot??
adr r0, boot_method_close
ldr r2, [r0]
str r1, [r2]
bx lr /* return, executing in the correct place */
* We now know we are executing at the "wrong" address, so we
* assume we are running from FLASH (and not from RAM), and we
* need to execute the "pokeloop" interpreter, to complete
* the low-level initialization - i.e. call init_ram().
ldr r0, init_ram_pic
adr r1, init_ram_pic
add r0, r1, r0 /* r0 = &init_ram(); */
blx r0 /* execute the "pokeloop" interpreter */
* The master core's low-level initialization is done!
* Our caller should relocate us into SDRAM on our return.
bx r10 /* finally, we return to our caller */
* Variables …
.balign 4
boot_method_close: .long boot_method
init_ram_pic: .word init_ram - .
here: .word .
hpen_start_pic: .word sramSlaveHoldingPen - .
hpen_size: .word sramSlaveHoldingPenEnd - sramSlaveHoldingPen
* So we are presumably, a SLAVE core, now running in SRAM.
* We will now capture the slave(s) in an SRAM Holding-Pen.
* They will be held here until we are about to pass control
* to the "payload" image to be booted - typically linux.
.balign 32 /* Cache-line aligned */
#if 0
* Enable the signalling of interrupts. i.e. ICCICR = 1
* This is needed to wake up from an "WFI" instruction.
* NOTE: we do not need to do this, if we use "WFE" instead!
ldr r1, =1 /* Enable signalling of interrupts by the CPU interfaces */
read_cp15 r2, CP15_PERIPHBASE /* r2 = CP15_PERIPHBASE */
dsb /* Data Synchronization Barrier */
/* QQQ - we ideally want to do a "WFI", and not a "WFE" here! */
1: wfe /* Wait for an Event (or an Interrupt) */
ldr r1, [r5, #HPEN_JUMP_POINTER2] /* read jump pointer #2 */
cmp r1, #HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE /* Has it been changed yet? */
beq 1b /* No, so wait some more… */
ldr r2, [r1] /* dereference the pointer */
cmp r2, #HPEN_KEEP_LOOPING_VALUE /* Has it been changed yet? */
beq 1b /* No, so wait some more… */
* Yes, if we get here, we have been "kicked", and the value in the
* "jump pointer" has been changed (presumably by the master core).
* Furthermore, the contents of the address it points to has also
* been modified (presumably by the master core running linux).
* This should be the function pointer for the secondary entry
* point for all the slave cores, to enter the linux kernel.
* Invalidate caches as master core may have copied into addresses
* this core has performed speculative reads from.
//QQQ Do we really need to do anything here - probably not!
* Okay, we have now been "kicked" by the master core, and
* we should now transition from the SRAM Holding-Pen, to the
* linux kernel (i.e. jump to virt_to_phys(stm_secondary_startup)).
* Simply, jump to the indirect address we read via "jump pointer".
* We execute some memory synchronization barriers first.
bx r2 /* SMP, here we come! */
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