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Last active September 9, 2015 10:44
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  • Save adhocore/66582d7d8d4cf84a8940 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adhocore/66582d7d8d4cf84a8940 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple php cli tool to traverse movie directories and download the missing subtitles from (suited for movies from yify torrents)
#!/usr/bin/env php
* A simple php cli tool to traverse movie directories
* and download the missing subtitles from
* (Especially suited for movies from yify torrents)
* Usage: php sub.php /path/to/movies/
* @author Jitendra Adhikari <>
/* START user config */
// The path to cache metadata and subtitles for later use
$cach = 'D:/share/subtitles/';
/* END user config */
$isCli = 'cli' == php_sapi_name() or defined('STDIN');
if (!$isCli) {
exit('To be run from Command Line Terminal only.');
if ($argc < 2) {
$syntax = '<fullpath:string> <force:bool> <caching:bool>';
"Usage 1:
php sub.php {$syntax}
Usage 2: (with sub.bat in path)
sub {$syntax}
// Pad
$argv += ['', '', 0, 0];
$path = $argv[1];
$subt = '';
$temp = $cach.'';
$opts = compact('subt', 'cach', 'temp');
$vids = [
'mp4', 'avi', 'mkv', 'm4v', 'flv',
'webm', 'mov', 'wmv', 'mpg', 'mpeg',
$proc = [];
if (is_file($cach.'meta.json')) {
$proc = json_decode(file_get_contents($cach.'meta.json'), true);
function saveMeta($proc, $cach)
static $saved = false;
if ($saved) {
json_encode(array_filter($proc), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)
$saved = true;
function saveSrt($url, $opts)
$saved = false;
extract($opts, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
if (preg_match(
'~<a href="(/subtitle/download[^"]+)"~s',
)) {
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open($temp) === true) {
$fn = $zip->getNameIndex(0);
if ($fn and
copy("zip://{$temp}#{$fn}", $cacheFile) and
copy($cacheFile, $srtFile)
) {
$saved = true;
echo ' :: SAVED';
return $saved;
echo PHP_EOL;
$count = $eCount = $sCount = $oCount = $cCount = 0;
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path),
) as $key => $file
) {
$srtFile = str_replace('.'.$file->getExtension(), '.srt', $file);
if ($file->isFile() and
in_array($file->getExtension(), $vids)
) {
$film = basename(dirname($file));
if (strlen($film) < 5) {
$cacheFile = $cach.basename($srtFile);
echo str_pad(substr($film, 0, 69).' ', 70, '-');
if (is_file($srtFile)) {
if (!is_file($cacheFile) and !is_file($cach.$film)) {
copy($srtFile, $cacheFile);
echo ' :: CACHE', PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo ' :: OK', PHP_EOL;
if ($argv[3] == 1 or (isset($proc[$film]) and $argv[2] != 1)) {
echo ' :: SKIP', PHP_EOL;
$proc[$film] = 0;
preg_match('`\(\d{4}\)`', $film, $year);
$year = trim(reset($year), '()');
$name = implode('-', array_map(function ($p) {
return preg_replace('`[\W]+`', '', trim(strtolower($p)));
}, preg_split('/\s+/', strstr($film, ' (', true))));
if (($a = is_file($cacheFile)) or is_file($cach.$film)) {
if (!$a) {
$cacheFile = $cach.$film;
if (copy($cacheFile, $srtFile)) {
echo ' :: SAVED';
echo PHP_EOL;
$html2 = '';
$saved = false;
$html = @file_get_contents("{$name}/english");
$yify = '~<a href="([^"]+)">\s+<span.*?English.*?</span>\s+<span>\s+.*?YIFY\s+</span>\s+</a>~ms';
$othr = '~<a href="([^"]+)">\s+<span.*?English.*?</span>\s+<span>\s+.*?\s+</span>\s+</a>~ms';
$opts = array_merge($opts, compact('srtFile', 'cacheFile'));
// Four priority order:
// #1. name/yifi
if (preg_match($yify, $html, $ancr)) {
$saved = saveSrt($subt.$ancr[1], $opts);
// #2. name-year/yifi
if (!$saved and $year) {
$html2 = @file_get_contents("{$name}-{$year}/english");
if (preg_match($yify, $html2, $ancr)) {
$saved = saveSrt($ancr[1], $opts);
// #3. name/othr
if (!$saved and preg_match($othr, $html, $ancr)) {
$saved = saveSrt($ancr[1], $opts);
// #4. name-year/othr
if (!$saved and $year) {
if (!$html2) {
$html2 = @file_get_contents("{$name}-{$year}/english");
if (preg_match($othr, $html2, $ancr)) {
$saved = saveSrt($ancr[1], $opts);
if (!$saved) {
$proc[$film] = 1;
echo ' :: ERROR';
} else {
echo PHP_EOL;
saveMeta($proc, $cach);
echo "\nOperation Completed Normally.
Total : {$count}
Okay : {$oCount}
Download : {$cCount}
Skip : {$sCount}
Error : {$eCount}
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