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Last active August 24, 2016 03:56
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Phone Connection in Service Areas - India
license: mit
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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<title>Service Area</title>
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* Created by Adiamaan on 7/6/2016.
var margin ={top:100,bottom:20,left:130,right:20};
var width = 900 - margin.left - margin.right;
var height = 500 - - margin.bottom;
var DATA_FILE_LOC ="service_area.csv";
var x = d3.scale.linear().range([margin.left,width]).domain([0,260])
var y = d3.scale.ordinal().rangeRoundBands([height,margin.bottom])
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var svg ="body").append('svg')
var CURR_YEAR = 2002;
var SPEED = 2000;
svg.append("g").attr("id","bars").attr("transform","translate("+ margin.left+","+150+")")
d3.csv(DATA_FILE_LOC,function (error,data)
if (error) throw error;
y.domain( (d){ return d.Service_Area;}))
.attr("class","x axis")
var year = 2002,
height = 10;
.attr("class","y axis")
var ydata = "year".concat(CURR_YEAR);
.attr("y",function (d){ return})
.attr("width",function (d){ return x(d["year"+CURR_YEAR])-x(0)})
.attr("fill",function (d){ return d.color;})
// var real_data = d3.nest()
// .key(function(d){return d.Service_Area})
// .entries(data);
// for (var key in real_data)
// {
// console.log(key,real_data[key]);
// }
function timer(){
if(CURR_YEAR == 2015) {
CURR_YEAR = 2001;
setTimeout(timer, SPEED * 10);
else if(CURR_YEAR == 2002)
setTimeout(timer, SPEED * 1.8);
function update(){
if (CURR_YEAR == 2002){
SPEED = 1500;"#texttitle").transition().duration(SPEED)
.tween("text",function (){
var i = d3.interpolate(this.textContent, CURR_YEAR);
return function(t) {
this.textContent = Math.round(i(t));
var easing = "bounce";
} else {
SPEED = 200;"#texttitle").text(CURR_YEAR);
var easing = "linear";
.attr("width", function (d){ return x(d["year"+CURR_YEAR]) - x(0)})
Service_Area year2002 year2003 year2004 year2005 year2006 year2007 year2008 year2009 year2010 year2011 year2012 year2013 year2014 year2015 color
ANDHRA PRADESH 4.93 5.66 7.85 9.48 13.45 19.62 28.25 39.59 57.23 74.35 80.87 77.19 79.52 83.89 #6b8ef7
ASSAM 1.67 1.94 2.13 2.79 5.67 9.74 14.74 20.65 29.99 38.98 46.61 46.51 48.74 52.66 #7b99f8
BIHAR 1.16 1.41 1.75 2.34 4.77 6.37 10.43 17.78 30.07 42.32 48.9 45.72 46.1 50.23 #abbffb
GUJARAT 6.37 7.77 10.14 12.73 16.98 24.14 33.63 45.16 58.46 81.9 91.14 87.23 90.54 94.89 #05b1b5
HARYANA 5.06 6.21 8.38 10.83 14.47 23.11 30.39 43.75 59.7 82.59 89.42 76.44 81.44 81.94 #037173
HIMACHAL PRADESH 7.48 8.5 10.14 13.12 18.78 28.57 41.16 55.5 79.35 111.11 120.67 105.39 105.59 112.76 #07d3d5
JAMMU & KASHMIR 2.15 2.48 3.01 5.09 12.18 16.08 21.84 32.76 49.91 50.9 54.82 58.57 66.8 75.61 #048183
KARNATAKA 5.58 6.67 9.46 12.19 17.06 25.05 34.53 45.21 67.81 87.76 97.22 91.24 92.45 96.92 #e175e6
KERALA 9.51 11.33 14.87 18.77 25.54 33.54 45.34 58.48 80.36 100.01 106.61 96.09 96.19 95.22 #2a5cf4
MADHYA PRADESH 2.17 2.63 3.4 4.34 5.84 9.95 16.26 23.79 35.28 48.88 53.81 53.55 56.04 59.81 #9f1ea4
MAHARASHTRA 5.14 6.08 8 10.01 13.1 18.78 27.42 37.9 50.3 68.97 77.19 73.97 77.32 80.09 #d43039
NORTH-EAST 2.41 2.7 3.05 4.02 6.78 12.44 19.32 28.59 43.22 56.5 65.72 67.78 69.97 76.55 #38c30b
ORISSA 1.88 2.29 2.95 3.96 7.57 9.51 15 23.3 39.3 56.37 65.84 60.21 60.9 65.7 #38c40a
PUNJAB 9.15 11.76 17.33 21.94 27.61 37.05 47.89 58.25 75.44 104.09 113.13 103 107.23 104.72 #751679
RAJASTHAN 3.02 3.47 4.5 6.12 9.65 15.49 23.74 37.15 52.76 65.35 72.96 70.85 75.39 77.08 #e1b301
TAMIL NADU 6.84 7.95 11.68 15.08 19.59 28.8 43.39 59.92 83.73 106.12 116.61 108.17 111.14 117.54 #bf9801
UTTAR PRADESH 1.94 2.25 3.06 4.14 6.89 10.71 15.93 24.28 37.37 52.97 60.93 56.83 57.27 59.92 #eaa0ee
WEST BENGAL 1.56 1.89 2.23 3.05 5.59 8.68 14.39 22.5 34.78 53.43 61.52 54.18 55.13 59.78 #dd5a62
KOLKATA 11.77 13.47 18.92 23.79 33.7 45.09 64.22 89.68 120.19 163.76 172.22 145.86 142.67 148.95 #eca0a5
DELHI 22.11 27.38 41.79 50.94 65.4 86.89 110.05 140.18 172.49 225.26 238.6 221.64 226.85 236.8 #fedc5b
MUMBAI 20.27 24.22 36.08 44.27 56.73 64.99 83.48 110.52 143.71 180.45 183.52 152.44 151.9 147.22 #cf6001
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