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Code for my blog post "Kickin' it with elastic net regression"
#!/usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla
## ##
## elastic.R ##
## ##
## Author: Tony Fischetti ##
## ##
## ##
# workspace cleanup
# options
# cli args
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
# libraries
# 32x10
# mean vif: 9.577414
X <- model.matrix(mpg ~ ., data=mtcars)[,-1]
y <- mtcars$mpg
alphas <- seq(0, 1, by=.002)
mses <- numeric(501)
mins <- numeric(501)
maxes <- numeric(501)
for(i in 1:501){
cvfits <- cv.glmnet(X, y, alpha=alphas[i], nfolds=32)
loc <- which(cvfits$lambda==cvfits$lambda.min)
maxes[i] <- cvfits$lambda %>% max
mins[i] <- cvfits$lambda %>% min
mses[i] <- cvfits$cvm[loc]
this <- data.frame(mse=mses, alpha=alphas)
plot1 <- ggplot(this, aes(x=alpha, y=mse)) +
geom_point(shape=1) +
#geom_smooth() +
ylab("LOOCV mean squared error") +
xlab("alpha parameter") +
ggtitle("model error of highest performing regularized elastic-net
regression as a function of alpha parameter
<using mtcars predicting mpg>")
# kitchen.sink <- glm(mpg ~ ., data=mtcars)
# cv.glm(mtcars, kitchen.sink) # 12.02194
errors <- numeric(nrow(mtcars))
for(i in 1:nrow(mtcars)){
train <- mtcars[-i,]
test <- mtcars[i,]
kitchen.sink <- glm(mpg ~ ., data=train)
the.pred <- predict(kitchen.sink, newdata=test)
errors[i] <- (the.pred - test$mpg)^2
mean(errors) # 12.18156
full <- glm(mpg ~ ., data=mtcars)
stepped <- step(full, direction = "both")
sub.coeffs <- names(stepped$coefficients[-1])
errors <- numeric(nrow(mtcars))
for(i in 1:nrow(mtcars)){
train <- mtcars[-i,]
test <- mtcars[i,]
new.feat.sub <- train[, sub.coeffs]
new.feat.sub$mpg <- train$mpg
mod <- glm(mpg ~ ., data=new.feat.sub)
the.pred <- predict(mod, newdata=test)
errors[i] <- (the.pred - test$mpg)^2
mean(errors) # 7.228
# substantial variation in selected features
errors <- numeric(nrow(mtcars))
for(i in 1:nrow(mtcars)){
train <- mtcars[-i,]
test <- mtcars[i,]
smaller <- glm(mpg ~ ., data=train)
stepped <- step(smaller, direction="both", trace=0)
new.feat.sub <- train[, names(stepped$coefficients[-1])]
new.feat.sub$mpg <- train$mpg
mod <- glm(mpg ~ ., data=new.feat.sub)
the.pred <- predict(mod, newdata=test)
errors[i] <- (the.pred - test$mpg)^2
mean(errors) # 13.27429
other.errors <- data.frame(method=c("kitchen sink",
"bad stepwise est.",
"better stepwise est."),
errors=c(12.18156, 7.228, 13.27429))
plot2 <- ggplot(this, aes(x=alpha, y=mse)) +
geom_point(shape=1) +
#geom_smooth() +
ylab("LOOCV mean squared error") +
xlab("alpha parameter") +
ggtitle("[with kitchen sink and stepwise LOOCV MSEs]") +
color=method, group=method),
size=2, data=other.errors, show_guide=TRUE)
grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, ncol=2)
# 517 x 11
# mean VIF: 1.727451
fires <- read.csv("./forestfires.csv")
fires$month <- NULL
fires$area <- log(fires$area+1)
X <- model.matrix(area ~ ., data=fires)[,-1]
y <- fires$area
alphas <- seq(0.0, 1, by=.01)
mses <- numeric(101)
mins <- numeric(101)
maxes <- numeric(101)
for(i in 1:101){
cvfits <- cv.glmnet(X, y, alpha=alphas[i], nfolds=400)
loc <- which(cvfits$lambda==cvfits$lambda.min)
maxes[i] <- cvfits$lambda %>% max
mins[i] <- cvfits$lambda %>% min
mses[i] <- cvfits$cvm[loc]
this <- data.frame(mse=mses, alpha=alphas)
plot1 <- ggplot(this, aes(x=alpha, y=mse)) +
geom_point(shape=1) +
geom_smooth() +
ylab("400-fold cross validation mean squared error") +
xlab("alpha parameter") +
ggtitle("model error of highest performing regularized
elastic-net regression as a function of alpha parameter
<using forest fire data>")
# kitchen.sink <- glm(area ~ ., data=fires)
# cv.glm(fires, kitchen.sink)$delta[2] # 2.131694
# step(kitchen.sink, direction="both") # 4 variables
# stepped <- glm(area ~ X + DMC + RH + wind, data=fires)
# cv.glm(fires, stepped) # 1.951653
errors <- numeric(nrow(fires))
for(i in 1:nrow(fires)){
train <- fires[-i,]
test <- fires[i,]
kitchen.sink <- glm(area ~ ., data=train)
the.pred <- predict(kitchen.sink, newdata=test)
errors[i] <- (the.pred - test$area)^2
mean(errors) # 2.132028
full <- glm(area ~ ., data=fires)
stepped <- step(full, direction = "both")
sub.coeffs <- names(stepped$coefficients[-1])
errors <- numeric(nrow(fires))
for(i in 1:nrow(fires)){
train <- fires[-i,]
test <- fires[i,]
new.feat.sub <- train[, sub.coeffs]
new.feat.sub$area <- train$area
mod <- glm(area ~ ., data=new.feat.sub)
the.pred <- predict(mod, newdata=test)
errors[i] <- (the.pred - test$area)^2
mean(errors) # 1.951689
# much less variation in selected features
errors <- numeric(nrow(fires))
for(i in 1:nrow(fires)){
train <- fires[-i,]
test <- fires[i,]
smaller <- glm(area ~ ., data=train)
stepped <- step(smaller, direction="both", trace=0)
new.feat.sub <- train[, names(stepped$coefficients[-1])]
new.feat.sub$area <- train$area
mod <- glm(area ~ ., data=new.feat.sub)
the.pred <- predict(mod, newdata=test)
errors[i] <- (the.pred - test$area)^2
mean(errors) # 2.151955
other.errors <- data.frame(method=c("kitchen sink",
"bad stepwise est.",
"better stepwise est."),
errors=c(2.132028, 1.951689, 2.151955))
plot2 <- ggplot(this, aes(x=alpha, y=mse)) +
geom_point(shape=1) +
geom_smooth() +
ylab("400-fold cross validation mean squared error") +
xlab("alpha parameter") +
ggtitle("[with kitchen sink and stepwise LOOCV MSEs]") +
color=method, group=method),
size=2, data=other.errors, show_guide=TRUE)
plot2 <- plot2 + ylab("400-fold cross validation mean squared error")
grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, ncol=2)
# 100x20
# mean vif: 1.225789
X <- x
mock.frame <- data.frame(X)
mock.frame$target <- y
alphas <- seq(0, 1, by=.002)
mses <- numeric(501)
mins <- numeric(501)
maxes <- numeric(501)
for(i in 1:501){
cvfits <- cv.glmnet(X, y, alpha=alphas[i], nfolds=100)
loc <- which(cvfits$lambda==cvfits$lambda.min)
maxes[i] <- cvfits$lambda %>% max
mins[i] <- cvfits$lambda %>% min
mses[i] <- cvfits$cvm[loc]
this <- data.frame(mse=mses, alpha=alphas)
plot1 <- ggplot(this, aes(x=alpha, y=mse)) +
geom_point(shape=1) +
#geom_smooth() +
ylab("LOOCV mean squared error") +
xlab("alpha parameter") +
ggtitle("model error of highest performing regularized
elastic-net regression as a function of alpha parameter
<'quickstart' glmnet data>")
# kitchen.sink <- glm(target ~ ., data=mock.frame)
# cv.glm(mock.frame, kitchen.sink)$delta[2] # 1.142114
# step(kitchen.sink, direction="both") # 8 variables
# stepped <- glm(target ~ X1 + X3 + X5 + X6 + X8 + X11 + X14 + X20, data=mock.frame)
# cv.glm(mock.frame, stepped) # 0.9433261
errors <- numeric(nrow(mock.frame))
for(i in 1:nrow(mock.frame)){
train <- mock.frame[-i,]
test <- mock.frame[i,]
kitchen.sink <- glm(target ~ ., data=train)
the.pred <- predict(kitchen.sink, newdata=test)
errors[i] <- (the.pred - test$target)^2
mean(errors) # 1.144384
full <- glm(target ~ ., data=mock.frame)
stepped <- step(full, direction = "both")
sub.coeffs <- names(stepped$coefficients[-1])
errors <- numeric(nrow(mock.frame))
for(i in 1:nrow(mock.frame)){
train <- mock.frame[-i,]
test <- mock.frame[i,]
new.feat.sub <- train[, sub.coeffs]
new.feat.sub$target <- train$target
mod <- glm(target ~ ., data=new.feat.sub)
the.pred <- predict(mod, newdata=test)
errors[i] <- (the.pred - test$target)^2
mean(errors) # 0.9441541
# virtually no variation in selected features
errors <- numeric(nrow(mock.frame))
for(i in 1:nrow(mock.frame)){
train <- mock.frame[-i,]
test <- mock.frame[i,]
smaller <- glm(target ~ ., data=train)
stepped <- step(smaller, direction="both", trace=0)
new.feat.sub <- train[, names(stepped$coefficients[-1])]
new.feat.sub$target <- train$target
mod <- glm(target ~ ., data=new.feat.sub)
the.pred <- predict(mod, newdata=test)
errors[i] <- (the.pred - test$target)^2
mean(errors) # 0.9544712
other.errors <- data.frame(method=c("kitchen sink",
"bad stepwise est.",
"better stepwise est."),
errors=c(1.144384, 0.9441541, 0.9544712))
plot2 <- ggplot(this, aes(x=alpha, y=mse)) +
geom_point(shape=1) +
#geom_smooth() +
ylab("LOOCV mean squared error") +
xlab("alpha parameter") +
ggtitle("[with kitchen sink and stepwise LOOCV MSEs]") +
color=method, group=method),
size=2, data=other.errors, show_guide=TRUE)
grid.arrange(plot1, plot2, ncol=2)
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