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Created June 30, 2017 17:38
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Frameshift python script june 30 2017
#Purpose : Analyze frameshifts in the MS-tryspin/chemotrypsin digests
#Author : Aditya Ambati
#date : June7 2017
#update : version 1
#####import libraries
from itertools import chain
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
from Bio import Entrez
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
################################################ define helper function ############################################
################ this function will take a list with filenames and return a MS output spectra file with trimmed columns and calculated peptide length
def peponly(pepseq):
return(re.sub(pattern='[^A-Z]*',repl='', string=pepseq))
def spectra_processing(spectra):
dfs =[]
for i in range(0, len(spectra)):
temp = spectra[i]#pd.read_csv(spectra[i], header = 0, sep = ";")
temp1 = temp[['Protein\nRank','Peptide\n< ProteinMetrics Confidential >','Modification Type(s)', 'Starting\nposition', 'Protein Name', '|Log Prob|', 'file_id']]
## rename the columns
temp1.columns = ['protein_rank', 'peptide', 'modtype', 'start_pos', 'protein_name', 'log_prob', 'file_id']
temp2.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
#temp2.loc[:, ('filename')] = spectra[i]
temp2.loc[:, ('pep_wt_tags')]=[re.findall('\..*\.', i) for i in temp2.peptide] ## take only characters between the first and the last dot character
temp2.loc[:, ('tag_rem_pep')] = [peponly(i) for i in temp2.pep_wt_tags] ### assign to a new column the raw peptide without tags
temp2.loc[:, ('tag_rm_len')] = [len(i) for i in temp2.tag_rem_pep] ## get the raw peptide length
temp2.loc[:, ('templen')] = temp2.tag_rm_len + temp2.start_pos ### add the startingpos + untagged peptide length
#temp2.loc[:, 'org_length'] = [len(i) for i in temp2.peptide]
##### read in the 1 shift file
file_list =[] ## make a file list
for line in open('vacc_names_batches_matched', 'r'):
t1=line.replace('\n', '')
vaccine = t1.split('\t')[1]
batch = t1.split('\t')[2]
out = [filename, vaccine, batch]
filelist=pd.DataFrame(file_list, columns=['file', 'vacc', 'batch'])
filelist.loc[:, ('file_id')]=filelist.vacc +'_TRY_'+ filelist.batch ## add in an extra colum sepcifying fileID
shiftdfs=[pd.read_excel(i, sheetname='Spectra') for i in filelist.file] ## read in the spectra files in a loop.
shiftdf1 = shiftdfs[:]
for i in range(0, len(shiftdfs)): #### add in the file and lot ID into a column
shiftdfs[i].loc[:, ('file_id')] = filelist.file_id[i]
############# call for spectra processing fucntion
shiftdf_proc = spectra_processing(shiftdf1)
all_1shift=pd.concat(shiftdf_proc, ignore_index=True)
onlyflu.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
onlyflu.loc[:, ('genbankID')]=[re.sub('>', '', i.split(' ')[0]) for i in onlyflu.protein_name]
################## read in the reference files needed to match the frameshifts
reference_ids = pd.read_csv('/media/labcomp/HDD/otherprojects/MS_Analysis/Frameshift/Frameshift_list_april18.csv', header=0)
reference_ids.columns=[re.sub(' ', '', i) for i in reference_ids.columns.values]
reference_gb = reference_ids.genbankID.tolist()
reference_pbid = reference_ids.proteinID.tolist()
reference_fasta = []
for i in reference_pbid: = ""
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", rettype="fasta", retmode="text", id=i) ## make a request to the ncbi
seq_record =, "fasta")
#onlyflu.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
#onlyflu.loc[:, ('genbankID')]=[re.sub('>', '', i.split(' ')[0]) for i in onlyflu.protein_name]
#onlyflumerge=pd.merge(onlyflu, reference_ids, left_on='genbankID', right_on='genbankID', how='inner')
##################### make a df of proteinID and the sequences asscoiated with them
db_dict ={}
for i in range(0, len(reference_fasta)):
seqid = reference_fasta[i].id
fastaseq = reference_fasta[i].seq.tostring()
db_dict[seqid] = fastaseq
ref_df_prots.columns = ['PID', 'SEQ']
########################## take only unique peptide to be tested against reference sequences
unique_peps=onlyflu.groupby(['tag_rem_pep', 'genbankID']).size()
### get a list of index where the peptide dont match
for i in range(0, len(uniques_df.tag_rem_pep)):
if testx.shape[0] == 0:
unmatchedpep.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
#### merge the proteinids and genbank ids
unmatchedpeps_df=pd.merge(unmatchedpep, reference_ids, left_on='genbankID', right_on='genbankID', how='inner')
unmatchedpeps_df.loc[:, ('blast_out')] = 'NaN'
for i in range(0, len(unmatchedpeps_df.tag_rem_pep)):
tempseq=SeqRecord(Seq(unmatchedpeps_df.tag_rem_pep[i], IUPAC.protein), id = unmatchedpeps_df.proteinID[i], name='index'+str(unmatchedpeps_df.strainname[i]))
#SeqIO.write(tempseq, '/home/labcomp/Desktop/Vaccine_MS_May16/1_shiftMS/Blast_files/' +' ', '')+'_'+str(i)+'.fasta', 'fasta')' ', '')+'_'+str(i)+'.fasta'
#SeqIO.write(checkfastas, 'check.fasta', 'fasta')
#blast_hit =[]
#with open('fasta_list', 'r') as f:
#for line in f:
#fasta_x = line.strip()
#BLASTN_command_C = NcbiblastpCommandline(query='/home/labcomp/Desktop/Vaccine_MS_May16/1_shiftMS/Blast_files/ADE29085.1_467.fasta',db='/home/labcomp/frames_DB',num_threads=8,outfmt='"6 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore length pident nident qframe sframe gaps sstart send sseq sstrand qstart qend qseq"',max_target_seqs=1)
#stdout_C, stderr_C = BLASTN_command_C()
BLASTN_command_C = NcbiblastpCommandline(query=fasta_x,db='/home/labcomp/frames_DB',num_threads=8,outfmt='"6 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore length pident nident qframe sframe gaps sstart send sseq sstrand qstart qend qseq"',max_target_seqs=1)
stdout_C, stderr_C = BLASTN_command_C()
print stdout_C
unmatchedpeps_df.loc[i, ('blast_out')] = stdout_C
pot_frames=unmatchedpeps_df[unmatchedpeps_df.blast_out == '']
pot_frames=pot_frames.sort_values([0], ascending=False)
pot_frames.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
frameshifted_1=pot_frames.ix[:11, ('tag_rem_pep')] # 3 or more
### reach into main df and pull these frames out
frames_1[['tag_rem_pep', 'file_id']].groupby(['tag_rem_pep', 'file_id']).size()
###################################################################### Debugging #####################################################################################################
########################### prepare for local blast make a fasta list
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
blastlist = [line.replace('\n', '') for line in open('blast_list', 'r')]
blastlist.remove('my_blast.xml') ### remove a test file from the list
n = 0
for files in blastlist:
for record in NCBIXML.parse(open(files)):
if record.alignments:
#print "QUERY: %s" % record.query[:60]
for align in record.alignments:
for hsp in align.hsps:
if hsp.expect > 0.5:
n += 1
print "MATCH: %s " % align.title[:60]
print hsp.expect
print hsp.query, hsp.identities
checkpepsindex =[]
n = 0
for files in blastlist:
for record in NCBIXML.parse(open(files)):
if len(record.alignments) == 0:
n += 1
print record.query, files
#print "QUERY: %s" % record.query[:60]
for align in record.alignments:
for hsp in align.hsps:
print hsp.expect
n += 1
if hsp.expect < 1e-10:
n += 1
print "MATCH: %s " % align.title[:60]
print hsp.expect
pep_frame_index=[int(i.split('_')[1]) for i in checkpepsindex]
frameshifts.sort_values([0], ascending=False)
SeqIO.write(reference_fasta, '/home/labcomp/Desktop/frames_reference.fasta', 'fasta')
filelines=`cat $filename`
for line in $filelines ; do
#blastp -out $line.xml -outfmt 5 -query $line -db "nr" -entrez_query "Homo Sapiens[ORGN]" -remote
blastp -out $line.xml -outfmt 5 -query $line -db ~/frames_DB -num_threads 8
#echo $line
selectedhu.loc[selectedhu.tag_rem_pep.str.contains('ALTLLEDWCKGMDMDPR'), ('filename')].value_counts()
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