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Created January 22, 2020 16:34
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Huffman encoding in Haskell
module Main where
import System.IO
import Data.List
import Data.List.Utils
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
getLeft :: Tree a -> Tree a
getLeft (Node _ x _) = x
getRight :: Tree a -> Tree a
getRight (Node _ _ y) = y
getSymbol :: Tree (a, b) -> a
getSymbol (Leaf (symbol, _)) = symbol
getSymbol (Node value _ _) = fst value
getWeight :: Tree (a, b) -> b
getWeight (Leaf (_, weight)) = weight
getWeight (Node value _ _) = snd value
-------------- Utils -----------------------
-- lookup an element in an association list with key i
-- return element if found, or Nothing otherwise
lookup' :: Eq t => [(t, p)] -> t -> Maybe p
lookup' [] i = Nothing
lookup' (x:xs) i = if (fst x == i)
then Just (snd x)
else lookup' xs i
-- sort association list by comparing the values
sort' :: Ord b => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
sort' lst = sortBy (\ a b -> compare (snd a) (snd b)) lst
-- sort lit of Tree by comparing the weights
sortTree :: Ord b => [Tree (a, b)] -> [Tree (a, b)]
sortTree tree = sortBy (\ a b -> compare (getWeight a) (getWeight b)) tree
-- create an array of leafs
mapToLeafs :: [a] -> [Tree a]
mapToLeafs lst = map (\x -> Leaf x) lst
--------------- Frequency ------------------
-- create a list of form ([letter], 0) for each letter of a string
freqArray :: Num b => [a] -> [([a], b)]
freqArray [] = []
freqArray (x:xs) = [([x], 0)] ++ freqArray xs
-- count and sort the appereances of a letter in the freqArray
combineFreqs :: Eq a => [(a, b)] -> [(a, Int)] -> [(a, Int)]
combineFreqs [] fs = sort' fs
combineFreqs (x:xs) fs = if lookup' fs (fst x) == Nothing
then combineFreqs xs (fs ++ [(fst x, count)])
else combineFreqs xs fs
where count = length (filter (\y -> fst y == fst x) (x:xs))
buildFreq :: Eq a => [a] -> [([a], Int)]
buildFreq txt = combineFreqs (freqArray txt) []
--------------- Tree -----------------------
-- construct a new Node with a b Leafs containg the combined symbols and weight of the leafs
buildNode :: Num b => Tree ([a], b) -> Tree ([a], b) -> Tree ([a], b)
buildNode a b = Node (getSymbol a ++ getSymbol b, getWeight a + getWeight b) (a) (b)
-- construct the Tree by recursively adding the first two Leafs together
buildTree :: (Num b, Ord b) => [Tree ([a], b)] -> Tree ([a], b)
buildTree [a, b] = [buildNode a b]!!0
buildTree (x:y:xs) = buildTree (sortTree ([buildNode x y] ++ xs))
--------------- Symbols Codes --------------
-- traverse the tree to find the lenght one symbols
-- the path to that symbol is its code
symbolCodes :: Foldable t => Tree (t a, b) -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [(t a, [Char])]
symbolCodes node side code = if (length symbol == 1)
then [(symbol, newCode)]
else (symbolCodes (getLeft node) "0" newCode) ++ (symbolCodes (getRight node) "1" newCode)
where symbol = getSymbol node
newCode = code ++ side
-- construct the symbol codes from the tree
buildSymbolCodes :: Foldable t => Tree (t a, b) -> [(t a, [Char])]
buildSymbolCodes tree = symbolCodes tree "" ""
--------------- Encode ---------------------
-- replace each letter with its code
replaceSymbols :: Eq a => [a] -> [([a], [a])] -> [a]
replaceSymbols txt [] = txt
replaceSymbols txt (x:xs) = replaceSymbols (replace (fst x) (snd x) txt) xs
-- encode the original string
encode :: Eq a => [a] -> [([a], [a])] -> [a]
encode txt codes = replaceSymbols txt codes
--------------- Decode ---------------------
-- recurively traverse the encoded string and follow the bits down the Tree
-- until a length 1 symbol is found
decoder :: [Char] -> Tree ([a], b) -> Tree ([a], b) -> [a] -> [a]
decoder [] tree node original = original
decoder (x:xs) tree node original = if (length symbol == 1)
then decoder xs tree tree (original ++ symbol)
else decoder xs tree leaf original
where leaf = if (x == '0')
then getLeft node
else getRight node
symbol = getSymbol leaf
-- decode the string using the Tree
decode :: [Char] -> Tree ([Char], b) -> [Char]
decode txt tree = decoder txt tree tree ""
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Insert text to encode:"
input <- getLine
putStrLn "------------------------------------------------"
putStr "original: "
putStrLn input
let frequency = (buildFreq input)
let tree = buildTree (mapToLeafs frequency)
let codes = buildSymbolCodes tree
let encoded = encode input codes
let decoded = decode encoded tree
putStr "encoded: "
putStrLn encoded
putStr "decoded: "
putStrLn decoded
putStrLn "------------------------------------------------"
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