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Last active July 17, 2019 16:00
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New Twiddle
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
appName: 'Ember Twiddle'
export default Ember.Object.extend({
str2float: function(str, negative, precision = 2) {
if (typeof str === 'number') {
return str;
str = (str || '').trim();
var parts, sign = 1;
if (negative && str.charAt(0) === '-') {
str = str.substr(1);
sign = -1;
parts = str.split(/\D/);
if (parts.length === 1) {
return sign * parseFloat(parts[0]);
} else {
var end = parts[parts.length - 1];
// max length after coma
if (end.length <= precision) {
// Assume the last part is a decimal separator
str = parts.slice(0, parts.length - 1).join('')+'.'+end;
} else {
// Assume this is a thousands separator
str = parts.join('');
return sign * parseFloat(str);
serializers: {
none: function(val) { return val; },
string: function(val) { return typeof val === 'string' ? val : ''; },
string_null: function(val) {return typeof val === 'string' ? (val.trim() === '' ? null : val.trim()) : null;},
trimmed: function(val) { return typeof val === 'string' ? val.trim() : val; },
float: function(val) { return str2float(val); },
array: function(val) { return val.slice(); },
int: function(val) { return Ember.isNone(val) ? null : parseInt(val); },
bool: function(val) { return !!val; },
constant: function(val, options) { return options.constant; }
Ember.ComputedProperty.prototype.saveAs = function(type, options) {
// console.log("saveas vanilla")
options = options || {};
options.isArray = type === "array";
var meta = {
type: type,
options: options,
isAttribute: true
return this;
Function.prototype.saveAs = function(type, options) {
return Ember.computed({
get: this,
set: this
}).saveAs(type, options);
didDefineProperty: function(proto, key, value) {
if (value && value.meta) {
var meta = value.meta(),
options = meta.options,
constructor = this.constructor;
if (meta.isRelation === 'belongsTo') {
// Add a related ID property
let property = Ember.computed(key, {
get: function() {
// Getter - return related property's ID-field
// We ignore "not initialized" here as we can safely delegate
// that to the relation method.
// We have to beware that the related object is a promise and
// not actually the model itself - if the promise is not yet
// resolved its ID might not be available directly, even though
// it is known. We therefore fetch the ID from the meta attribute,
// which is available as soon as the promise is created.
return this.get(key + '');
set: function(k, v) {
return v || null;
if (meta.foreignKeyAttribute) {
Ember.defineProperty(proto, options.foreignKey, property);
if (meta.isAttribute) {
// Some observers might request a postfix to their dirty checker
// (such as .[] for arrays).
Ember.addObserver(proto, key, null, 'attributeDidChange');
if (meta.options.isArray) {
// Add .[] observer for nested fields
Ember.addObserver(proto, key+'.[]', null, 'arrayAttributeDidChange');
constructor._attributes = constructor._attributes || {};
constructor._attributes[key] = meta;
import Model from './my-model.js';
export default Model.extend({
amounts: Ember.computed({
get: function() {
// A receipt without an amount is useless in the websystem -
// make sure it always has at least one.
return [Webapp.__container__.lookup('service:store').getModel('Amount').create()];
set: function(k, v) {
if (!v || v.length === 0) {
// A receipt without an amount is useless in the websystem -
// make sure it always has at least one.
return [Webapp.__container__.lookup('service:store').getModel('Amount').create()];
} else {
// HACK if amounts are set, check if they
// are the same length as the current amounts.
// If so, just override properties so that
// forms do not need to reinitialize.
let cur = this.cacheFor('amounts');
if (cur && v.length === cur.get('length')) {
cur.forEach(function(amount, i) {
return cur;
return {
return Webapp.__container__.lookup('service:store').getModel('Amount').create(fields);
}).saveAs(function(amounts) {
return {
console.log("model timesheet", amounts[0].minutes)
return {
amount: amount.get('amount'),
vat_amount: amount.get('vat_amount'),
vat_id: amount.get('vat_id') || undefined,
category_id: amount.get('category_id') || undefined,
display_inclusive: amount.get('display_inclusive'),
import Model from './my-model.js';
export default Model.extend({
amounts: Ember.computed('nonce', {
get: function() {
console.log("model timesheet attempt get")
// Timesheets always have one amount by default
return [Webapp.__container__.lookup('service:store').getModel('Amount').create({ hours: 0 })];
set: function(k, v) {
console.log("model timesheet attempt set")
if (!v || v.length === 0) {
// Timesheets always have one amount by default
return [Webapp.__container__.lookup('service:store').getModel('Amount').create({ hours: 0 })];
} else {
// HACK if amounts are set, check if they
// are the same length as the current amounts.
// If so, just override properties so that
// forms do not need to reinitialize.
let cur = this.cacheFor('amounts');
console.log("amounts set cur", cur)
// if (cur && v.length === cur.get('length')) {
// cur.forEach(function(amount, i) {
// amount.replaceUpdate(v[i]);
// });
// return cur;
// }
let dosn = {
return Webapp.__container__.lookup('service:store').getModel('Amount').create(fields);
console.log("timesheet model return",dosn)
return dosn;
}).saveAs(function(amounts) {
console.log("model timesheet", amounts[0].minutes)
let res = {
return {
minutes: amount.get('minutes') || undefined,
category_id: amount.get('category_id') || undefined
console.log("ress", res)
return res;
<h1>Welcome to {{appName}}</h1>
"version": "0.15.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "3.4.3",
"ember-template-compiler": "3.4.3",
"ember-testing": "3.4.3"
"addons": {
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