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Created July 19, 2021 15:03
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GMT.jl translation of the GMT tutorial (session 1)
"""GMT tutorial using GMT.jl
1. In the Julia shell, do `]add GMT`
2. Download GSHHG data: <>
3. Unpack GSHHG data to a predictable directory
4. Create the `.gmt` folder in your HOME directory
5. In the command line shell, run `gmt defaults -Ds > .gmt/gmt.conf`
6. Change the assignment of `DIR_GSHHG` to point to the directory from step 3
module Session1
using GMT
Run GMT tutorial session 1 / # 1
- `figsize` can be specified as its own tuple,
which can contain either strings or numbers.
Numbers specify lengths in PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT units;
strings allow for any supported units using the default GMT mapping,
see <>
function tutorial1()
region = (10, 70, -3, 8),
figsize = ("4i", "3i"),
frame = (annot = :auto, ticks = :auto, fill = :lightred),
title = "My first plot",
show = true,
Vd = 1,
Run GMT tutorial session 1 / # 2
Careful about how you specify the axes,
see <>.
- `frame` is available for setting overall frame/axis properties
- `xlabel` and `ylabel` are available for setting the axis labels
- `axes` is used to specify the axis types, with some caveats,
see <>
- `xaxis` and `yaxis` are available for more granular control over individual axes
- `ticks` sets the axis tick interval, this can have a special meaning for certain plots,
e.g. [TODO: insert relevant link]
- `annot` sets the annotation interval;
default GMT modifiers can be specified if a string value is used,
see [TODO: insert relevant link]
function tutorial2()
region = (1, 10000, 1e20, 1e25),
figsize = ("9il", "6il"), # No log-log projection yet, see #664.
frame = (
axes = (:left_full, :bottom_full),
xlabel = "Wavelength (m)",
ylabel = "Power (W)",
xaxis = (annot = 2, ticks = :auto),
yaxis = (annot = "1p", ticks = 3),
show = true,
Vd = 1,
Run GMT tutorial session 1 / # 3
- if `frame` is not set, it defaultts to `(axes = (:left_full, :bottom_full), annot = :auto, ticks = :auto)`
- `proj` is available to set the projection;
there are convenient symbols to use for most cases,
see <>
- `land` is an alias for `-G`; it is available for setting pen/color options
function tutorial3()
region = (-90, -70, 0, 20),
proj = :Mercator,
figsize = "6i",
land = :chocolate,
show = true,
Vd = 1,
Run GMT tutorial session 1 / # 4
The GMT -N<n> syntax is for borders, it's well hidden but here you go:
- `shore` is an alias for `-W`; it is available to for setting pen/color options
- `borders` is available to set the `-N` options (see above),
each border is specified by it's own iterable
function tutorial4()
region = (-130, -70, 24, 52),
proj = (name = :Albers, center = (-100, 35), parallels = (33, 45)),
figsize = "6i",
title = "Conic Projection",
shore = :thinnest,
borders = ((type = 1, pen = :thickest), (type = 2, pen = :thinnest)),
land = :gray,
show = true,
Vd = 1,
Run GMT tutorial session 1 / # 5
- The `:g` symbol is available to set a global `region` or `frame`
- `area` is available to set the minimum area threshold (`-A`) for map features (km^2),
see <>
- `ocean` is available for setting pen/color options (`-S`)
- `res` is available for setting the dataset resolution (`-D`)
function tutorial5()
region = :g, # Would be nice to have :global as an alias here...
proj = (name = :Orthographic, center = (280, 30)),
figsize = "6i",
frame = :g,
area = 5000,
res = :crude,
land = :white,
ocean = :darkturquoise,
show = true,
Vd = 1,
Run GMT tutorial session 1 / # 6
- `center` can be a single number, it will be interpreted as a latitude
function tutorial6()
region = :g,
proj = (name = :EckertVI, center = 180),
figsize = "9i",
frame = (axes = :g, annot = :auto),
area = 5000,
res = :crude,
land = :chocolate,
ocean = :darkturquoise,
shore = :thinnest,
show = true,
Vd = 1,
end #Session1
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