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Created May 3, 2018 12:28
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package models
import (
u "lens/utils"
JWT claims struct
type Token struct {
UserId uint
//a struct to rep user account
type Account struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Token string `json:"token";sql:"-"`
//Validate incoming user details...
func (account *Account) Validate() (map[string] interface{}, bool) {
if !strings.Contains(account.Email, "@") {
return u.Message(false, "Email address is required"), false
if len(account.Password) < 6 {
return u.Message(false, "Password is required"), false
//Email must be unique
temp := &Account{}
//check for errors and duplicate emails
err := GetDB().Table("accounts").Where("email = ?", account.Email).First(temp).Error
if err != nil && err != gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return u.Message(false, "Connection error. Please retry"), false
if temp.Email != "" {
return u.Message(false, "Email address already in use by another user."), false
return u.Message(false, "Requirement passed"), true
func (account *Account) Create() (map[string] interface{}) {
if resp, ok := account.Validate(); !ok {
return resp
hashedPassword, _ := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(account.Password), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
account.Password = string(hashedPassword)
if account.ID <= 0 {
return u.Message(false, "Failed to create account, connection error.")
//Create new JWT token for the newly registered account
tk := &Token{UserId: account.ID}
token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.GetSigningMethod("HS256"), tk)
tokenString, _ := token.SignedString([]byte(os.Getenv("token_password")))
account.Token = tokenString
account.Password = "" //delete password
response := u.Message(true, "Account has been created")
response["account"] = account
return response
func Login(email, password string) (map[string]interface{}) {
account := &Account{}
err := GetDB().Table("accounts").Where("email = ?", email).First(account).Error
if err != nil {
if err == gorm.ErrRecordNotFound {
return u.Message(false, "Email address not found")
return u.Message(false, "Connection error. Please retry")
err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(account.Password), []byte(password))
if err != nil && err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword { //Password does not match!
return u.Message(false, "Invalid login credentials. Please try again")
//Worked! Logged In
account.Password = ""
//Create JWT token
tk := &Token{UserId: account.ID}
token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.GetSigningMethod("HS256"), tk)
tokenString, _ := token.SignedString([]byte(os.Getenv("token_password")))
account.Token = tokenString //Store the token in the response
resp := u.Message(true, "Logged In")
resp["account"] = account
return resp
func GetUser(u uint) *Account {
acc := &Account{}
GetDB().Table("accounts").Where("id = ?", u).First(acc)
if acc.Email == "" { //User not found!
return nil
acc.Password = ""
return acc
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