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Last active January 25, 2024 04:19
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TTS script for my UX course
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
typedef Section = ({String title, String content});
/// Runs a command like
/// `tts --text "hello" --model_name "tts_models/uk/mai/glow-tts" --vocoder_name "vocoder_models/uk/mai/multiband-melgan" --out_path hello.wav`
Future<void> tts(int i, Section section) async {
final escapedContent = section.content.trim().replaceAll('\n', ' ');
final escapedTitle = section.title.trim().replaceAll(RegExp(r'\W'), '_');
final chapterTextFile = File('raw/$i-$escapedTitle.txt');
if (!await chapterTextFile.exists()) {
await chapterTextFile.writeAsString(section.content);
// My GPU can't handle too much text at once, so split it into chunks
final contentChunks = [];
int start = 0;
while (start < escapedContent.length) {
// Find a full stop to split on
var end = escapedContent.indexOf(
min(start + 2000, escapedContent.length),
if (end == -1) end = escapedContent.length;
contentChunks.add(escapedContent.substring(start, end));
start = end + 1;
final targetFileNoExt = 'output/$i-$escapedTitle';
if (await File('$targetFileNoExt.wav').exists()) {
print(' - Already exists, skipping');
final List<File> chunkFiles = [];
for (var chunkIndex = 0; chunkIndex < contentChunks.length; chunkIndex++) {
final chunkFile = '$targetFileNoExt-chunk-$chunkIndex.wav';
final chunkContent = contentChunks[chunkIndex];
print(' - $chunkFile');
if (await File(chunkFile).exists()) {
print(' - Already exists, skipping');
final process = await
// 'tts_models/en/ljspeech/neural_hmm',
'${section.title} (Chunk $chunkIndex / ${contentChunks.length - 1}) ${process.stdout} ${process.stderr}\n\n');
// Merge the chunks
if (chunkFiles.length == 1) {
await chunkFiles.first.rename('$targetFileNoExt.wav');
} else {
final process = await
[ => f.path),
print('${section.title} (Merge) ${process.stdout} ${process.stderr}\n\n');
await Future.wait( => f.delete()));
/// Splits the input file into sections
Iterable<Section> splitSections(List<String> lines) sync* {
final buffer = StringBuffer();
String title = lines.first;
for (final line in lines.skip(1)) {
if (line.startsWith(RegExp(r'^\d+\.\d+ '))) {
// yield the previous section
yield (title: title, content: buffer.toString());
// start a new section
title = line;
// yield the last section
yield (title: title, content: buffer.toString());
Future<void> main() async {
final fullFile = File('ux.txt');
final lines = await fullFile.readAsLines();
print('Read ${lines.length} lines');
int i = 0;
for (final section in splitSections(lines)) {
if (false) {
print('Skipping ${section.title} (${section.content.length} chars)');
} else {
print('Processing ${section.title} (${section.content.length} chars)');
await tts(i, section);
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