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Created February 15, 2013 20:42
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SPOJ 97. Party Schedule |
open System
let computeOptCost (budget,N,(opt:int [,]),optFunValue) =
let mutable optCost = 0
for c=budget downto 0 do
if opt.[N,c] = optFunValue then
optCost <- c
let computeOptPartySchedule (budget,N,(costs:int[]),(funValues:int[])) =
let OPT = Array2D.zeroCreate (N+1) (budget+1)
for i = 1 to N do
for j = 0 to budget do
let c_i = costs.[i-1] //cost for the ith party
let f_i = funValues.[i-1] // fun value associated with ith party
OPT.[i,j] <-
match j,c_i with
| _ when j<c_i -> OPT.[i-1,j]
| _ -> Math.Max(OPT.[i-1,j],f_i + OPT.[i-1, j-c_i])
// returning (1) summation of all entrance value,
// (2) summation of fun values
((budget,N,OPT,OPT.[N,budget])|>computeOptCost, OPT.[N,budget])
// Example Usage:
//(7,2, [|6;5;|],[|1;1;|])|> computeOptPartySchedule
//(50,10,[|12;15;16;16;10;21;18;12;17;18;|],[|3;8;9;6;2;9;4;4;8;9|]) |> computeOptPartySchedule
//(50,10,[|13;19;16;12;10;12;13;15;11;16;|],[|8;10;8;9;2;8;5;5;7;2|]) |> computeOptPartySchedule
//---------------- IO Stuff -------------------
let processHeader () =
let s = Console.ReadLine().Split()
let budget,noOfParties = s.[0]|>int,s.[1]|>int
match budget,noOfParties with
| (0,0) -> None
| _ -> Some(budget,noOfParties)
let parsePartyData n =
let costs = Array.create n 0
let funValues = Array.create n 0
for i = 0 to (n-1) do
|> (fun (s:string []) -> (s.[0]|>int,s.[1]|>int))
|> (fun (x,y) -> costs.[i] <- x; funValues.[i]<-y)
(System.Console.ReadLine()|>ignore) // reading last line that ends this problem instance
let solve_SPOJ_PARTY () =
let rec solvePartyAux() =
match processHeader() with
| None -> ()
| Some(budget,n) ->
parsePartyData n
|> (fun (costs,funValues) -> (budget, n, costs, funValues))
|> computeOptPartySchedule
|> (fun (optCosts,optFun) -> printfn "%d %d" optCosts optFun)
solve_SPOJ_PARTY ()
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