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Created September 28, 2018 07:11
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  • Save adilimroz/a4bcb86b1176fccf1ab250490c2a32a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adilimroz/a4bcb86b1176fccf1ab250490c2a32a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
adilimroz@Adils-PC:~/Documents/hive$ $HOME/go/bin/hive --client=parity:master --test=NONE --sim=. --loglevel 6
INFO[09-27|18:09:27] docker daemon online version=18.06.1-ce
INFO[09-27|18:09:27] creating outer shell container
INFO[09-27|18:09:27] building new docker image nocache=false
Step 1/12 : FROM docker:dind
---> 943cc2194c11
Step 2/12 : RUN apk add --update musl-dev go && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
---> Using cache
---> 16770441ff6c
Step 3/12 : ENV GOPATH /gopath
---> Using cache
---> ae547ea5ab81
Step 4/12 : ENV PATH $GOPATH/bin:$PATH
---> Using cache
---> f931a151e015
Step 5/12 : ADD vendor $GOPATH/src/
---> Using cache
---> f6732cd15ad6
Step 6/12 : RUN (cd $GOPATH/src/ && go install ./...)
---> Using cache
---> 3bd94f445010
Step 7/12 : ADD *.go $GOPATH/src/
---> Using cache
---> a9f2f9d63242
Step 8/12 : WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/
---> Using cache
---> 96cd42e10582
Step 9/12 : RUN go install
---> Using cache
---> 998afd4e2b92
Step 10/12 : RUN echo '#!/bin/sh' > $GOPATH/bin/ && echo 'set -e' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && echo ' --storage-driver=aufs 2>/dev/null &' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && echo 'while [ ! -S /var/run/docker.sock ]; do sleep 1; done' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && echo 'for id in `docker ps -a -q`; do docker rm -f $id; done' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && echo 'for id in `docker images -f "dangling=true" | tail -n +2 | awk "{print \\$3}"`; do docker rmi -f $id; done' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && echo 'hive --docker-noshell $@' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && echo 'for id in `docker ps -a -q`; do docker rm -f $id; done' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && echo 'for id in `docker images -f "dangling=true" | tail -n +2 | awk "{print \\$3}"`; do docker rmi -f $id; done' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && echo 'adduser -u $UID -D hive' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && echo 'chown -R hive /var/lib/docker' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && echo 'chown -R hive workspace' >> $GOPATH/bin/ && chmod +x $GOPATH/bin/
---> Using cache
---> 67dae317f44b
Step 11/12 : ENTRYPOINT [""]
---> Using cache
---> 262d3fb929d6
Step 12/12 : COPY . $GOPATH/src/
---> Using cache
---> d87da16dd825
Successfully built d87da16dd825
Successfully tagged hive/shell:latest
DBUG[09-27|18:09:29] created shell container
INFO[09-27|18:09:29] starting outer shell container
DBUG[09-27|18:09:29] attaching to container
DBUG[09-27|18:09:29] starting container
Deleted: sha256:0cdc3953deb2ed075623600b10c1a345bbe0b28e7f2a53e92f790b0dd20fc5c0
Deleted: sha256:62597ea3a1f87c7203bfe4fa254de0cf7a4140a5e9ec2ea8c25bde1d3d050ccb
Deleted: sha256:4cc52e9c7805290ea6603d1859ba3ecc95ca0a421d4aa09410ae2fcaa3209dfd
Deleted: sha256:13f927b51b059af6fa093bfe23a6a7b8180ae27f5ac607ed5434bf42b9e19c69
Deleted: sha256:cd768f90d85bc6e823d0ae0f0e3b78a0767275fd8a1682602bad28e0d46a4d9c
Deleted: sha256:44ccacc0f24e873472c2068080bb76fd14b1ae89f834ded4106dad37aa3f9ba9
INFO[09-27|12:39:35] docker daemon online version=18.06.1-ce
INFO[09-27|12:39:35] building new docker image client=parity:master nocache=false
Step 1/7 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
---> b9e15a5d1e1a
Step 2/7 : RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y bash jq bc curl git make cmake g++ gcc file binutils pkg-config openssl libssl-dev libudev-dev && curl -sSf | sh -s -- --disable-sudo && git clone --depth 1 && cd parity && cargo build --release && echo "{}" | jq ".+ {\"repo\":\"$(git config --get remote.origin.url)\"}" | jq ".+ {\"branch\":\"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\"}" | jq ".+ {\"commit\":\"$(git rev-parse HEAD)\"}" > /version.json && strip /parity/target/release/parity && cd / && cp /parity/target/release/parity /parity.bin && rm -rf parity && mv /parity.bin /parity && /usr/local/lib/rustlib/ && apt-get remove -y curl git make cmake g++ gcc file binutils pkg-config openssl libssl-dev && rm -rf /root/.cargo
---> Using cache
---> 1b28eecd202b
Step 3/7 : ADD /
---> Using cache
---> 14d795431206
Step 4/7 : RUN chmod +x /
---> Using cache
---> 2da23e0d13c4
Step 5/7 : ADD chain.json /chain.json
---> Using cache
---> 0d8ccdc332a5
Step 6/7 : EXPOSE 8545 30303
---> Using cache
---> ddca7a1aed93
Step 7/7 : ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
---> Using cache
---> 3bb256ff347d
Successfully built 3bb256ff347d
Successfully tagged hive/clients/parity:master
INFO[09-27|12:39:41] building clients for validation pattern=parity:master
INFO[09-27|12:39:41] building new docker image client=parity:master nocache=false
Step 1/7 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
---> b9e15a5d1e1a
Step 2/7 : RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y bash jq bc curl git make cmake g++ gcc file binutils pkg-config openssl libssl-dev libudev-dev && curl -sSf | sh -s -- --disable-sudo && git clone --depth 1 && cd parity && cargo build --release && echo "{}" | jq ".+ {\"repo\":\"$(git config --get remote.origin.url)\"}" | jq ".+ {\"branch\":\"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\"}" | jq ".+ {\"commit\":\"$(git rev-parse HEAD)\"}" > /version.json && strip /parity/target/release/parity && cd / && cp /parity/target/release/parity /parity.bin && rm -rf parity && mv /parity.bin /parity && /usr/local/lib/rustlib/ && apt-get remove -y curl git make cmake g++ gcc file binutils pkg-config openssl libssl-dev && rm -rf /root/.cargo
---> Using cache
---> 1b28eecd202b
Step 3/7 : ADD /
---> Using cache
---> 14d795431206
Step 4/7 : RUN chmod +x /
---> Using cache
---> 2da23e0d13c4
Step 5/7 : ADD chain.json /chain.json
---> Using cache
---> 0d8ccdc332a5
Step 6/7 : EXPOSE 8545 30303
---> Using cache
---> ddca7a1aed93
Step 7/7 : ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
---> Using cache
---> 3bb256ff347d
Successfully built 3bb256ff347d
Successfully tagged hive/clients/parity:master
INFO[09-27|12:39:42] building validators for testing pattern=NONE
INFO[09-27|12:39:42] creating ethash container
INFO[09-27|12:39:42] building new docker image nocache=false
Step 1/3 : FROM ethereum/client-go
---> c1084c1eefc5
Step 2/3 : RUN echo '#!/bin/sh' > /root/ && echo 'set -e' >> /root/ && echo 'geth makedag 1 /root/.ethash' >> /root/ && echo 'if [ "$UID" != "0" ]; then' >> /root/ && echo ' adduser -u $UID -D ethash' >> /root/ && echo ' chown -R ethash /root/.ethash/*' >> /root/ && echo 'fi' >> /root/ && chmod +x /root/
---> Using cache
---> 435f1e1d659f
Step 3/3 : ENTRYPOINT ["/root/"]
---> Using cache
---> 1da084a83e8f
Successfully built 1da084a83e8f
Successfully tagged hive/internal/ethash:latest
DBUG[09-27|12:39:46] created ethash container
INFO[09-27|12:39:46] generating genesis DAG
DBUG[09-27|12:39:46] attaching to container
DBUG[09-27|12:39:46] starting container
DBUG[09-27|12:39:52] deleting ethash container
INFO[09-27|12:39:56] building clients for simulation pattern=parity:master
INFO[09-27|12:39:56] building new docker image client=parity:master nocache=false
Step 1/7 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
---> b9e15a5d1e1a
Step 2/7 : RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y bash jq bc curl git make cmake g++ gcc file binutils pkg-config openssl libssl-dev libudev-dev && curl -sSf | sh -s -- --disable-sudo && git clone --depth 1 && cd parity && cargo build --release && echo "{}" | jq ".+ {\"repo\":\"$(git config --get remote.origin.url)\"}" | jq ".+ {\"branch\":\"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\"}" | jq ".+ {\"commit\":\"$(git rev-parse HEAD)\"}" > /version.json && strip /parity/target/release/parity && cd / && cp /parity/target/release/parity /parity.bin && rm -rf parity && mv /parity.bin /parity && /usr/local/lib/rustlib/ && apt-get remove -y curl git make cmake g++ gcc file binutils pkg-config openssl libssl-dev && rm -rf /root/.cargo
---> Using cache
---> 1b28eecd202b
Step 3/7 : ADD /
---> Using cache
---> 14d795431206
Step 4/7 : RUN chmod +x /
---> Using cache
---> 2da23e0d13c4
Step 5/7 : ADD chain.json /chain.json
---> Using cache
---> 0d8ccdc332a5
Step 6/7 : EXPOSE 8545 30303
---> Using cache
---> ddca7a1aed93
Step 7/7 : ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
---> Using cache
---> 3bb256ff347d
Successfully built 3bb256ff347d
Successfully tagged hive/clients/parity:master
INFO[09-27|12:39:57] building simulators for testing pattern=.
INFO[09-27|12:39:57] building new docker image simulator=dao-hard-fork/extradata nocache=false
Step 1/7 : FROM alpine:latest
---> 196d12cf6ab1
Step 2/7 : RUN apk add --update bash curl jq
---> Using cache
---> 2fafc0814e06
Step 3/7 : ADD genesis.json /genesis.json
---> Using cache
---> fc833018e92b
---> Using cache
---> b037dcf0d50c
Step 5/7 : ADD /
---> Using cache
---> 96efc6be90e9
Step 6/7 : RUN chmod +x /
---> Using cache
---> 6877dbc3b321
Step 7/7 : ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
---> Using cache
---> 4dcee202c9f5
Successfully built 4dcee202c9f5
Successfully tagged hive/simulators/dao-hard-fork/extradata:latest
INFO[09-27|12:39:58] building new docker image simulator=dao-hard-fork/network-split nocache=false
Step 1/9 : FROM alpine:latest
---> 196d12cf6ab1
Step 2/9 : RUN apk add --update go git make gcc musl-dev ca-certificates linux-headers && git clone --depth 1 && (cd go-ethereum && make all) && cp go-ethereum/build/bin/bootnode /bootnode && apk del go git make gcc musl-dev && rm -rf /go-ethereum && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
---> Using cache
---> 7bd389fac71d
Step 3/9 : RUN apk add --update bash curl jq
---> Using cache
---> ca598245f2c4
Step 4/9 : ADD genesis.json /genesis.json
---> Using cache
---> e6086ea7f2a8
---> Using cache
---> 8c6de8fee9f4
Step 6/9 : ADD /
---> Using cache
---> 0e3980651c13
Step 7/9 : RUN chmod +x /
---> Using cache
---> 485614560b1b
Step 8/9 : EXPOSE 30303
---> Using cache
---> 8a6eac2781c4
Step 9/9 : ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
---> Using cache
---> 0eb2c8d53816
Successfully built 0eb2c8d53816
Successfully tagged hive/simulators/dao-hard-fork/network-split:latest
INFO[09-27|12:39:59] building new docker image simulator=dao-hard-fork/synchronisation nocache=false
Step 1/11 : FROM alpine:latest
---> 196d12cf6ab1
Step 2/11 : RUN apk add --update go git make gcc musl-dev ca-certificates linux-headers && git clone --depth 1 && (cd go-ethereum && make all) && cp go-ethereum/build/bin/bootnode /bootnode && cp go-ethereum/build/bin/geth /geth && apk del go git make gcc musl-dev && rm -rf /go-ethereum && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
---> Using cache
---> 6113d1088e72
Step 3/11 : RUN apk add --update bash curl jq
---> Using cache
---> b9d65810720f
Step 4/11 : ADD genesis.json /genesis.json
---> Using cache
---> c4e3cf8791cc
---> Using cache
---> f76e2db17ff7
Step 6/11 : ADD /
---> Using cache
---> 18505cdf0de6
Step 7/11 : RUN chmod +x /
---> Using cache
---> 83bfedff88a5
Step 8/11 : ADD nofork-chain.rlp.tar.xz /
---> Using cache
---> dc59d4ee79fc
Step 9/11 : ADD profork-chain.rlp.tar.xz /
---> Using cache
---> f666d409a6df
Step 10/11 : EXPOSE 30303 30304 30305
---> Using cache
---> 9028eb6fab7e
Step 11/11 : ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
---> Using cache
---> 5864dda5ba44
Successfully built 5864dda5ba44
Successfully tagged hive/simulators/dao-hard-fork/synchronisation:latest
INFO[09-27|12:40:00] building new docker image simulator=ethereum/consensus nocache=false
Step 1/6 : FROM jfloff/alpine-python:2.7-onbuild
# Executing 3 build triggers
---> Using cache
---> Using cache
---> Using cache
---> 63a5ba759d8b
Step 2/6 : RUN apk add --update curl git && git clone --depth 1 && echo "cacheoff6"
---> Using cache
---> b0fdd2c3fbc0
Step 3/6 : ADD /
---> Using cache
---> b7fb006fa4f4
Step 4/6 : RUN chmod +x /
---> Using cache
---> d3a00078ab01
Step 5/6 : COPY *.py /
---> Using cache
---> 8e804d282fb6
Step 6/6 : ENTRYPOINT ["python","/"]
---> Using cache
---> 229b33a87bab
Successfully built 229b33a87bab
Successfully tagged hive/simulators/ethereum/consensus:latest
INFO[09-27|12:40:00] building new docker image simulator=ethereum/rpc/eth nocache=false
Step 1/31 : FROM golang:1-alpine
---> 233ed4ed14bf
Step 2/31 : RUN apk add --update git make gcc musl-dev curl jq linux-headers
---> Running in 1ec9934c957d
(1/23) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.32.0-r0)
(2/23) Installing libssh2 (1.8.0-r3)
(3/23) Installing libcurl (7.61.1-r0)
(4/23) Installing curl (7.61.1-r0)
(5/23) Installing binutils (2.30-r5)
(6/23) Installing gmp (6.1.2-r1)
(7/23) Installing isl (0.18-r0)
(8/23) Installing libgomp (6.4.0-r8)
(9/23) Installing libatomic (6.4.0-r8)
(10/23) Installing pkgconf (1.5.3-r0)
(11/23) Installing libgcc (6.4.0-r8)
(12/23) Installing mpfr3 (3.1.5-r1)
(13/23) Installing mpc1 (1.0.3-r1)
(14/23) Installing libstdc++ (6.4.0-r8)
(15/23) Installing gcc (6.4.0-r8)
(16/23) Installing expat (2.2.5-r0)
(17/23) Installing pcre2 (10.31-r0)
(18/23) Installing git (2.18.0-r0)
(19/23) Installing oniguruma (6.8.2-r0)
(20/23) Installing jq (1.6_rc1-r1)
(21/23) Installing linux-headers (4.4.6-r2)
(22/23) Installing make (4.2.1-r2)
(23/23) Installing musl-dev (1.1.19-r10)
Executing busybox-1.28.4-r1.trigger
OK: 120 MiB in 37 packages
Removing intermediate container 1ec9934c957d
---> 6bde6ad5b2c5
Step 3/31 : RUN (git clone -b master --single-branch /go/src/
---> Running in b48c5aa6d073
Cloning into '/go/src/'...
Removing intermediate container b48c5aa6d073
---> e1d4a8b069df
Step 4/31 : RUN (cd /go/src/ && git checkout c8695fae359aa327da9203a57ffaf4f2d47d4370)
---> Running in f1111ab39680
Note: checking out 'c8695fae359aa327da9203a57ffaf4f2d47d4370'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
HEAD is now at c8695fae3 logger: remove Core verbosity level (#3659)
Removing intermediate container f1111ab39680
---> 3a9880f3d8c1
Step 5/31 : RUN (cd /go/src/ && GOPATH=/go make all)
---> Running in d480666cb3b1
build/ go run build/ci.go install
ci.go:161: You have Go version go1.11
ci.go:162: go-ethereum requires at least Go version 1.4 and cannot
ci.go:163: be compiled with an earlier version. Please upgrade your Go installation.
exit status 1
make: *** [Makefile:25: all] Error 1
EROR[09-27|12:49:00] failed to build docker image simulator=ethereum/rpc/eth error="The command '/bin/sh -c (cd /go/src/ && GOPATH=/go make all)' returned a non-zero code: 2"
CRIT[09-27|12:49:00] failed to simulate clients error="simulators/ethereum/rpc/eth: The command '/bin/sh -c (cd /go/src/ && GOPATH=/go make all)' returned a non-zero code: 2"
DBUG[09-27|18:19:00] deleting shell container
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