Save adimancv/eb2f4b46d3c95e6b8fe4dd52375236b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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* Gist DarkCode ver 0.2.1 | |
* Update 03/12/2021 www.adiman.web.id | |
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Heya, how do I remove the little text at the bottom of the gist which says "{filename} hosted with ❤️ by GitHub"? Or is that not possible?
Edit: Apparently it's stored in a nested div class called "gist-meta", I'll look up on how to remove nested divs, if that's possible (not very good at js)
Edit 2: Found a solution! Put this script in your HTML and run the function onload:
function onLoad() {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll(".gist > .gist-file > .gist-meta");
This removes the div that the message is stored in, therefore removing the message entirely. Credits here
Heya, how do I remove the little text at the bottom of the gist which says "{filename} hosted with ❤️ by GitHub"? Or is that not possible?
Edit: Apparently it's stored in a nested div class called "gist-meta", I'll look up on how to remove nested divs, if that's possible (not very good at js)
Edit 2: Found a solution! Put this script in your HTML and run the function onload:
<script> function onLoad() { var elements = document.querySelectorAll(".gist > .gist-file > .gist-meta"); elements[0].parentElement.removeChild(elements[0]); } </script>
This removes the div that the message is stored in, therefore removing the message entirely. Credits here
Or just hide it with this:
.gist-meta{display: none;}
This works. All one needs to do is
- copy the whole chunk above (css_dark_mode_gist_embed_code.css file)
- create a .CSS file,
- paste the whole chunk in that css file
- link your html and the css file
Thanks @adimancv a lot for sharing the snippet
Thanks to all for the snippets! I wish someone would create a userstyle (I might do it). Here is one based on the snippets above:
/* ==UserStyle==
@name GitHub Gist DarkCode
@namespace xxx
@version xxx
@license xxx
@homepageURL xxx
@author xxx
@updateURL xxx
==/UserStyle== */
* Gist DarkCode ver 0.2.0
* Copyright (c) 2017 KillerCodes.in
* License: Free to use with this file header ;)
* src: https://gist.github.com/adimancv/eb2f4b46d3c95e6b8fe4dd52375236b2;
* additions:
* - https://gist.github.com/adimancv/eb2f4b46d3c95e6b8fe4dd52375236b2#gistcomment-3595796
* - https://gist.github.com/adimancv/eb2f4b46d3c95e6b8fe4dd52375236b2#gistcomment-3890098
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.highlight .sh {
color: #b5bd68 !important;
.highlight .si {
color: #de935f !important;
.highlight .sx {
color: #b5bd68 !important;
.highlight .sr {
color: #b5bd68 !important;
.highlight .s1 {
color: #b5bd68 !important;
.highlight .ss {
color: #b5bd68 !important;
.highlight .bp {
color: #c5c8c6 !important;
.highlight .vc {
color: #c66 !important;
.highlight .vg {
color: #c66 !important;
.highlight .vi {
color: #c66 !important;
.highlight .il {
color: #de935f !important;
/* Make it work for .csv gists */
.gist .markdown-body .csv-data th,
.gist .markdown-body .csv-data td,
.gist .markdown-body .csv-data .blob-num {
background: #000;
background-color: #000;
.gist .blob-interaction-bar .octicon-search>path {
fill: #fff
.gist .blob-interaction-bar>input {
background: #000
.gist .blob-interaction-bar {
background: #000
/* Hide `{filename} hosted with heart by GitHub` */
.gist-meta {
display: none;
/* Use dark background colour of the header and foorter */
.gist .gist-data {
background-color: #000;
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
Thankyou so much for this, it is going to be used in my portfolio site to share my gists! your the man
Thank you so much i was working in my site which is in dark mode and the gist was all white but this helped thanks!!!!
This is causing problem when integrating it with my website, the CSS in here makes highlight colors of some areas invisible.
::selection {
background: #46ccff;
color: #fff;
text-shadow: none
To fix it, I removed this whole part:
::selection {
background: #46ccff;
color: #fff;
text-shadow: none
::-moz-selection {
background: #46ccff;
color: #fff;
text-shadow: none
also added this to make the borders black
.gist-data {
border-color: #ffffff !important;
background-color: rgba(254, 67, 67, 0) !important;
the result:
Just a thought, if you didn't want to completely rewrite or duplicate the GitHub dark mode css and use javascript to use your css, seems like you could do this in your own CSS. Ideally, it would be nice if GitHub would make it so you can pass in a variable to the URL to set the color mode and theme but I do not think they have dark mode CSS for the gist meta at the bottom anyways.
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
.gist {
filter: invert(1);
Amazing! The only problem is that it does not work for
gists.edit: For anyone with this problem, just add this: