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Created August 1, 2022 05:02
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dbt Store Test Failures Macro (for BigQuery)
--add "{{ store_test_results(results) }}" to an on-run-end: block in dbt_project.yml
--run with dbt build --store-failures. The next v.1.0.X release of dbt will include post run hooks for dbt test!
{% macro store_test_results(results) %}
{%- set test_results = [] -%}
{%- for result in results if result.node.resource_type == 'test' -%}
{%- set test_results = test_results.append(result) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% if test_results|length == 0 -%}
{{ log("store_test_results found no test results to process.") if execute }}
{{ return('') }}
{% endif -%}
{%- set central_tbl -%} {{ target.schema }}.test_results_central {%- endset -%}
{%- set history_tbl -%} {{ target.schema }}.test_results_history {%- endset -%}
{{ log("Test logging notes")}}
{{ log("Centralizing " ~ test_results|length ~ " test results in " + central_tbl, info = true) if execute }}
{{ log(test_results, info=true) }}
create or replace table {{ central_tbl }} as (
{%- for result in test_results %}
{%- set test_name = '' -%}
{%- set test_type = '' -%}
{%- set column_name = '' -%}
{%- if result.node.test_metadata is defined -%}
{%- set test_name = -%}
{%- set test_type = 'generic' -%}
{%- if test_name == 'relationships' -%}
{%- set column_name = result.node.test_metadata.kwargs.field ~ ',' ~ result.node.test_metadata.kwargs.column_name -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set column_name = result.node.test_metadata.kwargs.column_name -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- elif is defined -%}
{%- set test_name = -%}
{%- set test_type = 'singular' -%}
{%- endif %}
cast('{{ test_name }}' as string) as test_name,
cast('{{ result.node.config.severity }}' as string) as test_severity_config,
cast('{{ result.status }}' as string) as test_result,
cast('{{ process_refs(result.node.refs) }}' as string) as model_refs,
cast('{{ process_refs(result.node.sources, is_src=true) }}' as string) as source_refs,
cast('{{ column_name|escape }}' as string) as column_names,
cast('{{ }}' as string) as test_name_long,
cast('{{ test_type }}' as string) as test_type,
cast('{{ result.execution_time }}' as string) as execution_time_seconds,
cast('{{ result.node.original_file_path }}' as string) as file_test_defined,
cast('{{ var("pipeline_name", "variable_not_set") }}' as string) as pipeline_name,
cast('{{ var("pipeline_type", "variable_not_set") }}' as string) as pipeline_type,
cast('{{ }}' as string) as dbt_cloud_target_name,
cast('{{ env_var("DBT_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID", "manual") }}' as string) as _audit_project_id,
cast('{{ env_var("DBT_CLOUD_JOB_ID", "manual") }}' as string) as _audit_job_id,
cast('{{ env_var("DBT_CLOUD_RUN_ID", "manual") }}' as string) as _audit_run_id,
cast('{{ env_var("DBT_CLOUD_URL", "") }}' || ''||'{{ env_var("DBT_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID", "manual") }}'||'/runs/'||'{{ env_var("DBT_CLOUD_RUN_ID", "manual") }}'
as string ) as _audit_run_url,
current_timestamp as _timestamp
{{ "union all" if not loop.last }}
{%- endfor %}
{% if != 'default' %}
create table if not exists {{ history_tbl }} as (
{{ dbt_utils.surrogate_key(["test_name", "test_result", "_timestamp"]) }} as sk_id,
from {{ central_tbl }}
where false
-- what is the purpose of ^this false condition? is it tied to the jinja logic?
insert into {{ history_tbl }}
{{ dbt_utils.surrogate_key(["test_name", "test_result", "_timestamp"]) }} as sk_id,
from {{ central_tbl }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
return a comma delimited string of the models or sources were related to the test.
e.g. dim_customers,fct_orders
behaviour changes slightly with the is_src flag because:
- models come through as [['model'], ['model_b']]
- srcs come through as [['source','table'], ['source_b','table_b']]
{% macro process_refs( ref_list, is_src=false ) %}
{% set refs = [] %}
{% if ref_list is defined and ref_list|length > 0 %}
{% for ref in ref_list %}
{% if is_src %}
{{ refs.append(ref|join('.')) }}
{% else %}
{{ refs.append(ref[0]) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ return(refs|join(',')) }}
{% else %}
{{ return('') }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
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