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Created October 12, 2021 21:02
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LiwcUtils class for Python
import liwc
import csv
import numpy as np
import re
import seaborn as sns
def printProgress(message, progress, limit):
output = f"{message} ({progress}/{limit})"
print("\r{: <100}".format(output), end="")
class LiwcUtils:
def __init__(self, path, configpath):
self._parse, self.cat_names = liwc.load_token_parser(path)
self.cat_dict = {}
with open (configpath, 'r') as config:
csvFile = csv.reader(config)
for line in csvFile:
self.cat_dict[line[1]] = int(line[0])
self.numcats = len(self.cat_names)
def getCats(self):
return self.cat_dict.copy()
def tokenize(self, string):
for match in re.finditer(r'\w+', string.lower(), re.UNICODE):
def parse(self, string, arr=None, unrecognized=None):
if arr is None:
arr = np.zeros(self.numcats)
tokens = self.tokenize(string)
if unrecognized is None:
unrecognized = {}
total = 0
for token in tokens:
total += 1
count = 0
for cat in self._parse(token):
# print(self.cat_dict[cat])
arr[self.cat_dict[cat]] += 1
count += 1
if count == 0:
if token not in unrecognized:
unrecognized[token] = 1
unrecognized[token] += 1
return arr, unrecognized, total
def parseSeries(self, series, normalizeRows=True, normalizeCols=False):
if isinstance(series, pd.Series) or isinstance(series, list):
raise Exception("This accepts only pandas.Series or Lists")
l = len(series)
print("(LIWCUtils) Parsing Series of size", l)
arr = np.zeros((l, self.numcats))
unrecognized = {}
count = 0
for i in range(l):
_,_,c = self.parse(series[i], arr[i], unrecognized)
count += c
if i % 1000 == 0:
printProgress("(LIWCUtils) Parsed", i, l)
printProgress("(LIWCUtils) Parsed", l, l)
print(f"(LIWCUtils) Total number of tokens unrecognized = {sum(unrecognized.values())}/{count}")
print(f"(LIWCUtils) Top ten unrecognized tokens are:")
for i in sorted(unrecognized.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:20]:
if normalizeRows:
print(f"(LIWCUtils) Normalizing Rows")
s = np.linalg.norm(arr, ord=1, axis=1) + 1e-12 #Adding a very small number to avoid divide by zero errors
arr = arr/(s[:,None])
if normalizeCols:
print(f"(LIWCUtils) Normalizing Columns")
s = np.linalg.norm(arr, ord=1, axis=0) + 1e-12
arr = arr/s
print(f"(LIWCUtils) Done!")
return arr
# Initialize using this line
lc = LiwcUtils('/fastdata/LIWC2015_English.dic', '/notebooks/adithya/liwc-experiments/config/liwc_cats.csv')
# Parse series using this command
res = lc.parseSeries(processed)
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