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Last active November 14, 2020 15:28
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AiRlections smart contract
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
contract Ownable {
address public owner;
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
contract Airlections is Ownable {
uint8 public votersRegistered;
uint8 public candidatesRegistered;
uint8 public votesCasted;
uint256 public votingCloses;
bool public draw;
bool public resultsFinalized;
struct Candidate {
//Custom data type for the Candidate
string name;
uint8 votes;
uint8 regNo;
struct Voter {
string name;
bytes32 crypto;
bool vote;
uint256 voteCastTime;
Candidate[] elections;
Candidate public winner;
mapping(uint8 => bool) public candidateExists; //to track if a candidate with the same name is registered
mapping(uint8=> uint8) public eachCandidate; // to map each candidate name to respective array index
mapping(string => bool) public voterExists; //to track if a voter with the same name is registered
mapping(string=> Voter) public eachVoter; // to map each voter name to respective Voter data
modifier onlyNewVoter(string memory names) {
if (voterExists[names] || block.timestamp > votingCloses )
revert("This voter is already registered.");
modifier onlyNewCandidate(uint8 _regNo) {
if (candidateExists[_regNo] || block.timestamp > votingCloses )
revert("This Candidate is already registered.");
constructor(uint8 _hours) public {
//The contract deployer sets the duration and initializes the rest of the variables
votersRegistered = 0;
candidatesRegistered = 0;
votesCasted = 0;
draw = false;
resultsFinalized = false;
winner = Candidate("\x00\x00", 0, 0);
votingCloses = block.timestamp + (_hours * 1 hours);
function addVoter(string memory _name, string memory _crypto) public onlyOwner onlyNewVoter(_name) returns (bool) {
bytes32 cryptoHash;
cryptoHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_crypto));
eachVoter[_name] = Voter(_name, cryptoHash, false, 0);
voterExists[_name] = true;
return true;
function addCandidate(string memory _name, uint8 reg) public onlyOwner onlyNewCandidate(reg) returns (bool){
Candidate memory can = Candidate(_name, 0, reg);
eachCandidate[reg] = candidatesRegistered;
candidateExists[reg] = true;
return true;
function castVote(string memory _name, string memory _crypto, uint8 _candidate) public onlyOwner returns (bool){
block.timestamp < votingCloses,
"Voting has closed."
"Voter does not exist"
"Candidate does not exist."
"Voter has already casted vote."
eachVoter[_name].crypto == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_crypto)),
"Invalid crypto code."
//If all the requirements are met, register the voter's vote.
eachVoter[_name].voteCastTime = block.timestamp;
eachVoter[_name].vote = true;
return true;
function finalizeWinner() public onlyOwner {
"Results already finalized."
block.timestamp > votingCloses,
"The voting is still open."
if(candidatesRegistered == 2){
resultsFinalized = true;
if(elections[0].votes == elections[1].votes)
draw = true;
winner = elections[0].votes > elections[1].votes ? elections[0] : elections[1];
function isElectionOpen() public view returns (bool){
return( block.timestamp < votingCloses );
function getWinner() public view returns (Candidate memory) {
return winner;
function getDrawStatus() public view returns (bool){
return draw;
function getVotersCount() public view returns (uint8) {
return votersRegistered;
function getVoteCount() public view returns (uint8){
return votesCasted;
function getCandidateCount() public view returns (uint8){
return candidatesRegistered;
function getVoterStatus(string memory _name) public view returns (bool){
return eachVoter[_name].vote;
// function getCandidateDetails(uint8 _reg) public view returns (Candidate){
// return elections[eachCandidate[_candidate]]
// }
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