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Created October 30, 2018 21:53
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Implementation of Barrington's theorem. Convert's circuit to a group program and then runs it to show the truth table according to the group program
# Author: P. R. Vaidyanathan
# Examples at the end of document
class Permutation(list):
Represents a permutation and supports inverse, composition,
multiplication using * operator, action on set (through calling),
cycle decomposition and cycle to cycle conversion
def __init__(self, map_to): = list(map_to)
self.n = len(
self._inv = None
def __call__(self, l):
return Permutation([l[e] for e in])
except TypeError:
l = list(l)
return Permutation([l[e] for e in])
def compose(self, p2):
return self(
def __mul__(self, p2):
return self.compose(p2)
def inv(self):
if not self._inv:
res = [-1]*self.n
for i in range(self.n):
res[[i]] = i
self._inv = Permutation(res)
return self._inv
def comm(self, p2):
cyc1 = self.decompose()
cyc2 = Permutation(p2).decompose()
assert len(cyc1) == 1, "self not a single cycle"
assert len(cyc2) == 1, "other not a single cycle"
return Permutation(y for x,y in sorted(zip(cyc1[0], cyc2[0])))
#return Permutation(y for x,y in sorted(zip(p2,
def decompose(self):
cycles = []
visited = [False]*self.n
for start in range(self.n):
if visited[start]: continue
visited[start] = True
cur_cyc = [start]
cur =[start]
while True:
if cur == start:
visited[cur] = True
cur =[cur]
return cycles
def make_wreath(inners, outer, debug=False):
Construct a permutation which is a wreath product of a list of permutations (inners)
and an outer permutation
dom = len(inners[0])
assert len(outer) == len(inners), "outer permutation mismatch with inner permutations"
assert all(len(i)==dom for i in inners), "inner permutation degrees different"
innerps = [Permutation(ip)(range(dom*i,dom*i+dom)) for i,ip in enumerate(inners)]
if debug:print innerps
final = []
for i in Permutation(outer):
if debug:print final
return Permutation(final)
class Circuit(object):
Represents abstract tree, used to hold expressions
Modified from:
def __init__(self , value):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
def __str__(self):
s = ""
braces = bool(self.left or self.right)
s += "("*braces
if self.left:s += str(self.left)
s += str(self.value)
if self.right:s += str(self.right)
s += ")"*braces
return s
def make_circuit(postfix, unary="-", binary="+*"):
Parse postfix expression (from space-separated string) to
construct an expression tree
Accepts strings of binary of unary operator symbols
Modified from:
stack = []
for char in postfix.split() :
if char in binary:
t = Circuit(char)
# Pop two top nodes
t1 = stack.pop()
t2 = stack.pop()
t.right = t1
t.left = t2
elif char in unary:
t = Circuit(char)
t1 = stack.pop()
t.right = t1
t = Circuit(char)
t = stack.pop()
return t
# postfix = "x1 x2 + y2 f * g * -"
# r = make_circuit(postfix, "", "+*-")
# print "Infix expression is", r
class GroupProgram(object):
Represents a Group Program (see Barrington's Theorem).
Supports appending instructions of the form (var, g, h). Also supports
running the program by providing the variable values either as dict
or keyword arguments.
def __init__(self, degree=5, instrs=[]):
self.instr = [] = degree
if instrs:
for var, g, h in instrs: self.append(var, g, h)
def append(self, var, g, h):
assert isinstance(g,Permutation), "g must be permutation object"
assert isinstance(h,Permutation), "h must be permutation object"
self.instr.append((var, g, h))
def __str__(self):
s = ""
for var, g, h in self.instr:
s += "<{},{},{}>\t".format(var, g, h)
return s.strip()
def run(self, valdict={}, **kwargs):
res = Permutation(range(
for var, g, h in self.instr:
if valdict[var]:
res = res*g
res = res*h
return res
def adjust(el, rho, pre=True):
Adjust an instruction of a group program by (pre|post)multiplying
both g and h by given permutation
var, g, h = el
if pre:
return (var, rho*g, rho*h)
return (var, g*rho, h*rho)
def circuit2gp(circuit, alpha):
Construct a Group Program which alpha-evaluates the given circuit
(See Barrington's Theorem)
g = Permutation([1,2,3,4,0])
h = Permutation([2,0,4,1,3])
e = Permutation(range(5))
val = circuit.value
if val not in "^v-":
if val == "1":
return [("x1", alpha, alpha)]
elif val == "0":
return [("x1", e, e)]
return [(val, alpha, e)]
elif val == "-": # NOT gate
p_ = circuit2gp(circuit.right, alpha.inv)
return p_ + [("x1", alpha, alpha)]
elif val == "v": # OR gate
new_c = Circuit("-") # apply DeMorgan's law
new_c.right = Circuit("^")
new_c.right.left = Circuit("-")
new_c.right.left.right = circuit.left
new_c.right.right = Circuit("-")
new_c.right.right.right = circuit.right
return circuit2gp(new_c, alpha)
else: # assume AND gate (^)
p1 = circuit2gp(circuit.left, g)
p2 = circuit2gp(circuit.right, h)
p1_ = circuit2gp(circuit.left, g.inv)
p2_ = circuit2gp(circuit.right, h.inv)
rho = alpha.comm(g*h*g.inv*h.inv)
p1[0] = adjust(p1[0], rho, pre=True)
p2_[-1] = adjust(p2_[-1], rho.inv, pre=False)
return p1 + p2 + p1_ + p2_
def test_gp(gp, varnames):
Test given Group Program by tabulating all possible values
numvar = len(varnames)
print "|\t".join(varnames + ["output"])
for i in range(2**numvar):
bits = bin(i)[2:].zfill(numvar)
varvals = dict(zip(varnames, map(int,bits)))
#print varvals
print " |\t".join(bits),"|\t",
### Usage
my_cyc = Permutation([1,3,0,4,2])
c = make_circuit("x1 1 ^ x2 - ^", "-", "^")
gp = GroupProgram(degree=5, instrs=circuit2gp(c, my_cyc))
print gp
print c
test_gp(gp, ["x1", "x2"])
c = make_circuit("x1 1 ^", "-", "^")
gp = GroupProgram(degree=5, instrs=circuit2gp(c, my_cyc))
print gp
print c
test_gp(gp, ["x1"])
c = make_circuit("x1 1 v", "-", "^v")
gp = GroupProgram(degree=5, instrs=circuit2gp(c, my_cyc))
print gp
print c
test_gp(gp, ["x1"])
c = make_circuit("x1 x2 v", "-", "v")
gp = GroupProgram(degree=5, instrs=circuit2gp(c, my_cyc))
print gp
print c
test_gp(gp, ["x1", "x2"])
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