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Last active August 14, 2016 08:29
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IMS Grader (v5.3)
function sep() {console.log("");} // separator for console output
/* Obsolete function, retained for explanatory purposes */
function check(a, b, c) { // checks if any two of a,b or c is true
return ( (a||b) && (b||c) && (a||c) );
/* individual row scraper, gather all information about a course and return as object */
function indi(t) {
t = $(t);
obj = {};
tds = t.find("td");
obj.sem = tds.eq(0).text().trim();
obj.code = tds.eq(1).text().trim();
obj.course = tds.eq(2).text().trim();
obj.credits = parseInt(tds.eq(3).text().trim(), 10);
obj.grade = tds.eq(4).find('input').val();
return obj;
/* main process, computes individual spi and final cpi */
function process() {
var sems = {}, msg="";
var carry_cpi = parseFloat(prompt("Unrecorded CPI (Optional)")) || 0;
var grand_total_credits = parseInt(prompt("Unrecorded Total credits (Optional)")) || 0,
grand_total_points = parseInt(prompt("Unrecorded Credit Points You Earned (Optional)")) || 0;
// aliases for convenience in verification of "unrecorded" quantities
var a = carry_cpi, b = grand_total_points, c = grand_total_credits;
if (a||b||c) { // at least one of the values provided
// check if all "unrecorded" quantities can be computed from provided set
if ( (a||b) && (b||c) && (a||c) ) {
// set all values, depending on the possibly incomplete set provided
grand_total_points = grand_total_points || Math.round(carry_cpi*grand_total_credits);
carry_cpi = carry_cpi || (grand_total_points/grand_total_credits);
grand_total_credits = grand_total_credits || Math.round(grand_total_points/carry_cpi);
} else {
// only one of the "unrecorded" quantity given, not possible to carry on
alert("Insufficient data. Couldn't calculate CPI.");
msg = "\nUnrecorded Credit Points you earned: " + grand_total_points + "\nUnrecorded Total Credits: " + grand_total_credits + "\nUnrecorded CPI: " + carry_cpi.toFixed(2);
// grade to score mapping
map = {"A+": 11,"A": 10,"A-": 9,"B": 8,"B-": 7,"C": 6,"C-": 5,"D": 4,"F": 0};
// for each course, do...
$(".st_grid_row").each(function() {
obj = indi(this);
if (!(obj.sem in sems)) { // if new semester encountered
sep(); // add separator to console output
// create new entry for this semester
sems[obj.sem] = { total_credits: 0,
total_points: 0 };
if (map[obj.grade]) { // if grade is valid or worth considering (ignores "P" grade)
console.log(obj.sem + ": Considering", obj.code, "("+obj.course+")");
sems[obj.sem].total_credits += obj.credits;
sems[obj.sem].total_points += obj.credits * map[obj.grade];
} else {
console.log(obj.sem + ": Not considering", obj.code, "("+obj.course+")");
for (var t in sems) {
tp = sems[t].total_points; // total points this semester
tc = sems[t].total_credits; // total credits this semester
grand_total_credits += tc;
grand_total_points += tp;
spi = (tp / tc).toFixed(2);
msg = "SPI for " + t + " : " + spi + " \n" + msg;
console.log("SPI for ", t, ":", spi);
final_cpi = (grand_total_points / grand_total_credits).toFixed(2)
msg = "<b>CPI: " + final_cpi + "</b>\n\n" + msg;
console.log("Final CPI: " + final_cpi);
$('div.span11 input').val(final_cpi); // update "CPI" input box value
// styling the cpi input box
$('div.span12:last,div.span12:last input').css({"line-height":"18pt","font-size":"18pt",height:"32px","font-weight":"bold"});
// insert summary message
$('.widget-title').after('<hr/><p style="padding-left:10px;">'+msg.replace(/\n/g,"<br/>")+'</p>');
function reset() {
$('.st_grid_row td:nth-child(5) input').val(function() {return $(this).data().default;});
/* get page ready by inserting "Calculate CPI" button, and converting "grade" labels into edittable inputs */
function init() {
// insert "Calculate CPI" button
$('.widget-title').after('<hr/><p style="text-align:center;margin-bottom:0;"><button onclick="process();" type="button" style="font-size:16pt;">Calculate CPI</button><button onclick="reset();" type="button" style="font-size:16pt;">Reset grades</button></p><hr/>');
// convert labels into edittable inputs
$('.st_grid_row td:nth-child(5)').replaceWith(function() {
var t = $(this).text().trim();
return '<td><input data-default="'+ t +'" value="' + t + '"></input></td>'});
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