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Created July 29, 2019 14:33
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GRE Trainer 2.2
/* GRE Trainer 2.2
* Bookmarklet to help with GRE Vocab
* Grab the bookmarklet from
* Instructions:
* 1. Go to
* 2. Click bookmarklet
* 3. Select the decks you want to practice and click "Load Selected Decks"
* 4. Use `tab/shift+tab` to navigate through the words
* 5. While on a word, use `m` to mark it (say, to indicate that you're having trouble with this word)
* 6. Click "Save marked" and enter a username you think might be sufficiently unique
* 7. Click "Load marked" and enter the same username to retrieve the set of marked words saved against that username
* 8. Mark some words and select "Add marked" to add the marked words to the existing marked words saved against that username
* 9. Click "Show marked" to show only the marked words
javascript: (function() {
function shuffleArray(a) {
for (var e = a.length - 1; e > 0; e--) {
var o = Math.floor(Math.random() * (e + 1)),
t = a[e];
a[e] = a[o];
a[o] = t;
return a
function loadjson(a, e) {
$.getJSON(app.api_url + a, e);
function updatejson(a, e, o) {
url: app.api_url + a,
type: "PUT",
data: JSON.stringify(e),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: "undefined" != typeof o ? o : function() {
console.log("update json " + a + " successfull");
function makeword(a, e, o) {
var t = $(app.template).clone();
t.find(".col_a div.text").text((o ? o + ". " : "") + a);
t.find(".col_b div.text").text(e).attr("tabindex", "0");
return t;
function update(focusing) {
if (typeof(focusing) == "undefined")
focusing = true; // default value
if (app.update_timeout > 0) {
console.log("refreshed timeout");
app.update_timeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
$('#counts #words').text($('.gre-word:visible').length);
$('#counts #marked').text($('.marked:visible').length);
if (focusing) $(".col_b div:visible").eq(0).focus();
}, 100);
function addwords(a) {
var e;
for (var o = 0; o < a.length; o++) {
e = makeword(a[o].word, a[o].meaning, o + 1);
$(".things .thing.text-text").eq(0).before(e);
function markword(a, e) {
console.log("marking", $(a)[0], e);
function markwords(a) {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
markword(".thing.text-text:has(.col_a.text:contains(' " + a[e] + "'))", a[e]);
function getmarked() {
return $.makeArray($(".thing.text-text.marked .col_a")).map(a=>$(a).text().split(" ")[1]);
function cachemarked(a) {
app.marked_words = a;
console.log("marked words loaded")
function loadmarked() {
app.user = prompt("Username:");
if (app.user in app.marked_words) {
} else {
alert("Username not found");
app.user = undefined;
function savemarked() {
app.user = prompt("Username (First time? Choose anything): ");
if (app.user) {
app.marked_words[app.user] = getmarked();
updatejson(app.api_id_marked, app.marked_words, function(a) {
console.log("marked words json updated");
function remove_dupes(a) {
return a.filter( (v,i,s)=>s.indexOf(v)==i );
function addmarked() {
var a = app.user = prompt("Username (First time? Choose anything): ");
if (a) {
app.marked_words[a] = app.marked_words[a].concat(getmarked()).filter((v,i,s)=>s.indexOf(v)==i);
updatejson(app.api_id_marked, app.marked_words, function(a) {
console.log("marked words json updated");
function requestwords() {
if (app.words) {
} else {
loadjson(app.api_id_words, fetchwords);
function fetchwords(a) {
if ("undefined" != typeof a) {
app.words = a;
console.log("all words loaded")
} else {
console.log("using cached words");
var e = $.makeArray($(".sub-option:checked")).map(a=>,
o = [];
for (var t in app.words) {
if (e.indexOf(app.words[t].name) > -1)
o = o.concat(app.words[t].words);
o = shuffleArray(o);
if (app.user && app.user in app.marked_words)
function showhelp() {
alert("tab: next word, shift-tab: previous word, m: mark word");
function check_children() {
var a = this;
$.makeArray($(".sub-option." + {
e.checked = a.checked
function check_parent() {
var e = $(this).closest("ul").prev("label").find("input")[0],
o = $.makeArray($(this).closest("li").siblings("li").find("input")).concat(this);
total_checked =>a.checked).reduce((a, e)=>a + e);
if (total_checked == o.length) {
e.checked = true;
e.indeterminate = false;
} else {
if (0 == total_checked) {
e.checked = false;
e.indeterminate = false }
else {
e.checked = false;
e.indeterminate = true;
function init() {
console.log("init fired");
app.template = $(".thing.text-text").eq(0).clone();
$(".progress-box").next("h4")[0].id = "counts";
$("#counts")[0].childNodes[0].replaceWith(" words");
$('#counts').find('span').text(" marked").prepend('<span id="marked"></span>');
$('#counts').prepend('<span id="words"><span>');
$("body").on("change", ".option", check_children);
$("body").on("change", ".sub-option", check_parent);
$('#counts span:not(.pull-right)').text(0); // reset counts
$("body").on("keydown", ".col_b div", function(a) {
if (77 == a.which || 109 == a.which)
$(document).keydown(function(a) {
if (191 == a.which)
$("#showmarked").click(function() {
loadjson(app.api_id_marked, cachemarked);
console.log("init done");
app = {};
app.update_timeout = -1;
app.api_url = "";
app.api_id_words = "nh821";
app.api_id_marked = "gqm9d"; = "<style>.col_b div.text {color: white;}.col_b div.text:hover {color: black;}.col_b div.text:focus {color: black;}.thing.marked {background-color: lightpink}.thing.marked .col_b div.text {color: lightpink;}.thing.marked .col_b div.text:hover {color: black;}.thing.marked .col_b div.text:focus {color: black;}ul {list-style: none;}ul ul li {display: inline-block; margin: 3px;}input[class$=option] {margin-top: 0;margin-right:2px;}.loadbutton {min-width: 130px; margin: 5px;}#requestwords {min-width: 200px;}.loadbutton.loading .no-load {display: none;}.loadbutton:not(.loading) .load {display: none;}</style>";
app.html = '<div class="selection progress-box"><form><h3>Select Decks</h3><button class="pull-right loadbutton" id="requestwords" type="button">Load<span class="no-load"> selected decks</span><span class="load">ing...</span></button><ul><li><label><input type="checkbox" class="option" id="common">Common words</label><ul><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="c0" class="common sub-option"> I</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="c1" class="common sub-option"> II</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="c2" class="common sub-option"> III</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="c3" class="common sub-option"> IV</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="c4" class="common sub-option"> V</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="c5" class="common sub-option"> VI</label></li></ul></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" class="option" id="basic">Basic words</label><ul><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="b0" class="basic sub-option"> I</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="b1" class="basic sub-option"> II</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="b2" class="basic sub-option"> III</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="b3" class="basic sub-option"> IV</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="b4" class="basic sub-option"> V</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="b5" class="basic sub-option"> VI</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="b6" class="basic sub-option"> VII</label></li></ul></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" class="option" id="advanced">Advanced words</label><ul><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="a0" class="advanced sub-option"> I</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="a1" class="advanced sub-option"> II</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="a2" class="advanced sub-option"> III</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="a3" class="advanced sub-option"> IV</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="a4" class="advanced sub-option"> V</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="a5" class="advanced sub-option"> VI</label></li><li><label><input type="checkbox" id="a6" class="advanced sub-option"> VII</label></li></ul></li></ul><hr><button class="loadbutton" id="savemarked" type="button">Sav<span class="no-load">e marked</span><span class="load">ing...</span></button><button class="loadbutton" id="addmarked" type="button">Add<span class="no-load"> marked</span><span class="load">ing...</span></button><button class="loadbutton" id="loadmarked" type="button">Load<span class="no-load"> marked</span><span class="load">ing...</span></button><button class="loadbutton" id="showmarked" type="button">Show <span class="no-load">marked</span><span class="load">all</span></button></form></div>';
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