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Last active April 27, 2020 08:06
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#Lists in python
#Lists are created using []
List1=[1,2,3,"Hello",5.5,1+2j] #List1 having 6 elements
List2=[3,4,"World",1.0] #List2 having 4 elements
#To find lenght of list, we use len()
print("The length of List1-",len(List1))
#To add any element at end of the list, we use append()
print("List1 after adding new element",List1)
#To insert an element anywhere in list,we use insert() with index where it is to be inserted. All other elements shift accorindly
List2.insert(3,"inserted_element") #inserting new element in index 3
print("List2 after inserting-",List2)
#To access any element, we use <listname>[i] where i is the element index.
print("4th element of List1 is given by",List1[3])
#To access a group of elements(list slicing),we use <list name>[i:j] where i is starting index
# and j is ending index which is not included
print("2nd,3rd and 4th element of List2 is given by",List2[2:5])
#To change any element , simply assing a new value to any index (because Lists are Mutable)
print("List1 after changing its 4th element-",List1)
#To delete an element by index, we use pop() or del[], and by value ,we use remove
# (pop returns valuee of element being deleted whereas del does not)
List1.pop(5) #deleting last element of List1
del List1[0] #deleting first element of List1
List2.remove("World") #deleting by value
print("List1 after deletions-",List1,'\n',"List2 after deletion-",List2)
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