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Created October 11, 2019 19:26
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void main() {
group('StorageProvider', () {
FirebaseStorageMock firebaseStorage = FirebaseStorageMock(); //Create the mock objects required
StorageReferenceMock storageReference = StorageReferenceMock();
StorageReferenceMock rootReference =
StorageReferenceMock(childReference: storageReference);
StorageReferenceMock fileReference = StorageReferenceMock();
StorageUploadTaskMock storageUploadTask = StorageUploadTaskMock();
StorageTaskSnapshotMock storageTaskSnapshot = StorageTaskSnapshotMock();
MockFile mockFile = MockFile();
String resultUrl = "";
StorageProvider storageProvider =
StorageProvider(firebaseStorage: firebaseStorage);
test('Testing if uploadImage returns a url', () async {
SharedPreferencesMock sharedPreferencesMock = SharedPreferencesMock();
SharedObjects.prefs = sharedPreferencesMock;
when(SharedObjects.prefs.setString(any, any)).thenAnswer((_)=>Future.value(true));
when(mockFile.path).thenReturn("/storage/file.jpg"); //this is necessary because basename() method from path.dart uses the path of the file to return its basename
(_) => Future<StorageTaskSnapshotMock>.value(storageTaskSnapshot));
.thenAnswer((_) => Future<String>.value(resultUrl));
expect(await storageProvider.uploadFile(mockFile, ''), resultUrl);
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