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Created September 22, 2011 15:16
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# Defaults
grid = [10,10]
container = "#container"
# Button types
buttons =
text :
html : '<div>
<div class="content">
Double click to edit me
dblclick : ->
console.log this
content_el = $(this).children('.content')
content = content_el.html()
# Make new instance of CKEditor -> remove current if exists.
editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor
if editor?
editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor
# Add .edits content to ckeditor, add event handler to update .edit
editor.on 'change', -> content_el.html editor.getData()
image :
html : '<div>
<strong>Image will go here</strong>
dblclick : ->
alert "this works"
# Function to update the server with position and dimensions of .edits
updatePosition = (evt) ->
self =
$self = $(self)
pos = $self.position()
xPos = pos.left
yPos =
width = $self.width()
height = $self.height()
observeEdits = ->
.append('<div class="gridline gridline_x"></div><div class="gridline gridline_y"></div>')
.mousedown ->
# This should be the only edit with class .selected
.dblclick ->
# get edit type (eg. text / img etc) and match against buttons to find dblclick function
edit_class = @className.match(/edit_([^\s]*)/)[1]
buttons[edit_class].dblclick.apply @
grid : grid
# Always should be highest z-index of .edits
stack : '.edit'
# Snap to other .edits
# snap: '.edit'
snapMode : 'outer'
containment : container
# functions to run during drag events
start : (evt) ->
# show gridlines
drag : (evt, ui) ->
# Force draggable to stay on grid
ui.position.left -= ui.position.left % grid[0] -= % grid[1]
stop : (evt) ->
# hide gridlines
updatePosition(evt, this)
grid : grid
handles : 'n, e, s, w, ne, se, sw, nw '
containment : container
stop : updatePosition
resize : (evt,ui) ->
# Force resize to stay on grid
ui.size.width -= ui.size.width % grid[0]
$ ->
# Toolbox items can be dragged onto the container to create new
# text fields/ images / etc...
$('#toolbox > a')
helper : 'clone'
# We will clone the 'helper' when we finish dragging
.bind 'dragstop', (event,ui) ->
# Find the position relative to the container
{left,top} = ui.position
left -= $(container).position().left
top -= $(container).position().top
# Find the button in the button object that matches this button
button_class = @className.match(/button_([^\s]*)/)[1]
button = buttons[button_class]
console.log button
left : left
top : top
# Call observeEdits to make this act as one of the .edits
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