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Created October 15, 2011 21:44
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# Defaults
grid = [10,10]
container = "#container"
# Button types
buttons =
text :
html : '<div>
<div class="content">
Double click to edit me
dblclick : ->
content_el = $(this).children('.content')
content = content_el.html()
# Make new instance of CKEditor -> remove current if exists.
editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor
if editor?
editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor
# Add .edits content to ckeditor, add event handler to update .edit
editor.on 'change', -> content_el.html editor.getData()
getValue : ->
layerTitle : ->
image :
html : '<div>
<strong>Image will go here</strong>
dblclick : ->
$("body").append('<div id="imageupload" style="display: none;"><input type="file" id="imageuploader" /></div>')
div: '#imageupload',
title: 'Image upload',
overlayClose: true
$(this).children('strong, img').remove()
getValue : ->
layerTitle : ->
background :
html: '<div></div>'
dblclick: ->
getValue : ->
layerTitle : ->
# Edit object containing functions that will run on .edits
edit =
select : (el, calledByLayer = false) ->
#select the matching layer $(el).data('layer'), true ) if not calledByLayer
# This should be the only edit with class .current and only draggable .edit
$('.edit.current').removeClass('current').draggable 'disable'
$(el).addClass('current').draggable 'enable'
# Layer object containing functions to run on layers
layer =
select : (el, calledByEdit = false) ->
editEl = $(el).data 'el'
type = $(el).data 'type'
# Select matching .edit, true) if not calledByEdit
# make this the selected layer
$('#layers .current').removeClass 'current'
$(el).addClass 'current'
# Display relevant properties panel
# also, populate it with the current properties
$('#properties input').each(->
$(this).val($(editEl).css $(this).attr('name'))
$('#properties li').hide()
$('#properties_' + type).show()
# Updates the layer title
update : (el) ->
$this = $(el)
console.log $
title = buttons[$ 'type'].layerTitle.apply $ 'el'
setImageAttr = (el) ->
# Arrange layers by z-index (highest at top)
orderLayers = ->
layers = $('#layers')
$('li', layers).sortElements (a,b) ->
$(b).data('z-index') - $(a).data('z-index')
Adds a layer to the layers panel and links the layer to the .edit and vice versa
@param htmlElement el - the .edit to link to the layer
addLayer = (el) ->
layers = $('#layers')
# Sort out z-index of edit
zIndex = parseInt( $(el).css('z-index') ,10)
zIndex = 0 if isNaN zIndex
# Add new layer
new_layer = $('<li />')
'el' : el
'type' : $(el).data 'type'
'z-index' : zIndex
.html('<a href="#">Layer</a>')
.click ->
layers.append new_layer
# Link this layer to the .edit
'layer' : new_layer
layer.update new_layer
observeEdits = ->
.append('<div class="gridline gridline_x"></div><div class="gridline gridline_y"></div>')
.mouseup -> @
.dblclick ->
# get edit type (eg. text / img etc) and match against buttons to find dblclick function
buttons[$(@).data 'type'].dblclick.apply @
disabled : true
grid : grid
containment : container
# functions to run during drag events
start : (evt) ->
# show gridlines
drag : (evt, ui) ->
# Force draggable to stay on grid
ui.position.left -= ui.position.left % grid[0] -= % grid[1]
stop : (evt) ->
# hide gridlines
grid : grid
handles : 'n, e, s, w, ne, se, sw, nw '
containment : container
resize : (evt,ui) ->
# Force resize to stay on grid
ui.size.width -= ui.size.width % grid[0]
.each ->
type = @className.match(/edit_([^\s]*)/)[1]
$(@).data('type', type)
addLayer @
$ ->
# key shortcuts
$(window).keyup (event) ->
current = $('.edit.current')
if event.keyCode is 46 and current.length > 0 # Delete key - delete current .edit'layer').remove()
# Button actions
$('.save').click ->
return false
$('.newVar').click ->
return false
# Observe properties inputs to change css props on current selected .edit
$('#properties input')
.change ->
# Get property and value
prop =
val = @.value
el = $('#layers .current').data('el')
$(el).css prop,val
.each ->
self = @
# make it a colorpicker
if 'color' > -1
onBeforeShow : ->
onChange : (hsb,hex,rgb) ->
console.log @
$(self).val("#" + hex).trigger 'change'
# Toolbox items can be dragged onto the container to create new
# text fields/ images / etc...
$('#toolbox a')
helper : 'clone'
# We will clone the 'helper' when we finish dragging
.bind 'dragstop', (event,ui) ->
# Find the position relative to the container
{left,top} = ui.position
left -= $(container).position().left
top -= $(container).position().top
# Find the button in the button object that matches this button
button_class = @className.match(/button_([^\s]*)/)[1]
button = buttons[button_class]
left : left
top : top
# Call observeEdits to make this act as one of the .edits
# Make layers draggable and auto become draggable.
axis : 'y'
update : (evt, ui) ->
# Order the edits by z-index consecutively.
layers = $('#layers > li')
layers.each (idx) ->
zidx = idx + 1
$(this).data 'z-index', zidx
$($(this).data 'el').css 'z-index', zidx
layer.update @
# Create a new variation
window.variation = (v) ->
editData = {
cid: id
vid: v
# Position data
width : $(container).width()
height : $(container).height()
(data) ->
window.vid = data
# Save action
window.savePage = ->
$('.edit').each ->
$this = $(@)
pos = $this.position()
if $this.children('.content').length > 0
value = $this.children('.content').html()
value = $this.children('img')
randomcontainer = $('<div />')
value = randomcontainer.html()
editData = {
type: $'type')
zindex: $this.attr('z-index')
id : $'id')
vid : vid
# Position data
xPos : pos.left
yPos :
width : $this.width()
height : $this.height()
html : value
css : $this.attr('style')
(data) ->
$'id', data)
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