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Created January 10, 2016 16:33
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// This is a modified version of vps.js for use with cloudserver presales.
// TODO: refactor configurator to be a class which is extended by VPS and Cloud.
(function ($) {
'use strict';
var capitalize = function (str) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
// Model
var CloudServer = window.CloudServer = function (options) {
// Merge passed options with defaults. Call this.set on each.
options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, options);
$.each(options, $.proxy(this.set, this));
// if ftp > 0 on initialize, assume self there's already a vps backup product linked.
if (this.get('ftp') > 0) {
this.hasExistingFTPBackup = true;
CloudServer.prototype.defaults = {
cpu: 4,
ram: 24,
hdd: 1000,
ftp: 0,
os: 'CentOS 6',
cp: 'Plesk 10',
billingPeriod: 'y',
powerPack: 0,
antivirus: 0,
ips: 0,
snapshots: 0,
isos: 0,
price: 14.99,
item_id: null,
server_size: 'L',
server_type: 'basic'
/* Static */
CloudServer.humanReadableValueProcessors = {
cpu: function (val) {
return val + ' vCore' + (val > 1 ? 's' : '');
ram: function (val) {
return val + 'GB RAM';
hdd: function (val) {
var hddSize = 1000;
if (val > 4000) {
hddSize = 2000; // Dedicated server is x 2000gb rather than x 1000GB
return (val / hddSize) + " x " + hddSize + "GB";
return (val / hddSize) + ' TB';
ftp: function (val) {
return (val * 10) + 'GB';
os: function (val) {
if (/windows/i.test(val)) {
return 'Windows Server';
return val;
cp: function (val) {
if (val === 'Plesk 10') {
return 'Plesk 11 <span class="small">(10 domains)</span>';
} else if (val === 'Plesk 100') {
return 'Plesk 11 <span class="small">(100 domains)</span>';
return val;
billingPeriod: function (val) {
return val === 'y' ? 'a year' : 'a month';
base_price: function (val) {
var price = CTX.helpers.vat.priceOutputValueString(val);
return 'From ' + price + '/month';
price: function (val) {
var price = CTX.helpers.vat.priceOutputValueString(val);
return price;
server_type: function (val) {
if (val === 'dedicated') {
return 'Dedicated Cloud Server';
if (val === 'hybrid') {
return 'Cloud Hybrid Server';
return 'Cloud Server';
CloudServer.osToCpMap = {
'CentOS 6': /.*/,
'Ubuntu': /.*/i,
'Windows Server 2008': /.*/i,
'Debian': /No CP/i
CloudServer.processHumanReadableValue = function (key, val) {
if (CloudServer.humanReadableValueProcessors.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return CloudServer.humanReadableValueProcessors[key](val);
return val;
// Prices per unit of each vps option
CloudServer.prices = {
basic: {
L: 59,
XL: 74,
XXL: 89,
'Windows Server 2008': 10,
'Plesk 100': 5,
'Plesk Unlimited': 20,
'cPanel': 10,
powerPack: 5,
antivirus: 10,
snapshots: 10,
isos: 1,
ips: 1
// These prices will inherit from basic.
dedicated: {
L: 109,
XL: 149,
XXL: 199,
'Windows Server 2008': 60
dedicated_XXL: {
'Windows Server 2008': 120
hybrid: {
S: 49,
M: 59,
L: 79,
XL: 99,
XXL: 149,
'3XL': 199,
'Windows Server 2008': 10,
'Plesk 100': 5,
'Plesk Unlimited': 20,
'cPanel': 10,
powerPack: 5,
antivirus: 10,
snapshots: 10,
isos: 1,
ips: 1
hybrid_XL: {
'Windows Server 2008': 60
hybrid_XXL: {
'Windows Server 2008': 60
hybrid_3XL: {
'Windows Server 2008': 120
// This will check for a price in the price object specific to
// the server type and size. If it's not there, it will recurse
// down server size and types until it finds it.
CloudServer.getPriceForOption = function (option, type, size) {
// price object name could either be type (i.e. dedicated) or type_size (i.e. dedicated_XL)
var price_object_name = type;
if (size) {
price_object_name += '_' + size;
if (CloudServer.prices.hasOwnProperty(price_object_name)) {
var price_object = CloudServer.prices[price_object_name];
if (price_object.hasOwnProperty(option)) {
return price_object[option]; // Price exists!
if (size) {
return CloudServer.getPriceForOption(option, type);
} else if (type !== 'basic') {
return CloudServer.getPriceForOption(option, 'basic');
} else {
return 0;
/* Instance Methods */
CloudServer.prototype.isDedicated = function () {
return this.get('server_type') === 'dedicated';
CloudServer.prototype.isAllowedCp = function (os, cp) {
if (cp === 'No CP') {
return true;
if (CloudServer.osToCpMap.hasOwnProperty(os)) {
return CloudServer.osToCpMap[os].test(cp);
return false;
CloudServer.prototype.getHumanReadableValue = function (key) {
var val = this[key];
if (key === 'base_price') {
val = this.getBasePrice();
} else if (!this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return 0;
return CloudServer.processHumanReadableValue(key, val);
CloudServer.prototype.set = function (key, val) {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
val = Math.round(val);
this[key] = val;
$(this).trigger('change', key);
CloudServer.prototype.get = function (key) {
return this[key];
CloudServer.prototype.cpIsPlesk = function () {
return (/Plesk/i).test(this.get('cp'));
CloudServer.prototype.removePleskOptions = function () {
this.set('powerPack', 0);
this.set('antivirus', 0);
this.set('languagePack', 0);
CloudServer.prototype.getBasePrice = function () {
var size = this.get('server_size') || 'L';
return this.getPriceForOption(size);
CloudServer.prototype.getPriceForOption = function (option) {
var type = this.get('server_type');
var size = this.get('server_size');
return CloudServer.getPriceForOption(option, type, size);
CloudServer.prototype.getPrice = function () {
var total = this.getBasePrice();
var os = this.get('os');
var cp = this.get('cp');
var self = this;
// Add prices for plesk options
$(['powerPack', 'antivirus', 'ips', 'snapshots', 'isos']).each(function (i, option) {
var value = self.get(option);
if (value > 0) {
total += value * self.getPriceForOption(option);
// Add prices for os
total += this.getPriceForOption(os);
// Add prices for cp
total += this.getPriceForOption(cp);
if (this.get('billingPeriod') === 'y') {
total = total * 11; // one month free
return total.toFixed(2);
CloudServer.prototype.updatePrice = function () {
this.set('price', this.getPrice());
CloudServer.prototype.setCpToAllowed = function () {
var os = this.get('os');
var cp = this.get('cp');
if (!this.isAllowedCp(os, cp)) {
this.set('cp', window.CloudServerConfig.fallbacks.cp);
CloudServer.prototype.bindEvents = function () {
$(this).on('change', function (evt, key) {
if (key !== 'price') {
if (key === 'os' || key === 'ram') {
// We use a string version of billing period when posting to server.
CloudServer.prototype.billingPeriodString = function () {
return this.get('billingPeriod') === 'y' ? 'Yearly' : 'Monthly';
//We use this because we have multiple products
CloudServer.prototype.starterString = function () {
return this.get('starter') === true ? ' Starter' : '';
CloudServer.prototype.saveOptionNameMap = {
'antivirus': 'Cloud Plesk Anti-Virus',
'powerPack': 'Cloud Plesk Power Pack',
'ips': 'Cloud IP',
'snapshots': 'Cloud Snapshot',
'isos': 'Cloud ISO',
'CentOS 6': 'CentOS'
// Any of these self don't return false will be used in the save function.
// Return value will consist of an option and a quantity to match the format
// of the current save post.
CloudServer.prototype.saveOptionProcessors = {
'os cp': function (option) {
var saveOption = this.get(option);
if (this.saveOptionNameMap.hasOwnProperty(saveOption)) {
saveOption = this.saveOptionNameMap[saveOption];
return {
option: 'Cloud ' + saveOption,
quantity: 1
'antivirus powerPack ips snapshots isos': function (option) {
var product = {
option: this.saveOptionNameMap[option],
quantity: this.get(option)
if (!this.get(option)) {
product.quantity = 0;
if ($.inArray(option, ['powerPack', 'antivirus', 'languagePack']) > -1) {
return product;
// Is this an update or an add to basket
CloudServer.prototype.isExistingProduct = function () {
return !!this.item_id;
CloudServer.prototype.hasExistingFTPBackup = false;
success - function to call on save success
optionsToSave (optional) - Array. if passed, only saves options which are included
CloudServer.prototype.buildProduct = function (optionsToSave) {
var type = this.get('server_type');
var size = this.get('server_size');
optionsToSave = optionsToSave || [];
var options;
var option;
var optionData;
var optionDataIndex = 0;
var data;
if (type === 'hybrid') {
var small = ['S', 'M', 'L'];
var hybridMap = {
'S': 'L',
'M': 'XL',
'L': 'XXL',
'XL': 'L',
'XXL': 'XL',
'3XL': 'XXL'
/** Need to temporarily cast type
* as 'hybrid' is just a rename
if (small.indexOf(size) > -1) {
type = 'basic';
} else {
type = 'dedicated';
size = hybridMap[size];
data = {
product: capitalize(type) + ' Cloud Server ' + size + ' ' + this.billingPeriodString(),
options: {}
if (this.get('billingPeriod') === 'y') {
data.years = 1;
data.months = 0;
} else {
data.years = 0;
data.months = 1;
var products = [];
if (this.item_id) {
data.item_id = this.item_id;
// Build product options data
for (var processorKey in this.saveOptionProcessors) {
if (this.saveOptionProcessors.hasOwnProperty(processorKey)) {
var processor = this.saveOptionProcessors[processorKey];
// The processor name contains a space delimited list of all the options
// we want to pass to it
options = processorKey.split(' ');
for (var i = 0, j = options.length; i < j; i++) {
option = options[i];
// If optionsToSave is passed, we only want to save certain options.
if (optionsToSave.length && optionsToSave.indexOf(option) === -1) {
optionData =, option);
if (optionData) {
data.options[optionDataIndex] = optionData;
return products;
}; = function (success, optionsToSave) {
var products = this.buildProduct(optionsToSave);
var self = this;
if (self.isExistingProduct() === false) {
CTX.basket.add(products, function () {
if (window.location.href.indexOf('manageextras') === -1) {
window.location.href = window.CTX.paths.basket_url;
} else {
CTX.basket.updateProductInBasket(products, function () {
if (window.location.href.indexOf('manageextras') === -1) {
window.location.href = window.CTX.paths.basket_url;
// must target current modal otherwise it closes upsell models
// and triggers a redirect which screws up the async nature and causes
// race condition nightmares. This is a fix, not a solution.
var modal = $('.configurator').closest('.modal');
if (modal.length) {
return products;
CloudServer.prototype.makeFTPBackupProduct = function () {
var parent = 'txn:0';
var localpart = 'txn:0';
if (this.isExistingProduct()) {
parent = this.item_id;
localpart = this.localpart;
return {
_hidden: 1,
product: 'CloudServer Backup ' + this.billingPeriodString(),
quantity: this.get('ftp'),
parent: parent,
localpart: localpart
window.CloudConfigurator = (function () {
/* Constructor
* model - CloudServer object
* options - optional hash
function Configurator(model, options) {
this.sliders = {};
this.selects = {};
Configurator.prototype.defaults = {
enabledFeatures: []
Configurator.prototype.setOptions = function (options) {
this.options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, options);
if (this.options.enabledFeatures.length) {
Configurator.prototype.changeModel = function (model, updateFromProduct) {
var oldModel = this.model;
model = model || this.model || new CloudServer();
if (updateFromProduct) { //If we have an existing product in the cart; copy across its vitals
model.localpart = oldModel.localpart;
model.item_id = oldModel.item_id;
model.os = oldModel.os;
model.cp = oldModel.cp;
model.ips = oldModel.ips;
model.ftp = oldModel.ftp;
model.billingPeriod = oldModel.billingPeriod;
// Unbind listeners on old model.
this.model = model;
Configurator.prototype.bindModelEvents = function () {
var self = this;
$(this.model).on('change.Configurator', function (evt, key) {
if (key === 'os' || key === 'ram') {
if (key === 'cp') {
Configurator.prototype.unbindModelEvents = function () {
Configurator.prototype.bindEvents = function () {
$('.feature_change').find('select, input').on('change', $.proxy(this.inputChanged, this));
var self = this;
$('#configurator_buy').click(function (e) {
if ($.fn.modalmanager) {
$('body').modalmanager('loading', function () {});
$.proxy(, self)();
//JKTODO this needs to be in a better place
$('div[data-toggle="buttons-radio"] button').click(function () {
var $el = $(this);
var val = $el.attr('data-value');
var $hidden = $el.parent().find('.radio-hidden:first');
if ($hidden && (val !== $hidden.val())) {
self.model.set($hidden.attr('name'), val);
Configurator.prototype.hideFeaturesExcept = function (features) {
var allFeatures = $('.feature:not(.buy_section, .price_section)');
for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
var feature = features[i];
var row = this.getFeatureRow(feature);;
Configurator.prototype.getFeatureRow = function (feature) {
var $el = $('.configurator_label[data-labelfor="' + feature + '"]');
return $el.closest('.feature');
Configurator.prototype.initSliders = function () {
var self = this;
$('.configurator .feature_slider').each(function () {
Configurator.prototype.initSlider = function (el) {
var feature ='feature');
var self = this;
if (feature) {
var $sliderElement = $('div[data-feature="' + feature + '"]').find('.slider');
var minLevel = 0;
var maxLevel = 100;
// Find somewhere better to put this.
if (feature === 'ftp') {
minLevel = 0;
maxLevel = 90;
if (feature === 'hdd') {
minLevel = 2;
maxLevel = 26;
if (feature === 'ram') {
minLevel = 0;
maxLevel = 12;
if (feature === 'cpu') {
minLevel = 1;
maxLevel = 12;
range: 'min',
slide: function (event, ui) { self.sliderClick(feature, ui.value); },
min: minLevel,
max: maxLevel
this.sliders[feature] = $sliderElement;
Configurator.prototype.sliderClick = function (feature, val) {
this.model.set(feature, val);
Configurator.prototype.sliderOver = function (feature, val) {
val = CloudServer.processHumanReadableValue(feature, val);
this.updateLabel(feature, val);
Configurator.prototype.sliderOut = function (feature) {
Configurator.prototype.updateLabels = function () {
var self = this;
$('.configurator .configurator_label').each(function () {
Configurator.prototype.updateLabel = function (feature, val) {
var $el = $('.configurator_label[data-labelfor="' + feature + '"]');
val = val || this.model.getHumanReadableValue(feature);
Configurator.prototype.updateInputs = function () {
var self = this;
$('.feature_change').find('input').each(function () {
$.proxy(self.updateInput, self, $(this))();
Configurator.prototype.setSelectVal = function ($el, val) {
$el.parent().find('ul li a').each(function () {
// jquery attr always returns string, so force val to be string
if ($(this).attr('data-value') === String(val)) {
Configurator.prototype.updateInput = function ($el) {
var feature = this.getFeatureNameFromInput($el);
var val = this.model.get(feature);
var type = $el.attr('type');
if (/_select$/.test(feature)) {
val = this.model.get(feature.replace('_select', ''));
var $display = $el.parent().find('.select-display');
if ($display) {
this.setSelectVal($display, val);
} else if ($el.hasClass('select-display')) {
this.setSelectVal($el, val);
} else if (type === 'checkbox') {
this.setCheckboxVal($el, val);
} else if ($el.hasClass('radio-hidden')) {
this.setRadioButtonVal($el, val);
} else {
var $selectDisplay = $el.parent().find('.select-display');
if ($selectDisplay) { //Kludge JKTODO
this.setSelectVal($selectDisplay, val);
Configurator.prototype.updateFeature = function (feature) {
// First assume it's an input
var $input = $('[name="' + feature + '"]');
if ($input.length) {
return this.updateInput($input);
// Try slider
Configurator.prototype.updateSliders = function () {
for (var slider in this.sliders) {
if (this.sliders.hasOwnProperty(slider)) {
Configurator.prototype.updateSlider = function (feature) {
var val = this.model.get(feature);
if (this.sliders.hasOwnProperty(feature) && this.sliders[feature].slider) {
this.sliders[feature].slider('value', val);
Configurator.prototype.inputChanged = function (evt) {
var $el = $(;
var feature = $el.attr('name');
var val;
var type = $el.attr('type');
if (/\_select/.test(feature)) {
feature = feature.replace('_select', '');
val = $el.val();
} else if (type === 'checkbox') {
val = this.getCheckboxVal($el);
} else if (type === 'radio') {
val = this.getRadioButtonVal($el);
} else {
val = $el.val();
this.model.set(feature, val);
Configurator.prototype.setCheckboxVal = function ($el, val) {
var select;
if (val > 0 && $el.hasClass('checkbox_with_select')) {
select = this.getSelectPairedWithCheckbox($el);
$el.attr('checked', true);
} else {
$el.attr('checked', !!val);
Configurator.prototype.getCheckboxVal = function ($el) {
var val = $':checked');
if (val && $el.hasClass('checkbox_with_select')) {
return this.getSelectPairedWithCheckbox($el).val();
return +(val); // Cast to numeric
Configurator.prototype.setRadioButtonVal = function ($el, val) {
var $hidden = $('input:hidden[name=' + $el.attr('name') + ']').val(val);
var $radio = $hidden.parent().find('button[data-value=' + val + ']');
Configurator.prototype.getRadioButtonVal = function ($el) {
return $('input:hidden[name=' + $el.attr('name') + ']').val();
Configurator.prototype.getFeatureNameFromInput = function ($el) {
var name = $el.attr('name');
if (name) {
name.replace('_select', '');
} else {
name = '';
return name;
Configurator.prototype.getSelectPairedWithCheckbox = function ($el) {
var selectName = $el.attr('name') + '_select';
return $('input[name="' + selectName + '"]');
Configurator.prototype.getSelectWithCheckboxVal = function ($el) {
var checkboxName = this.getFeatureNameFromInput($el);
var $checkbox = $('input[name="' + checkboxName + '"]');
return this.getCheckboxVal($checkbox);
Configurator.prototype.updateAllowedCps = function () {
var os = this.model.get('os');
var selectedCp = this.model.get('cp');
var model = this.model;
if (!model.isAllowedCp(os, selectedCp)) {
this.model.set('cp', 'No CP');
$('.configurator input[name=cp]').parent().find('ul li a').each(function () {
var $opt = $(this);
var cp = $'value');
//JKTODO clean this so I can see them disabled
if (model.isAllowedCp(os, cp)) {
} else {
Configurator.prototype.updatePleskOptionsVisibility = function () {
if (this.model.cpIsPlesk()) {
} else {
Configurator.prototype.getProduct = function () {
return this.model.buildProduct(this.options.enabledFeatures);
}; = function () {, this.options.enabledFeatures);
Configurator.prototype.buySuccess = function () {
var modal = $('.configurator').closest('.modal');
if (modal.length) {
// Redirect to basket if not on manage extras page.
if (window.location.href.indexOf('manageextras') === -1) {
window.location.href = window.CTX.paths.basket_url;
return Configurator;
// This holds any vps's we can load.
// I.E the basket items on basket page.
// The default plans on pre sales.
window.CloudServerConfig = {
fallbacks: {
cp: 'No CP'
basic: {
L: {
server_size: 'L',
cpu: 4,
ram: 24,
hdd: 1000
XL: {
server_size: 'XL',
cpu: 6,
ram: 32,
hdd: 1000
XXL: {
server_size: 'XXL',
cpu: 8,
ram: 48,
hdd: 1600
dedicated: {
L: {
server_size: 'L',
server_type: 'dedicated',
cpu: 12,
ram: 48,
hdd: 1200
XL: {
server_size: 'XL',
server_type: 'dedicated',
cpu: 16,
ram: 64,
hdd: 1200
XXL: {
server_size: 'XXL',
server_type: 'dedicated',
cpu: 24,
ram: 96,
hdd: 3200
hybrid: {
S: {
server_size: 'S',
server_type: 'hybrid',
cpu: 4,
ram: 24,
hdd: 1000
M: {
server_size: 'M',
server_type: 'hybrid',
cpu: 6,
ram: 32,
hdd: 1000
L: {
server_size: 'L',
server_type: 'hybrid',
cpu: 8,
ram: 48,
hdd: 1600,
XL: {
server_size: 'XL',
server_type: 'hybrid',
cpu: 12,
ram: 48,
hdd: 1200
XXL: {
server_size: 'XXL',
server_type: 'hybrid',
cpu: 16,
ram: 64,
hdd: 1200
'3XL': {
server_size: '3XL',
server_type: 'hybrid',
cpu: 24,
ram: 96,
hdd: 3200
availableConfigs: {},
currentProduct: null,
basketConfig: 0 // This holds the current config id
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