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Tutorial 2 - Make the Leap from JavaScript to PureScript

Refactor imperative code to a single composed expression using Box

Note: This is Tutorial 2 in the series Make the leap from JavaScript to PureScript . Be sure to read the series introduction where we cover the goals & outline, and the installation, compilation, & running of PureScript. I’ll be publishing a new tutorial approximately once-per-week. So come back often, there’s a lot more to come!

<< Introduction < Tutorial 1 |

The series outline and javascript code samples were borrowed with permission from the course Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript by Brian Lonsdorf - thank you, Brian! A fundamental assumption of each tutorial is that you've watched his video before tackling the abstraction in PureScript. Brian covers the featured concepts extremely well, and I feel it's better to understand its implementation in the comfort of JavaScript. For this tutorial, we're going to look at another example of the abstraction Box( ) (see video2) that was introduced in Tutorial 1

One more time with feeling - You should be already somewhat familiar with the Box abstraction. You're also able to enter bower update && pulp run and pulp run after that, to load the library dependencies, compile the program, and run the PureScript code example. Finally, if you read something that you feel could be explained better, or a code example that needs refactoring, then please let me know via a comment or send me a pull request on Github. Let's go!

Rewind - function composition with ordinary functions

Before we cover this week's code example, let's step back for a moment to talk more about function composition. While Brian covered it in his video1, there’s been good feedback that I glossed over it in Tutorial 1. So here goes:

You should be asking “why is mapping over Box better than using ordinary functions (a -> b)?” Well, it's not always better because ordinary functions are simpler to read, write, use, and you can reason about their behavior more quickly. For example, it is easier to do the following in PureScript:

   function x    = foo $ bar $ baz $ quux $ x
   or function x = foo <<< bar <<< baz <<< quux $ x
   or function x = (quux >>> baz >>> bar >>> foo) x

Apply ($), backward composition (<<<), or forward composition (<<<) - they all return the same result. So choose which ever is easier for you to understand.

Now, using composition on ordinary functions, let’s refactor nextCharForNumberString from tut01/src/Main.purs. I chose forward composition (>>>) because I prefer showing long transformation chains starting with the first transformation. I'll often put them on separate lines to make them more readable, and I prefer pointfree style (i.e., not mentioning the argument str) whenever possible.

nextCharForNumberString :: String -> String
nextCharForNumberString  =
  trim >>>
  fromString >>>
  fromMaybe 0 >>>
  (+) 1 >>>
  fromCharCode >>>

Where Functors shine is when you’re mixing categories, and you need a bridge from one category to the other. First, what is a category? Well, we’ve seen two categories already from Tutorial 1. Box is a category and Maybe is another, and each contains our transformed values at some point during the transformation chain. If you recall, we passed the value from Maybe back into Box by using the fromMaybe function. Still, using Box and its instances map and fold is contrived in Tutorial 1, because it nextCharForNumberString composes just fine using ordinary functions.

But in the wild, you’ll often be mixing several categories, and thus you’ll likely need to provide an adaptor layer that transforms another category to yours or vice-versa. Functors help you to write this adaptor layer, but we’re not quite ready to show how. We just need a few more tools in our toolbox, so I’ll come back to this topic later in the tutorial series.

Taking Box out for another spin

Our Tutorial 2 code example solves the simple problem of computing a discount, given money and percentage strings. We’re going to use our Box functor again from Tutorial 1, but it would've been perfectly okay to use ordinary function composition. Since our objective is to learn the Box functor, let’s take it out for another spin.

Where did our Box declaration go?

You might be wondering what happened to our Box Class and instances from Tutorial 1, or why aren't they declared in Main.purs. Well, Box is all safe and warm, tucked away in tut02/src/Data/Box.purs. We're going to be using Box in several tutorials, so its best to create a module for it and park it somewhere permanent. In idiomatic PureScript (and Haskell) you'll see type constructors (e.g., List) and functions for working with these constructors in src/Data. Then, just import the module (i.e., import Data.Box (Box(..)) as you would any other module when you need to call the constructor and its functions. I've added a couple more instance declarations to Box.purs, but you can ignore them as we'll be sticking with map, show and extract for now.

Convert the money string to float

First, showing moneyToFloat in JavaScript followed by PureScript.

const moneyToFloat = str =>
    .map(s => s.replace(/\$/g, ''))
     .map(r => parseFloat(r))

The PureScript example below is much more interesting:

moneyToFloat :: String -> Box Number
moneyToFloat str =
    Box str #
    map (replace (Pattern "$") (Replacement "")) #
    map (\replaced -> unsafeParseFloat replaced)

In the replace function, notice the constructor Pattern, which is used by the purescript-strings module to match our substring. I chose to use a substring rather than a regular expression just to keep it simple. It's a viable solution because there should only be one dollar sign in the currency string. Our new substring “” is wrapped in aReplacement constructor which specifies a replacement for our pattern. You can check out Pursuit for more information on these two constructors.

Let’s move on to unsafeParseFloat on the last line. It's our first encounter with PureScript’s FFI capabilities which I partially cover in Calling JavaScript from PureScript in the next section below. In JavaScript’s parseFloat function, invalid number strings return, NaN. But we told the type system that we’re always returning a Number - ouch! We can't return NaN without warning the user because that’s not how we roll in PureScript. We must deal with it - no excuses!

In production, returning a Maybe or Either constructor here would be two good choices, so that the type signature makes it clear that the user must deal with the possibility of NaN. We’ll cover both of these in detail in future tutorials. To avoid conflating the example with these abstractions, I chose to create unsafeParseFloat (see Main.js). Here's why:

In PureScript and other functional languages, it's a common idiom to designate functions as either safe or unsafe whenever there’s the possibility of side effects, such as exceptions. For example, you might create the foreign declaration unsafeHead which returns the head of an array. And to deal with the possibility of calling unsafeHead on an empty array, you can decide to throw an error exception. Therefore designating it with the unsafe prefix warns the user that they should ensure that they never call unsafeHead with an empty array.

Convert the discount string to a number

Next up is percentToFloat which is nothing new, with one exception. We can start immediately with a Box of str.replace(/\%/g, '')). It means that in practice we don't have put a value in the box first before applying our first transformation function. It just comes down to your preference for readability and performance.

const percentToFloat = str =>
     Box(str.replace(/\%/g, ''))
     .map(replaced => parseFloat(replaced))
     .map(number => number * 0.01)

Now the equivalent in PureScript. Again, nothing new here, other than what was described above.

percentToFloat :: String -> Box Number
percentToFloat str =
    Box (replace (Pattern "%") (Replacement "") str) #
    map (\replaced -> unsafeParseFloat replaced) #
    map (_ * 0.01)

And take it home with applyDiscount

Both the JavaScript and PureScript code samples below are excellent examples of using nested closures to compute cost and savings for use within the final expression. But the big ‘ah-ha moment’ is that we use fold instead of map before applying the final expression. Had we used map on each instead of fold, the result would’ve been two boxes deep Box ( Box ( x ) ). Plus there’s no type checker in JavaScript, and so you might’ve gone mapping your merry way into possibly hours of debugging. I’m not sure whether TypeScript or Flow type checkers would catch this problem. You can try it, but I doubt it.

const applyDiscount = (price, discount) =>
     .fold(cost =>
        .fold(savings =>
          cost - cost * savings))

Now, in contrast to JavaScript, here where’s the PureScript compiler can save you hours of frustration. If you try using map instead of extract, the compiler will raise an error message, seeing as you’re calling percentToFloat with a Box String instead of String. That’s the beauty of an intelligent type checker! I encourage you to go ahead and try this yourself so that you become familiar with PureScript's compiler error messages. Again, from Tutorial 1, be aware that extract is different than fold from the JavaScript example above. The instance extract does not apply a function before taking the value out of the box. That’s why I’ve got extract as a function of the string transformations, and its tucked inside parenthesis instead of chaining.

applyDiscount :: String -> String -> Number
applyDiscount price discount =
  (extract $ moneyToFloat price) #
  (\cost -> (extract $ percentToFloat discount) #
    (\savings -> cost - cost * savings))

One final note: besides using ordinary function composition (see Function Composition with ordinary functions above), there’s a more canonical approach to writing applyDiscount. So for those of you who like to see what’s in store for my future tutorials, I’ve included this canonical pattern as a bonus example in the code.

Calling JavaScript from PureScript

This tutorial would not be complete without spending a little more time on PureScript’s foreign function interface (or FFI). It simple terms, the FFI enables communication to and from JavaScript, so that we can take advantage of the vast number of JavaScript libraries that are already available. This topic is covered very well in Phil Freeman’s PureScript made Easy (free to read online), so I highly recommend you read his chapter on it. But if it's TL;DR time again, then I’ve covered calling JavaScript from PureScript below, using safeParseFloat as the example.

From PureScript, to call an existing JavaScript function, we create a foreign import declaration in Main.purs:

foreign import unsafeParseFloat :: String -> Number

We also need to write a foreign Javascript module, in our case Main.js:

”use strict”;

exports.unsafeParseFloat = parseFloat;

Pulp will find .js files in the src directory and provide them to the compiler as foreign Javascript modules. By convention, I called it Main.js as a signal to the user that I defined the foreign declaration for unsafeParseFloat in Main.purs.

I hope you appreciate the simplicity of PureScripts FFI. I believe it's a real advantage over other FFI implementations such as ports in Elm.

That's all for Tutorial 2. Until next time!


<< Introduction < Tutorial 1 |

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